Profiles of Australian Rowers, Officials, Coaches and Administrators
The names below represent the first thousand or so profiles, others are underway. Profiles are not full biographies nor are they all of high profile members of the sport. Profiles of anyone who has made a contribution to the sport as a rower, coach, administrator, umpire or in other ways, are included. Profiles can be submitted for publication to Published profiles will include the author's name and published date.
Surnames A-C
- Aarons, Sir Daniel S
- Abberton, J
- Abbott, A
- Abbott, C A
- Abbott, C Anthony L
- Abbott, F W
- Abbott, Sir Charles A H L
- Abbott, William N
- a'Beckett, Sir Thomas
- a'Beckett, Thomas Archibald
- Abel, D
- Abel, F
- Abel, H
- Abell, E
- Abercrombie, Jessie
- Aberle, Dean
- Aberle, Peter H
- Abernethy, Keith F
- Abernethy, Reginald McC
- Abernethy, W A
- Abrahams, Paul
- Abrams, Adam
- Absolon, John
- Ackland, Danielle
- A'Court, Herbert (Bert) T
- Acton, John
- Adam, J
- Adam, Janis
- Adam, John C
- Adam, Roy
- Adams, Arthur W
- Adams, Evelyn
- Adams, G J
- Adams, Henry (Harry)
- Adamson, Frances
- Adamson, J W
- Adamson, R H
- Adamson, T W
- Adams, W A
- Addis, David
- Adlard, Francis "Frank" E
- Adlard, Kirsten
- Adlard, Leigh
- Adrians, Craig
- Agar, O
- Agnew, Aaron
- Agnew, Stuart E
- Aherns, David
- Aikman, Michael
- Ainley, Edward R
- Ainsworth, Phillip J
- Aitken, Claire
- Aitken, James
- Aitken, Martin J
- Aitken, Robert R
- Aitken, Victor
- Alcock, Chris J
- Alderdice, Mark
- Alderman, Elizabeth
- Alderman, Robert J
- Alder, Philippa
- Aldersey, Olympia
- Alderson, Sir Harry G
- Aldridge, Jemma
- Aldridge, Joanne
- Aldworth A H
- Alexander, David
- Alexander, James M
- Alexander, Robert McD
- Alexander, Stephanie
- Alexander, Wendy
- Alexander, Wilfred (Wilf) W
- Allan, Graeme K (Mick)
- Allen, Alistair StJ
- Allen, Brynne
- Allen, C J
- Allen, Craig
- Allender, Vi
- Allen, D Ian
- Allen, Gay
- Allen, Gay (QLD)
- Allen, Jessie
- Allen, John
- Allen, Meredith
- Allen (nee Slatter), Kate
- Allen, Robert
- Allen, William P
- Allen, William Robert
- Allingham, Craig
- Allwinton, L
- Almond, James M
- Alp, Les R
- Alston, Thomas
- Alton-Triggs, Lily
- Altschwager, Jed
- Amad, Harry
- Amess, Stuart S
- Anderson, Albert N
- Anderson, David R
- Anderson, George E
- Anderson, George I
- Anderson, George P
- Anderson, Victor
- Anderson, William Munro
- Anezakis, Annie
- Ankerson, Frederick D
- Anketel, W L B
- Annett, Max
- Anslow, William G
- Antill, Caleb
- Antonie, Peter
- Apel, Elliot
- Arch, Alice
- Archer, Isaiah
- Archibald, W
- Armstrong, Andrew
- Armytage, Charles N L
- Armytage, George F
- Arnold, B
- Arthur, John
- Arthur, John T
- Artso, Edward
- Asimus, David
- Asker, Albert W
- Astley-John
- Atkins, Arthur H C
- Atkinson, Iris
- Aubrey, Alfred
- Aylwin, H S
- Ayres, Nikki
- Baass, Oscar H
- Backhouse, Alfred P
- Bagnall, David
- Bailey, Dave
- Bailey, J
- Bailey, William M
- Baillieu, Will J
- Baker, Glenn McGregor
- Baker, Jason P
- Baker, Nicholas, J
- Bakker, Adam
- Balosso, Stephano
- Bannister, J L
- Barber, John E L
- Bardakos, Jim
- Barden, Geoff
- Barker, E Roy
- Barker, John
- Barnes, R
- Barnet-Hepples, Talia
- Barnfather, A E Ralph
- Barnfather, Eliot Ralph
- Barns, Graeme
- Barrett, A George (Paddy)
- Barrett, Jack
- Barr, Paige G
- Bartholomew, B
- Bartholomew, J
- Bartholot, David
- Bartlett, Charles D
- Barton, Charles F
- Barton, James
- Barton, Newton
- Barton, Sir Edmund
- Bassett, Debbie
- Bateman, Amanda
- Bateman, Katrina
- Batschi, Reinhold
- Batten, Malcolm
- Batten, William (Bill)
- Batters, Philippe
- Battye, Albert W
- Baylee, Edmund H P
- Bayley, William "Bill" Reynolds
- Baynes, Arthur A
- Baynes, Ernest
- Bean, David A
- Beaney, James G
- Beaton, Milo Alexander
- Beattie, Jack W
- Bedford, Rupert
- Beer, Jenny
- Beer, Mark
- Begelhole, Arthur
- Begelhole, Peter
- Belbridge, F
- Belbridge, W B
- Bellamy, Roger H
- Bell, Colin B P
- Bell, Hon J T MLA
- Bell, H T S
- Bell, James L
- Bell, Joshua
- Bell, L W
- Bell, Richard Percy
- Bell, W A D
- Benfield, A Fred
- Benjamin, Rodney L
- Bennett, Alfred W
- Bennett, J
- Bennett, Kath
- Bennetts, Harold G
- Bennett, Stephen R
- Benson, E
- Benson, William R
- Bere, Clavill
- Beretta, Joan M
- Berkery, Jack R
- Berney, Jon
- Bertrand, Valmai
- Best, H E
- Betancor, Roy
- Bettega, Dyone
- Beynon, D M
- Bilney, Keith A
- Binnie, A
- Bissett, Jennifer
- Blackburn, J
- Blackmore, E G
- Black, Patrick A
- Blackwood, Arthur R
- Blackwood, John L
- Blaikie, J
- Blaikie, Jack I
- Blair, Eliza
- Blake, Roger P
- Blaxland, John G
- Blundstone, Reginald G
- Blunt, G
- Blythe, Teagan
- Boere, Patrick
- Bond, Charles
- Bond, T A
- Boomer, Patrick
- Booth, J
- Booth, Joshua
- Booth, Robert D
- Bostock, John B
- Bourke, Denis M
- Bourke, James
- Bourke, P
- Bourke, R
- Bourke, T
- Bowden, Douglas W
- Bowden, John Charles
- Bowrey, Vernon A
- Box, Elizabeth
- Boyce, Peter
- Boyd, Allan J
- Boyd, Ernest James
- Boyd, William
- Boyd, William S
- Boykett, David H
- Boykett, Graeme H
- Boykett, Ken H
- Bradley, H
- Bradley, P
- Bradley, Robert
- Bradley, William F
- Bradshaw Edward T
- Bradshaw, Georgina (Jean)
- Bradshaw, J William
- Brady, John A
- Braithwaite, Kevin A
- Brandsma, Nelly
- Brash, Harold D
- Bray, Andy
- Bray, Ernest
- Bray, Gilbert Harvey
- Bray, J M
- Bray, R S
- Bray, Walter
- Bray, W C
- Brazenall, Errol
- Brazenor, William
- Brennan, Kim
- Brennan, T F
- Brennan, Tom
- Brett, William (Bill) G
- Brewin, R Ramsay
- Brewin, T Raymond
- Bridson, W J
- Brind, MAJ Eric T
- Britt, Marcus R
- Brodie, J Andrew
- Brodie, Kendall
- Bromley, Edward R
- Brooke, Douglas C L
- Brophy, Daniel
- Bros, Charles A
- Brown, A A
- Brown, Anthony (Tony) J
- Brown, Daryl
- Browne, Colin
- Browne, Frank R
- Browne, G
- Brown, Lisa
- Brown, Maddison
- Brown, Mark W
- Brown, M C
- Brown, M J
- Brownridge, Robert
- Brown, Robert
- Brown, T D
- Bruce, Stanley M
- Brush, Harry
- Buchanan, Douglas
- Buchanan, T
- Buchan, John I
- Buckley, William (Bill) A
- Budd, George C
- Bull, Arthur W
- Bulmer, Ron
- Bulmer, Stan J
- Burdekin, Beaufort
- Burford, John
- Burke, Harold B
- Burmeister, Carl (Charles)
- Burnip, W
- Burns, James Drummond
- Burns, Tim
- Burton, Arthur
- Burton, W
- Burton, William (Bill) G
- Burt, Robert
- Butler, G W G
- Butler, Leonard Y
- Butler, LT COL Henry (Harry) E
- Byrne, Matthew
- Caddy, Ron
- Cade, Marina
- Cairnes, Norman W
- Calder, D A (Beef)
- Caldwell, Michael T
- Callaghan, Stephen
- Callaway, Alan R
- Calvert, Noel L
- Cambridge, Arthur
- Campbell, John
- Campbell, John A
- Campbell, Norman R
- Candish, James
- Canham, Benjamin
- Capp, Sally A
- Carlile, Sir Edward
- Carlson, George A
- Carlyon, Thomas S
- Carnegie, Sir Roderick H
- Carr, John P
- Carter, Lachlan
- Carter, Patrick I
- Castieau, Gilbert
- Castle, John D
- Castle, John H G (Gill)
- Castle, Ken G
- Castle, Peter J
- Caterson, Anne
- Caterson, Dale
- Cawsey, Robert L
- Cayzer, Phil A
- Cazaly, James
- Cazaly, John F
- Cazaly, Peter
- Chadwick, Arthur
- Chamley, Alexander (Alick)
- Chapman, Ernest W
- Chapman, James
- Chapman-Popa, Sue
- Chapman, Roy
- Chatziyakoumis, Flora
- Chatziyakoumis, Gail
- Chatziyakoumis, Jack
- Chatziyakoumis, Nick
- Chaumont, Lee
- Chessell, Thomas
- Chew, Fleur
- Chinn, Alison
- Christian, Andrew
- Christian, H Brian
- Christie, CAPT Archibald J
- Christie, Don M
- Christie, Ernest
- Christie, John M
- Christie, Murray A
- Chute, James
- Clare, Harry
- Clarke, A Hugh G
- Clarke, Alex
- Clarke, C
- Clarke, C Alec R
- Clarke, Doug
- Clarke, Sir William J
- Clark, John
- Clauscen, George C
- Cleary, Jennifer
- Clemence, Ron E
- Clemens, James (Jim) B
- Clemons, John S
- Clifford, John
- Coates, G
- Coates, John D
- Coates, Pauline
- Coates, Simon F
- Cockbill, John
- Coe, Andrew
- Coe, Charles (Joe)
- Coe-David
- Coe, Des
- Coe family
- Coe, Horace (Dick)
- Coe, Malcolm
- Coe, Margaret
- Coe, Margaret MacDonald
- Cogle, Colin
- Cogle, Jack
- Cohen, Geoff
- Coldwell, Graham D
- Coldwell-Smith, Frederick L
- Coles, David M
- Colles, Thomas
- Colvin, David
- Commons, F William
- Commons, Robert H
- Connell, John H
- Connolly, Robert W
- Connor, B G
- Connors, Richard "Dick"
- Conran, Hugh M
- Coogan, Claude S
- Coogan, James
- Cooke, Carol
- Cooke, Cecil P
- Cook, George E
- Cooley, Chester
- Cooper, Andrew
- Cooper, Dr Richard A
- Cooper, Richard A Snr
- Cooper, William S
- Corben, Mal H
- Cordell, Anthony (Tony) M
- Corden, H Keith W
- Corteen, J R
- Cottee, W B (Bob)
- Cotton, Prof Frank
- Coulter, Graham
- Coulter, H C
- Coulter, Irvine Jnr
- Coulter, Jason L B
- Coulter, Leslie J
- Coulter, Sydney R
- Coverdale, Fred
- Cowey, Gordon C
- Cram, Peter
- Crawford, Andrew
- Crawford, Peter G
- Crawshay, David
- Creagh, Alison M
- Creaser, Jack
- Crebbin, Richard (Dick) C
- Creswell, Thomas E
- Crichton, David J McC
- Crisfield, William H
- Critchell, Stuart
- Crook, Arthur
- Cross, William G
- Cruickshank, George
- Cubash, Hardy
- Cudmore, Collier R
- Cullen, Cliff
- Cullen, Neville
- Cumberland, J William
- Cummings, Frank M
- Cummings, Robert A
- Cumper, John
- Cunningham, A Max
- Cunningham, Charles S
- Currie, Andy
- Currie, Robert J
- Curtain, Edward (Ted) J
- Curtis, W
- Cusworth, Ken