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australian rowers profiles and history

Richard B J Tresidder

Professional Sculler from Newcastle

Richard Bernard Joel Tresidder [more often recorded as Tressider] (1871-1920), of Carrington and later Mayfield was a broad shouldered fisherman with strong upper body who rowed with skill and stamina. After his first sculling race in 1889 he raced the top local rowers including the Towns' and the Hickeys' throughout the 1890s-early 1900s. Although his earliest successes were in doubles, his breakthrough as a single sculler came in 1896 when he defeated the better credentialed "Hunter Hurricane" Jim Ford over about three miles on the Raymond Terrace course for £50 a side. 

In March 1903 he rowed Harry Pearce on the Parramatta River for the Australian sculling title. He was accompanied by a big contingent of supporters including many of Newcastle's best rowers. It was said that Newcastle people "had come down to a man" and were not afraid of stacking money on their representative taking bets for between £1 and £100. He won by six lengths earning the right to challenge George Towns for the world title. 

Richard 'Dick' Tresidder 

As both were Novocastrians, there was widespread speculation that the match would be held locally. That wasn't to be and the race was held on the Parramatta River on 30 July 1904. Immense interest in the first race for the title to be held in Australia for twelve years drew an estimated 90,000 (including about 1000 Novocastrians) spectators who watched either from the bank or on following boats. For some inexplicable reason Tresidder was favourite with the Novocastrians, his supporters prepared to back him for up to £1000. Some supposedly even mortgaged their homes for the purpose. If true, it turned out to be real bad judgement as Towns won by 20 lengths. 

Following Webb's win over Charlie Towns, Tresidder quickly challenged the new champion. The race that was held on 25 February 1908 over a 3 1/4 mile course on the Wanganui River in New Zealand. Even though Tresidder was supremely confident beforehand he was beaten by 2 1/2 lengths in a time of 20 min 28 secs. After the race, Tresidder rowed the eight miles back to Wanganui. He later said that Webb deserved to win being a better sculler than he had anticipated. Observers felt that the ten-year age difference benefited the younger Webb. 

Soon afterwards, Tresidder announced that he had no intention of ever rowing again. He handed the Australian Sculling Championship over to another Novocastrian, Ben Thoroughgood. 

A fascinating feature of Tresidder's contest against Webb in New Zealand was that his racing singlet bore a kangaroo motif. Nowadays, linking native animals with Australian sporting teams is common but this was 1908. The only reason Tresidder would have adopted the symbol was to identify his nationality. Whether it was a first or whose example he might have followed may never be known. 

Colin Charters
Extracted from his book Just Add Water - the Times an Tides of Newcastle Rowing Club, published by Seaview Press 2009

The following report appeared in the Referee 1/4/1903 on p.6 and describes a dinner held in honour of Tresidder after winning the Australian Professional Sculling Championship.


(From Our Own Correspondent).

Dick Tresidder, who recently defeated Harry Pearce on the Parramatta for the Sculling Championship or Australia, was entertained by his admirers at the Metropolitan Hotel on Friday evening. There was a large and representative gathering of aquatic sportsmen, and apologies for non-attendance were received from Messrs. R. Coombes, George Towns, Chris Neilson, and Harry Pearce. The proceedings were of a most enthuslostle character, and Host Underwood, who was responsible for the catering, gave the utmost satisfaction.

The chair was occupied by the Mayor (Alderman W. Cann), who, in opening the proceedings, said they had met for the purpose of doing honor to Dick Tresidder, who had recently won the Sculling Championship of Australia in a most honorable manner. 

He had known Tresidder for many years, and had always found him a straight goer and a worthy opponent. The guest was in every respect a man well qualified to hold the title, and he (the Mayor) hoped that he would live long to represent Newcastle on the water. 

He regretted in one sense that two Hunter River natives were about to measure blades for the Championship of the World, but as there was nothing else for it, he could only express the hope that the best man would win. (Applause.)

Mr. C. H. Hannell, the father of aquatic sport in the Newcastle district, then rose to make the presentation, the veteran meeting with an enthusiastic reception as he did so. 

He said he felt honored at having been chosen to present Tresidder with a gold watch and chain, the gift of a few of his many admirers. 

Having held the Amateur Championship of N.S.W. for many years, he could speak with some authority as to the capabilities of Tresidder, who had everything to recommend him as a good sculler. His chest development and well developed arms and loins fitted him for anything in which strength and stamina were required.

When called upon to row for the World's Championship, he felt sure that their guest would put forward a thoroughly honorable effort. In all his dealings both in and out of his boat he had proved himself a straight goer, and it was little wonder that the people ot Newcastle held him in such high esteem. 

When George Towns was ready they would for certain see a race for the title, and, as he said on a previous occasion, he hoped the race would be rowed on the Hunter. 

He did not agree with the Mayor when he said that it was a pity to see two Hunter River natives rowing for the title. On the contrary, he (Mr. Hannell) was only too pleased to think that there was a prospect of such a match being made, particularly when they took the fact into consideration that both men were born on the Hunter. It would be something unprecedented in the history of rowing if they could induce the two men to row here, and he sincerely hoped that every effort would be made to bring that about. 

He had been over the Thames course a couple of times, and had frequently visited the Parramatta, and he could say without fear of contradiction that Raymond Terrace was far and away before either of those courses. The present champion had not yet announced when he was likely to make the match, but it was pretty safe to say that he would come out of his shell within six months.  If Towns retained the title he (Mr. Hannell) would be one of the first to congratulate him, and in the event of Tresidder proving victorious, he would be just as proud. 

In concluding, Mr. Hannell handed to Tresidder the watch and chain, and on behalf of the subscribers expressed the hope that he would live long to wear it. The watch (a gold chronograph) was inscribed as follows : "From Newcastle friends to R. B. Tresidder in commemoration of his victory over Harry Pearce on March 7, 1903."

Dr. H. Martin Doyle proposed Tresidder's health in a felicitous speech. He was present with the rest of the company to do honor to a man who had exhibited a great amount of pluck and determination. The pluck required to train for such a contest was proof positive to them that the Hunter River was a spot where men of big hearts were bred. 

Last year he visited Henley with one of the foremost writers on aquatic matters in Great Britain, and while there they saw George Towns, who was engaged training St. John Ash for the Diamond Sculls. His friend made the remark that it was a decided treat to see Towns on the water, and asked if there were many more scullers of his stamp in Australia. He (the doctor) replied that on his river alone (the Hunter) there were half-a-dozen scullers who could beat any man in England. (Applause). It was indeed highly creditable that in a place like Newcastle, with a population of only 75,000, they could produce so many good scullers, and he often wondered why they could not produce a man in Victoria capable ot holding his own with the scullers of New South Wales. 

Good scullers were very scarce in England just now. There were a couple on the Thames and a couple on the Tyne, but none of them were in the first flight. In America there was a good man at the Harvard University, and a couple in Canada, but American gentlemen in London had told him that they were not to be compared with those in Australia.

It would be a good thing for Newcastle if they could get a race for the championship rowed here. Rat Portage was little heard of before Town's rowed Gaudaur there, and he was certain that not one-half of the schoolmasters in New South Wales could have placed their fingers on the map within 1000 miles of that place prior to the contest for the world's championship. As the holder of the title, Towns had the choice of water, but he (the doctor) sincerely hoped that the men would agree to row over the Terrace course. 

He had much pleasure in proposing Tresldder's health, and hoped that he would long retain the title of sculling champion of Australia.

The toast was received with much enthusiasm.

Tresidder, who was quite overcome, made one of his characteristically brief speeches, in acknowledging the toast, and the present.

He assured them all that he would never forget their kindness, and the many considerations they had shown him. He had had a very severe task set him to get well for his contest with Pearce, and he could tell them that the first mile of the race was an exceptionally hard one. 

He was pleased to say that from the time articles were signed until the winning post was passed the best of good feeling had prevailed between himself and Pearce. They met daily on the river during training operations, and always exchanged friendly greetings. He felt all along that he had a good winning chance, and although he had defeated his opponent he did not strike his proper form.

Neilsen, his trainer, had performed wonders in getting him fit. Two and three times a day he neglected his work so as to accompany him on the river, and he (Tresidder) was under a deep debt of gratitude to him for the many kindnesses he had shown him. 

He hoped when he met George Towns that the best man would win. George was sure to prove himself a worthy opponent, as he was a man who could be relied upon to see  the journey out. Personally he would like to see the race rowed on the Hunter — a sheet of water second to none in New South Wales. The Parramatta was a very 'pointing' course, and a man understanding those point's thoroughly had an advantage of eight lengths over a man who did not understand them. 

He again thanked them for their handsome gift, and concluded by proposing Harry Pearce's health.

The toast was received with musical honors, and in the absence of Pearce, a suitable acknowledgment was made by Mr. J. Abberton, a former captain of the Leichhardt Rowing Club.

Mr. F. Underwood gave 'Success to Aquatic Sport,' which was responded to by Messrs. W. Hickey, A. F. Chapman, and J. Abberton.

Mr. H. de V. Newton proposed the health of Messrs. C. Neilsen and W. Marsden, and the toast of the Chairman and committee coupled with the names of the hon. treasurer (Mr. C. H. Hannell) and the hon. sec. (Mr. T. Dover) brought the proceedings to a close.

The following obituary of Tressider was published in the Newcastle Sun on 19th January 1920, page 4 and provides a good summary of the man and the sculler.



Mr. Richard Bernard Joel Tressider, ex-champion sculler of Australia, died at his residence, at Carrington, late on Saturday night.

Deceased who was in his 49th year, was in fair health till the middle of last week, when a reaction took place after his recent severe illness. He was in Newcastle Hospital for ten weeks, and left that institution on December 20. Next Saturday, January 24, he would have celebrated his 49th birthday.

Deceased was associated with St. Thomas's Church of England. 

The late Mr. Joel Tressider was a dealer at Wallsend, where his son, now deceased, was born. 

The family came to Carrington about 35 years ago, and started a fishing and boat hiring business in close proximity to the old smelting works, opposite Walsh Island works. Deceased left the boat hiring business for about two years, and was employed at Maryville Colliery (now closed up) and then went back to the boat business. 

For the last 15 years he was with the harbor and rivers branch, of the Public Works Department, as surveyor's boatman.

The deceased was better known in sculling circles, where he achieved wonderful feats. His first match was against Tom Jordan whom he defeated. He also defeated James Ford and Alfred Worboys. His next big encounter was the race with Harry Pearce for the championship of Australia, and Tressider was once more successful. He next met Geo. Towns for the championship of the world at Parramatta, but was defeated. After that he retired for a time to train Worboys to pull against Thoroughgood, who won the event.

Tressider next challenged Thoroughgood for the championship of Australia and won. He followed up this with a challenge for the world's sculling championship against W. Webb, the New Zealand champion.

This race was fought out on the Wanganui River, New Zealand, in 1908, and Webb, who was of smaller stature than his opponent, after a desperate struggle pulled off the blue ribbon.

In a double-sculled race in a handicap at Speers Point, Tressider and Mat Bedford defeated Geo. Towns and T. Croese. This was considered one of the most exciting races ever held in Australia, and the spectators rushed into the water in their excitement.

'Dick' Tressider was a notable example of the self-made man, and his record is one of which his many friends have reason to be proud. He was recognised as one of the best scullers that Australia produced.

About 17 years ago he married Miss Jessie Partridge, daughter of Ald. and Mrs. Partridge, whose family has a long association with the Carrington district. 

Deceased was a man of splendid physique. In a quiet way he took a keen interest in football and in all the affairs of Carrington municipality and also the welfare of Newcastle. 

He was an enthusiastic member of the order of Druids, being connected with the Hope of Carrington Lodge. To show the confidence reposed in him by the members, he was full judge in the lodge's competitions. He is survived by a widow and young family of four.

Steve Roll
June 2024

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