Profiles of Australian Rowers, Officials, Coaches and Administrators
Surnames D-G
The names below represent the first thousand or so profiles, others are underway. Profiles are not full biographies nor are they all of high profile members of the sport. Profiles of anyone who has made a contribution to the sport as a rower, coach, administrator, umpire or in other ways, are included. Profiles can be submitted for publication to Published profiles will include the author's name and published date.
- Daffy, Tom
- Dalton, Brian
- Dalton, Peter
- Dane, P Christopher
- Daniel, L
- Darcy, Tom A
- D'Arcy, William Knox
- Darragh, Peter S
- Daubney, Johnson
- Davidson, J A
- Davies, Terry
- Davis, Herbert (Herb) W T
- Davis, Lyndhurst S
- Davison, Charles
- Davoren, Pat
- Dawes, C Brian
- Dawson, Angus
- Dawson, John H
- Dawson, R E
- Day, Jason
- Deam, John S
- Deam, William
- Deans, Sophie
- De Belin, Fred
- Deeble, David
- Deering, D H
- De Garis, Peter
- De Guingand, Christopher J
- Dehn, J Herbert V
- Delahunty, J J
- Dench, Capt Harold
- Dennis, Alfred
- Dennis, Ray
- Dennis, Walter
- Denny, Brian
- Dennys, Charles John
- Devine, Philippa
- Devoy, John N
- Dickinson, Herbert S
- Dickson, Bruce D
- Dickson, Fiona
- Dickson, Peter
- Digby, Brian
- Dillon, Joseph C
- Disher, Dr Clive
- Ditchburn, Stanley A
- Ditzell, James
- Dixon, William J
- Dobbie, Alex
- Dobbie, Archibald L
- Dodwell, Ben
- Domaschenz, Renae
- Donald, Charles
- Donald, Jack
- Donald, James
- Donald, Liam
- Donaldson, Noel W
- Donoghue, J Doug
- Donoghue, Sue
- Dooley, Paul
- Douez, Marc
- Douglas, David G A
- Douglas, Georgina
- Douglas, Ian
- Douglas, Kylie
- Douglas, Ron
- Dowd, Maurice C H
- Dowers, Terry
- Downie, John
- Dowrie, Jim
- Doyle, Brian
- Doyle, David
- Doyle, Mark
- Drummond, Roger
- Dudgeon, Don
- Duke, Francis
- Duncan, Harry R
- Duncan, Lennox G
- Duncan, Paul
- Duncan, Robert B
- Dunkley-Smith, Addy
- Dunkley-Smith, Josh
- Dunstan, Joe T
- Dupain, Max
- Durston, Berry
- Duthie, Ian
- Dutton, Henry H
- Duval, Alf Jnr.
- Dwyer, Tim
- Eastaughffe, Michael
- Easton, Fred (Mick)
- Ebert, Ray
- Ebsworth, A Charles
- Eddie, Alexander A
- Eddie, John (Jack) W
- Eddington, J F
- Eder, Erwin
- Edwards, Anthony
- Edwards, Arthur
- Edwards, Charles H
- Edwards, E K "Eddy"
- Edwards Family, boatbuilders
- Edwards, Frank
- Edwards, Frederick J
- Edwards, Herbert C
- Edwards, Horace J G
- Edwards, James
- Edwards, Peter
- Edwards, Robert D
- Edwards, Sydney A
- Einsaar, Len A
- Elder, Stewart J
- Elias, C L (George)
- Ella, Norman
- Ellercamp, Peter "Mick"
- Elliott, Albert G
- Elliott, Danny
- Elliott, Kate
- Emery, C Grover
- Engel, Rachel
- England, David
- Evans, Andrew M
- Evans, Gordon H
- Evans, Ian
- Evans (nee Goodman), Rose
- Evans, S Frederick
- Evans, Stephen
- Evans, Susan
- Evatt, Peter M
- Every- Hall, Hannah
- Fairbairn, Charles
- Fairbairn, G Eric
- Fairbairn, Sir George
- Fairbairn, Stephen
- Fairbank, John
- Fazio, Joseph
- Fegan, Norman J
- Fenner, Barbara
- Ferguson, Adair
- Ferguson, Don G
- Ferguson, Eric C
- Ferguson, George
- Ferguson, H R Alexander (Alec)
- Ferguson, James M
- Ferry, James W
- Fethers, Erle F D
- Finch, Isabel
- Findlay, Francis E
- Finlay, Mervyn D
- Finlayson, George E F
- Finn, David C
- Finney, Thomas
- Finn, J
- Firth, Edward R
- Firth, William "Bill"
- Fischer, Edward
- Fisher, Duncan
- Fitzhardinge, Roger B
- Fleming, Alexander
- Fleming, David
- Fleming, Harold Arthur
- Fletcher, Adam Gordon
- Fogarty, Frank
- Foley, John
- Ford, Peter
- Foster, Angus H
- Foster, Margot
- Fox, Kevin
- Francis, Milton A
- Frasca, Pauline
- Fraser, Caitlin
- Fraser, Deirdre
- Fraser, Peter
- Fraser, Simon
- Fraumano, David
- Frederico, H Timothy
- Frederico, Hubert R
- Free, Duncan
- Freeman, N Bernard
- Frigaard, Hal
- Fritsch, Berthold
- Fry, Kay
- Fulford, Lyn
- Furlong, W G
- Gaden, Charles W
- Gaden, K B
- Gadsden, Simon
- Gallacher, Gloria
- Gallacher, Leigh
- Galloway, James
- Galvin, V C ("Puff")
- Gamble, Maxwell S
- Gammon, Wayne
- Gardiner, Evelyn
- Gardiner, Phil
- Gardner, Malcolm
- Gardner, Ron
- Garrard, Richard
- Garratt, Nick
- Gartlan, Leo
- Garton, James
- Garz, Steve
- Gaylor, Garnet V S
- Gear, John F
- Gee, Ken T
- George, Rebecca
- Gibb, Arthur
- Gibbs, Allen
- Gibbs, Frank S
- Gibbs, Peter M
- Gibson, Belinda
- Gibson, James S
- Gibson, Janet
- Gilchrist, Thomas R
- Giles, Zachariah
- Gillespie, John R
- Gillett, Simon
- Gill, G R Howard (Roy)
- Gillon, Peter M
- Gillon, Stephen
- Gill, Peter
- Ginn, Drew
- Girdlestone, Cameron
- Gleeson, Georgie
- Glover, Robert
- Gobbo, Flavia
- Gobbo, Sir James A
- Godfrey, John
- Golding, Sam
- Golonka, Rachael
- Goodman, Rose
- Gosling, Ian
- Goswell, Bruce H
- Gotch, Georgina
- Gould, A B (Joe)
- Goulding, J A (Jack)
- Goyen, Henry (Harry) K
- Grace, Conor
- Grace, F Spencer
- Grace, Maurice C
- Graetz, H Ephraim
- Graetz, Ron H
- Graham, A W
- Graham, J W
- Graham, Ken
- Grange, Edward (Ted) T
- Granowski, Warwick
- Grant, Kenneth D
- Grant, Mike J
- Green, Archibald M
- Green, Herbert J
- Greenland, W M
- Green, Nick
- Green, Richard
- Greenshields, George J
- Greenwood, Nimrod
- Gregg, Robert N
- Grey, Jayden
- Grice, Sir John
- Griffin, Horace R
- Griggs, Alfred
- Grimley, Cec
- Gross, Barry
- Grover, Alan G
- Grummitt, Dr Christopher
- Grylls, Roger
- Guerin, Andrew N
- Guest, Paul M
- Guest, Peter J
- Guinn, F A Stanley
- Guinn, Henry G
- Gullock, Gary
- Gullock, M C (George)
- Gunn, Ira W
- Gunn, John Caldwell
- Gunn, William H
- Guy, Peter L B