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australian rowers profiles and history

George H Yewers

Western Australia

1937 – Interstate Men’s Eight Championship seven seat – Third

1938 – Interstate Men’s Eight Championship five seat – First

1938 – British Empire Games Men’s Eight three seat - Silver 

Bill Cooper in his book Home & Dry records the following about the 1938 win:

Although the New South Wales crew was the hot favourite to win and led until the last 100 metres or so, the race went to Western Australia by less than a metre and half, in what was described as "one of the most stirring races rowed on the Yarra." The Western Australians carried in their boat a black swan mascot which, in the event of a win, was promised to one of their most active supporters. According to a press report, when thrown towards the wharf after the race: 

... it fell into the water and the supporter, in overbalancing in his excitement, followed it. George Yewers, Number 5 in the Western Australian boat, promptly dived overboard and assisted in the rescue of both the mascot and its claimant.

1938 Commonwealth Games Rowing Team
Yewers is in the second row from the back, sixth from the left

Andrew Guerin
June 2021

Sources included Home & Dry by W S Cooper published by Rowing WA in 2008, page 118 which in turn quotes from The West Australian 9 May 1938

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