Eric C Ferguson

Eric Charles Ferguson attended Brisbane Boys’ College from 1929-1933 and was one of the first old Boys from the school to enlist in World War II. Ferguson was tragically one of the first Queensland casualties in the War, when the Bren gun carrier he was driving struck a land mine during the Libyan advance in January 1941.
His death was felt gravely by the Brisbane Boys’ College community as he had been so closely associated with the College.
Eric was Captain of the School from 1932. He was an outstanding athlete, being for two years Captain of the first XV and a member of the first crew and Captain of the Boats in 1933 - see for further information. He was twice awarded the Old Collegians cup for proficiency in studies and sports.
In the 1933 Brisbane Boys’ College newsletter a review of his rowing form read:
“E. C. Ferguson (bow): Is the most experienced oar in the crew: has a good style and excellent blade work. His worst fault is his ability to lengthen out when a long stroke is required and he finishes with his body too upright. He has shown an inclination on some occasions to slacken his efforts in the middle of a course in order to reserve himself for a hard finish. When kept up to his work he is a valuable man in any crew” (Page 67, The Portal, December 1933 Edition via Trove
In a letter to his mother, Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, his commanding officer wrote: “I must tell you that your son was a courageous soldier and a good one. He is a loss to the regiment as he had already been selected for promotion and also because of his manliness and his loyalty and efficiency.”
Eric Charles Ferguson died at 26 years of age on January 27th 1941 and was laid to rest at Knightsbridge War Cemetery, Libya in May 1945. Eric Charles Ferguson will be remembered as an intelligent, brave and talented young man who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country.
John McDonald
February 2021
Page 16, The Portal December 1941 Edition via Trove
Page 67, The Portal, December 1941 Edition via Trove