Profiles of Australian Rowers, Officials, Coaches and Administrators
Surnames N-Z
The names below represent the first thousand or so profiles, others are underway. Profiles are not full biographies nor are they all of high profile members of the sport. Profiles of anyone who has made a contribution to the sport as a rower, coach, administrator, umpire or in other ways, are included. Profiles can be submitted for publication to Published profiles will include the author's name and published date.
- Nation, Norman
- Neilson, George
- Nelson, David
- Nethercote, C Robert (Bob)
- Nettlefold, Sir Thomas S R
- Newcomb, Simon
- Newland, Henry S
- Newton, Nicholas
- Nicholes, Stanley
- Nicholls, A
- Nicholls, Andrew
- Nicholls, Arthur
- Nicholls, Dave
- Nicholson, G Harvey
- Nicholson, Gordon
- Nicholson, Gordon 2
- Nicholson, Ross
- Nickson, John
- Nicolaisen, Jacob
- Ninham, Rodger A
- Ninham, Sally
- Nixon, S
- Nolan, W
- Noonan, Dan
- Northam, Charles
- Northam, Rodney
- North Ash, Micahel
- Norwood, Derek E
- Nuttall, Brian
- Nuttall, Joanna
- Oakley, A W (Gus)
- Oakley, A W (Wal)
- Oakley, Michael J
- Oates, Adele
- O'Brien, Chris
- O'Brien, Fiona
- O'Brien, H
- O'Brien, Michael
- Ochert, David
- O'Connor, Denis
- O'Dea, Andrew
- O'Hanlon, Anna C
- O'Hara, John
- Oldham, Frank R
- Oldham, Hector B
- Oldham, V
- Oliver, G H S
- O'Meara, Brendan
- O'Meara, Jason
- O'Neill, Fiona
- O'Neill, Philip J
- O'Reilly, Edward (Teddy) J
- O'Reilly, James H
- Orgill, George
- Orr, Julie
- Orr, W M
- Osmond, David H
- Owen, Martin F
- Oxlade, Ben
- Oxlade, Harry O
- Pain, Edward O G
- Palfreyman, David
- Palfreyman, Susie
- Palmer, Donald R
- Parker, Thomas C
- Parkes, Dr J A
- Parkinson, Wilfred (Bill)
- Parlby, George E
- Partington, Lena
- Paterson, Andrew B (Banjo)
- Patrick, Elizabeth
- Patten, Sam
- Patterson, Celia
- Paul, Jack C
- Paver, Robert D
- Peacock, Hon. Andrew S
- Pearce, Cecil A
- Pearce, Gary M
- Pearce, H Robert (Bobby)
- Pearson, V
- Pedder, Spencer W
- Pender, Claude D
- Pennicott, Stephen G
- Pennington, Robert (Bob)
- Pennington, Simon
- Peppler, Carl F
- Perillo, Roberto
- Peristien, Gordon A
- Peters, James W
- Peterson, Louise
- Peterson, Lucinda
- Petley, Jackie
- Petrin, Louis
- Pfeiffer, Walter H
- Phillips, Andrew
- Philp, Peter E M L
- Picken, J Harvie
- Pierce, Andrew
- Pincus, David
- Pinkerton, Jess
- Playfair, Hamish T
- Podmore, Win
- Poke, Robin
- Polloch, Allan
- Poole, Stuart
- Popa, Ion
- Pope, Kenneth B
- Porra, Bob
- Porter, Ian
- Potter, Frank H
- Potter, William
- Powers, Kathy
- Pragnell, Fergus
- Prime, Geoff
- Prime, Jack
- Pritchard, Jack
- Purnell, Alexander
- Purnell, Nick
- Purnell, Norman R
- Purnell, Robert W
- Purse, Alex
- Rabett, BRIG Rex L R
- Ralph, Royden M
- Ramage, David
- Ramjan, Barbara
- Ranch John R
- Randell, Ellen
- Raper, Peter A
- Raper, Sidney
- Rathausky, K V
- Reardon, Nancy
- Reardon, Roy F
- Reedy, Paul
- Rees, Geoff
- Rees, V
- Reid, Gwen
- Reid, J Alexander
- Renouf, Mary
- Restarick, Clifford
- Richardson, Brian J
- Richardson, Bruce
- Richardson, J Maxwell
- Richardson, Roland H (Ron)
- Richardson, Rosemary
- Richardson, S Graham
- Richards, Robert
- Ricketts, Walter N
- Riley, Murray S
- Rivett, Captain William C
- Robberds, Lionel P
- Roberts Don
- Robertson, Geoffrey O
- Robertson, Jack
- Robertson, John N
- Robertson, Malcolm
- Robertson, Rusty MBE
- Robertson, SGT Robert J
- Robertson, William Hon.
- Robertson, William St L
- Robertson, William T
- Robinson, Jane
- Robinson, John G
- Robinson, Lance
- Robinson, Sir Arthur
- Roche, John F
- Rock, J William
- Rodda, Tom
- Rodgers, John A
- Roll, Steve
- Rook, James
- Rosevear, Oswald (Ossie) N
- Rosser, A Graeme (Gra)
- Rosser, Ben
- Rosser, John
- Ross, Kathryn
- Ross Soden, Harry
- Ross, William G "Stonk"
- Rowe, John S
- Rowe, Paul F
- Rowlands, Sir Donald
- Ruffels, Malcolm
- Ruffels, Owen A
- Ruglin, F J
- Rush, Robert T
- Russell, Matthew
- Ryan, Christian
- Ryan, Matthew
- Ryan, Patrick J
- Ryrie, John A
- Allen (nee Slatter), Kate
- Sabey, P S
- Saddler, H
- Saddler, V J
- Sambell, William A T
- Sassoon, Aaron
- Saunders, Leah
- Scanes, Peter
- Scanlon, John J
- Scanlon, Michael J
- Scharp, Alexander
- Schiesswohl, Lennart
- Schmidt, Kaye
- Schneider, Ray
- Scholefield, Robert B
- Schulze, Herman
- Schweikert, Victor
- Scook, Terrence J
- Scott, Alan R
- Scott, Arthur V
- Scott, Harold J
- Scott, Jack
- Scott, Malcolm
- Scott, Robert G
- Scott, S E
- Scrivener, F John
- Seammen, John W
- Selby Smith, Robyn
- Sens, Catriona
- Shakespear, Peter
- Shannon, A Ron
- Sharp, J H
- Sharp, John B
- Sharrow, Clyde L
- Shaw, Malcolm
- Shaw, Sally
- Shears, Herbert P
- Shears, John D "Jimpy"
- Shenstone, Peter
- Shepherd, Arthur
- Shew, Frank
- Shinners, Christopher D
- Shirlaw, Robert A
- Shirrefs, Stephen
- Sibbin, George S
- Sibillin, Gemma
- Sibillin, Olivia
- Silcock, Martin
- Simson, J Murray
- Sivyer, Richard J
- Skidmore, Frank
- Skidmore, James W (Jim)
- Skidmore, Kevin
- Skidmore, Linda
- Skidmore, Margaret
- Skidmore, Thea
- Skinner, Alan
- Sladden, William, M
- Slade, Leonard
- Sladen, Sir Charles
- Sloan, Alex B
- Sloss, Allan
- Smedley, Arthur E ("Gig")
- Smith, Arthur
- Smith, Colin D
- Smith, Colin J
- Smith, Frank R
- Smith, George W
- Smith, Graeme G
- Smith, L Lawrence
- Smith, Michael
- Smith, Neil H K
- Smith, Ray J
- Smith, Sydney
- Smith, Tim
- Smoothey, George N
- Snadden, W
- Sollom, David J
- Sorani, Armando (Ted)
- Southcott, A Lindsay
- Southern, Jack
- South, Jack
- Speed, Geoff E
- Spencer, Leonard
- Sprigg, James G H
- Spring, Jane F
- Spurling, Stephen
- Stacey, Con
- Stackpoole, A R
- Stankovich, Dushan
- Stanley, Phoebe
- Starke, Sir Hayden
- Steele, Philip J
- Steinle, William
- Stephan, Lucy
- Stevens, Christopher W
- Stevens, Horace E
- Stevenson, COL George I
- Stewart, Charles K
- Stewart, G B (Ted)
- Stewart, Ian
- Stewart, Jack
- Stewart, Rod
- Stewart, Stan
- Stickland, Arthur S
- Still, Megan
- Stirling, David S
- Stockman, Jess
- Stokes, Shirley A
- Stooke, George F
- Stooke, H
- Stooke, N
- Storrer, C Murray
- Storrer, Henry H
- Strachan, Hugh M
- Strachan II, James Ford
- Strang, Robert W A
- Stretch, Noel "Stringy"
- Stride, Frederick C
- Stride, Reg P
- Stroud, Peter
- Stuart, Francis
- Sulzberger, Virginia
- Sutherland, Charlotte
- Sutherland, Elizabeth
- Sutherland, Sophie
- Sutterby, Brett
- Swan, Melanie
- Swann, Tom
- Sykes, Jeff
- Heasman, Athol
- Tait, John
- Tait, Sarah
- Tait, William
- Tattersall, Martin
- Tauber, Alfred C
- Taylor, F J
- Taylor. H J
- Taylor, Mathew
- Taylor, Rachael
- Temple, Walter G
- Ternes, A James
- Theobold, Colin
- Theobold, Janet
- Theobold, Margaret
- Theobold, Trevor
- Thomas, Edward D
- Thomas, W F
- Thompson, Ben S
- Thompson, Harold George "Jack"
- Thompson, Jeff
- Thompson, Lachlan J
- Thompson, Paul
- Thompson, Rowena
- Thompson, W K
- Thomson, Alex W
- Thomson, Frank
- Thornton, A G
- Thornton, Henry James
- Thoroughgood, Ben
- Thursfield, Roy W C
- Tindall, Ernest H
- Tinning, Robert N
- Tisdall, Sarah
- Titterton, Anne
- Titterton, Phillip A
- Todd, W Ray B
- Toll, Ian
- Tomanovits, Martin
- Tomczak, Carl
- Tomkins, James
- Toogood, Gayle
- Toon, Peter F
- Tout, Ross
- Towart, Alexander N
- Towart, Robert J
- Towner, Martin J
- Towns, Charles F
- Towns, George J J
- Towns, John R
- Trebilcock, Harry
- Treloar, John
- Tresidder, Richard B J
- Trout, Lance
- Tucker, G E
- Tuckett, William H
- Tulloch, Eric W
- Tully, Gerald M
- Turnbull, G
- Turnbull, Walter (Wally) R
- Turner, Herbert T
- Turner, H Gyles
- Turrin, Spencer
- Tutty, Ian
- Twomey, David
- Twomey, Sara
- Vaile, Walter H
- Vale, K 'Nobby' R
- Vanderkelen, Claude
- Vawfynice, Louis
- Vear, Brian
- Veenstra, Allan
- Verbunt, Hayley
- Vervoon, Merlin
- Viney, Alexandra
- Vuillermin, Alex
- R Horton Wallman
- Waddington, Peter
- Wade, Chris
- Wade, J Barclay
- Waley, Robert G L
- Walker, Anthony M
- Walker, Harold
- Walker, John M
- Walker, R G
- Wallace-Crabbe, Keith G
- Wallace, William
- Wallace, William L N
- Waller, Eric
- Wallis, George S
- Walters, David
- Ward, Hugh K
- Ward, John C
- Ward, R
- Warner, Thomas D
- Waterfield, William
- Watson, Charles
- Watson, James
- Watters, D
- Watters, John
- Watts, Campbell
- Webb, Kevyn P
- Webb, William
- Webster, Jack W
- Webster, Tim
- Weetman, Percy C
- Welch, John StV
- Wells, Kenneth L
- Wendt, S
- Werry, Katrina M
- Wertheimer, John
- Westbrook, Gordon A
- Westbrook, H T
- West, Cecil A M
- Westendorf, Pam
- Weston, Nicholas
- Westwood, Verna
- Whelan, Victor
- White, Edward (Bill)
- White, G
- Whitehouse, Leeanne
- White, K
- Whitesides, Charles B
- Whitesides, E B
- White, Will
- Whitfield, R E
- Whiting, Harry J
- Whitlock, Elsie
- Whitmore, J
- Whitney, David
- Whitney, J
- Whittle, A
- Whittle, R R
- Whittles, Johanna
- Whitton, A
- Whitty, John B
- Whyte, David
- Whyte, Emma
- Whyte, R
- Whyte, Thomas A
- Whyte, Tim
- Whyte, Tim J
- Wicken, R
- Wickham, H J
- Wickham, Kevin
- Wicks, A
- Wicks, P H
- Wicks, W E
- Widdicombe, Angus
- Wigger, Eva
- Wilcox, Alex
- Wilcox, V
- Wilczynski, Taylor
- Wilkes, Ashley
- Wilkie, David W B
- Wilkinson, Bruce
- Wilkinson, David
- Wilkinson, F
- Wilkinson, Harold
- Wilkinson, H W
- Wilkinson, Noel F
- Wilkinson, Philip C
- Wilkinson, R
- Wilkinson, William T
- Willey, M
- Willey, P
- Williams, A
- Williams, Bernard S
- Williams, Brooke
- Williams, C
- Williams, C
- Williams, C
- Williams, C A
- Williams, Dane
- Williams, David
- Williams, D J
- Williams, Edward
- Williams, Fiona
- Williams, G
- Williams, H
- Williams, H A
- Williams, J A
- Williams, J H
- Williams, Joes
- Williams, John G
- Williams, Joshua
- Williams, K
- Williams, L
- Williams, Leyshon L
- Williams, Liam
- Williams, Lloyd S
- Williams, Michael S
- Williamson, Geoff
- Williams, P L
- Williams, R
- Williams, Robert
- Williams, S
- Williams, Samuel
- Williams, Sir Hartley
- Williams, Stephanie
- Williams, T
- Williams, Toby
- Willing, J
- Willis, E
- Willis, Freya
- Willis, G
- Will, Malcolm
- Wills, Glen S
- Wills, Noel S
- Wilson, A
- Wilson, B
- Wilson, Ciona
- Wilson D K
- Wilson, Edward M (Jim)
- Wilson, Emma
- Wilson, Graeme L
- Wilson-Haffenden, Oliver
- Wilson-Haffenden, T
- Wilson, Jim
- Wilson, Joseph
- Wilson, Kate
- Wilson, Leisa
- Wilson, L Hardy
- Wilson, Mark S
- Wilson, O
- Wilson, P
- Wilson, Roger B
- Wilson, Tas
- Windsor, E
- Windsor, T
- Wing, C
- Wing, F
- Winkworth, Phillip J
- Winkworth, William C
- Winshaw, Simon
- Winstanley, Arthur T
- Winterbotham, C
- Winterbottom, H E
- Winter, Charlie
- Winter, Ernest
- Winter, Ian
- Winter, Jodie
- Winter, Nigel W (Charlie)
- Winter Patrick
- Winter, Robert
- Winter, Scott
- Winton, John R
- Winzenberg, Linda
- Winzenberg, R
- Wirth, Tim
- Wirtz, Ernst
- Wise, J
- Wise, Jodie
- Wise, K
- Wiseman, Michael
- Wiseman, Richard G
- Wisemantel, R
- Wise, Tim
- Wise W
- Wishart, Arthur F
- Wishaw, B
- Wishaw, John
- Wiss, M
- Witham, Anthony
- Witham, William
- Withers, Alison
- Withers, Andrew
- Withers, Pam
- Withers, Sally
- Witt, Allan F
- Witt, D
- Witte, William
- Wittowski, Bill
- Wojtas, Chris
- Wolfe, Joe
- Womersley, Reuben F W
- Woodard, Fiona
- Wood, Charles
- Wood, Danah
- Wood, Dayle V
- Woodham, Chris
- Woodhead, Robert George
- Wood, Helene
- Woodhouse, A
- Woodhouse, F
- Woodhouse, J
- Woodhouse, Jack
- Woodhouse, S
- Wood, J
- Woodlands, Peter
- Wood, Mervyn
- Wood, Michael A
- Wood, Oswald (Ossie) J
- Wood, P
- Woodriff, Francis Henry
- Woods, Helene
- Woods, R
- Woods, Ron
- Woodward, Adam
- Wookey, Claire
- Wookey, Darryl
- Woolbank, Gloria
- Woolcock, Edward
- Wooldridge, E A
- Wooldridge, William (Bill) J
- Woolley, V
- Woolnough, Henry
- Wootton, Caroline
- Worboys, Fleur
- Worboys, Kate
- Worley, Peter
- Worontschak, Tanya
- Worrell, Gary S
- Worrell, Karen
- Worth, Alison
- Worth, Geoff A
- Worthington, Alex
- Worthley, Stephen
- Woudwyk, J
- Wraith, Richard
- Wray, George
- Wray-McCann, P
- Wren, J
- Wridgeway, Alex
- Wright, Alan W
- Wright, Arthur R
- Wright, Bruce
- Wright, C
- Wright, Chris
- Wright, D
- Wright, David
- Wright, F
- Wright, Glenn
- Wright, H E
- Wright, H J
- Wright, J Leonard
- Wright, J W
- Wright, L
- Wright, M L
- Wright, Rebecca
- Wright, Tim
- Wright, Toni-Leigh
- Wright, V
- Wrigley, Alexandra
- Wrigley, Lili
- Wronski, Edward B
- Wruck, Darcy
- Wurf, Cameron
- Wurm, David
- Wust, T
- Wyatt, David
- Wyatt, L
- Wyett, G
- Wylie, Jeff
- Wyllie, Ben
- Wyllie, Rosemary
- Wyly, Dan
- Wyman, C W
- Wyton, Matthew
- Yandell, E
- Yann, Jenny
- Yann, Warren
- Yardley, David
- Yarrow, Robin
- Yates, Aaron A
- Yates, David
- Yates, E F
- Yates, Fred J
- Yates, James
- Yeoman, B
- Yeomans, Alan
- Yeomans, Gina
- Yeomans, James
- Yewers, George H
- Yorke, S G
- Yorston, Edward
- Youl, Gemma
- Youl, Henry
- Youl, Samantha
- Young, A
- Young, A
- Young, A (Derwent RC)
- Young, Adrian G
- Young, Anne
- Young, B
- Young, D
- Young, F
- Young, G (QLD)
- Young, G R
- Young, G (TAS)
- Young, John
- Young, Miss
- Young, N
- Young, Norman
- Young, R
- Young, R
- Young, R J
- Young, Scott
- Young, Susan
- Young, T
- Young, Thomas H
- Young, Tim
- Young, W
- Young, Wayne
- Young, Wes
- Young, William
- Young, William E L
- Young, W R
- Yoxon, W B
- Yuille, John
- Yunghanns, David J
- Zahnleiter, Peter
- Zala, Brendan
- Zala, Peter
- Zamin, Sienna
- Zelly, B
- Zhang, Roy
- Zillies Lou L
- Zimmer, William H
- Zollner, Martin L
- Zovi, Lauren
- Zox, Ephraim L
- Zuideveld, Andrea
- Zuk, Oliver
- Zulsdorf, Cade
- Zunker, Alan
- Zunker, Arthur
- Zunker, Barry
- Zunker, Bevan
- Zunker, Brian
- Zunker, Colin
- Zunker family
- Zunker, Gordon
- Zunker, Herb
- Zunker, Laurie