C Alec R Clarke

Mercantile Rowing Club (VIC)
The following obituary appeared in the Mercantile Rowing Club annual report for season 1946-47. Alec Clarke served his Club as Treasurer for over 30 years!
All members were shocked to learn of the death, after a short illness, of our Treasurer, Mr. C. A. R. Clarke, at the age of 65 years. His record of service as an executive of the Club is one which will be hard to equal. He was elected to the Executive Committee in 1912, and became Treasurer in 1916, which office he held to the time of his death.
During his 34 years of office, the Club has grown and prospered, and his capable administration of the Club's finances is reflected in the prosperity of the Club to-day. He was known, liked and respected throughout the rowing world of Victoria. Always a keen and enthusiastic Club member, he was known in his youth for the large number of Club races in which he was succe sful.
Until a fortnight prior to his death, he was a regular member of week-end scratch crews, and enjoyed his rowing with a pleasure given to few men of his age. The success of his son, Hugh, in the Victorian Crew which won the King's Cup at Penrith, N.S.W., last year was of great pride to him.
He was a life member of the Club.
Alec Clarke in a 1900 winning maiden eight - Alec is standing middle of the back row
Extracted by Andrew Guerin
October 2020