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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

1973 QLD GPS Head of the River

The 1973 GPS Head of the River was conducted on Saturday 7th April 1973 on the Milton Reach of the Brisbane River.

Below is an article from the Courier-Mail written in the lead up to the regatta.

“The Head of the River for eight-oared G.P.S. schoolboy crews will be rowed over the 2000-metre Milton Reach course at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday. It will finish opposite the Regatta Hotel.

Mystery crew, The Southport School, is gaining plenty of support for Saturday’s classic. T.S.S., because of its comparative isolation from Brisbane, often has provided “dark horses” for the Head of the River. Two weeks ago, T.S.S., impressed rowing followers when it beat Grammar and Churchie in a Brisbane regatta. Southport uses a brand new racing shell in that race and have since had time to settle into the new shell and improve on that showing.

Draw for the Head lanes should not favour any crew provided the race starts on time at the top of the tide at 1.30 p.m. But if it starts late the two crews in the south bank will have an advantage. The draw is (north bank to south bank): BBC 1, Southport 2, Churchie 3, Terrace 4, Grammar 5, State High 6.”

Page 23, The Courier-Mail, Thursday April 5th 1973 Edition 


Organising Committee:

Great Public Schools Association 

All Schools' Championship First Eight

The O'Connor Cup

Distance: 2000 Metres 

Winning Time: 5:51.70


+ 3.0s (1-2)

+ 6.0s (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: Caleb C. Thomas, 2: Lee Pilkington, 3: Marshall Lean, 4: Michael Lucas, 5: Peter Van den Broek, 6: Peter Zahnleiter, 7: Gerald Keatinge, Str: Stephen Rees, Cox: John Nalder, Coach: Graham Jones 

2nd The Southport School - Bow: M. Hall, 2: M. Newman, 3: D. Ethell, 4: B. Harvey, 5: R. Hearty, 6: R. Burnett, 7: E. Colqyuhoun, Str: H. Fidler, Cox: D. Easy

3rd Brisbane Boys' College - Bow: D. Cornish, 2: M. Bray, 3: J. Worcester, 4: B. Johnson, 5: D. Fraser, 6: H. Foxton, 7: W. Crichton, Str: J. Moore, Cox: J. Perske

4th Brisbane Grammar School - 5: R. Elwood, 6: J. Lewis, Coach: A. Bromiley 

5th Brisbane State High School  

6th Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. O'Sullivan, 2: C. Buckley, 3: J. Bowes, 4: S. Pradella, 5: D. Ledwich, 6: J. Tooma, 7: R. Long, Str: M. Vlasic, Cox: C. Baker

Churchie Leading The Southport School at the finishing line. 

Peter Zahnleiter, the Six seat in 1973 Anglican Church Grammar School’s victorious crew had a distinguished rowing career after leaving school. Zahnleiter represented Queensland an impressive six times in the King’s Cup (1976, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984) Zhanleiter represented Queensland at the Australian Rowing Championships in the Senior Coxless Four Event. 

C. C. Thomas, the Bow of the victorious 1973 Anglican Church Grammar School First VIII, was the 1973 Recipient of the MacIntyre Cup awarded to the most all-round Churchie sportsman of the year. 

1973 Brisbane Boys' College First VIII

1973 Gregory Terrace First VIII

The Race Described

“Church of England Grammar scored a convincing all-the-way win in the GPS Head of the River schoolboy rowing classic on Milton Reach yesterday.

Churchie, in their distinctive white hulled racing shell Osprey, too the race by three seconds - almost 1 ½ lengths from the Southport School, with Brisbane Boys’ College third. The highly fancined heavyweight Brisbane Grammar School Eight was fourth. But it was Churchie’s race from half way over the 2000m course, when they led comfortably from BBC, Southport and Grammar. Two men most involved in the Churchie crew- coach Graeme Jones and stroke Steven Rees - knew at this stage that Churchie was in the box seat for its second win in three years.


Jones, with lipstick on his cheek that was not there before the race, said he was not confident before the race. But he thought that if his crew could lead at the 100 metre mark, they would have a chance. The only rowing plan for Churchie, he said, was to try to lead at the 1000 metre mark and go as hard as they could after that.

“They did all I asked,” said Jones. Stroke Steven Rees of Coorparoo, said he was confident after the first 750 metres, when his crew got in front early and held on to the lead. “I felt that other crews gained a bit on us with 500 metres , but we were rowing well in front and I knew then and we could do it,” he said. It was the first Head win for Rees, 17, a senior student, but it was the second for the old firm coach Jones and cox John Nalder.

The pair first combined in 1971, when Churchie won its last head and were together again last year, when Churchie finished third.


Nalder, from the unlikely rowing centre of Julia Creek, gave away steering his eight for the last 20 metres of the race when Churchie powered to the line in an unbeatable position. Nalder started cheering and waving his arms above his head seconds before the fun signalled that Churchie had won. But it made no difference to the powerful oarsmen as they forced their boat across the line. Jones, a teacher and rowing master at Churchie, has been coaching the school eight for three years for two wins.”

Page 36, The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 8th 1973 Edition 

“In the race, which was an early one at 1.30 p.m., [Churchie] got away to an excellent start but were closely followed by TSS and BGS. After 500m a clear lead had been established over these crews who were closely followed by BBC with BSHS and GT further back. At the 1000m mark a 1 ½ length margin separated the school crew from TSS, but this diminished to about a length as both TSS and BGS threw out strong challenges around this stage. Over the final stages of the race the [Churchie] crew drew away slightly to cross the line in a time of 5 minutes 51 seconds, 3 seconds ahead of TSS who were followed by BBC, BGS, BSHS and GT.”

Page 219, Churchie Rowing by Peter Jell.

All Schools' First Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:10.00


+ 2s (1-2)

+ 3s (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: W. A. Drynan, 2: C. C. Armstrong, 3: P. Quartermass, Str: G. R. Winks, Cox: D. B. Francis, Coach: R. Lovf

2nd The Southport School - Bow: H. Ivory, 2: J. Norton, 3: D. Westcott, Str: B. Simms, Cox: S. Grant

3rd Brisbane Boys’ College - Bow: H. Cowlishaw, 2: P. Anderson, 3: M. Geldard, Str: A. Stewart, Cox: I. Geldard 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. Herd, 2: J. Bliss, 3: M. Roggenkamp, Str: B. Wilkinson, Cox: N. Sargent, Coach: B. J. Moroney 

1973 Gregory Terrace First IV


All Schools' Second Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:40.00


+ 12s (1-2)

+ 2s (2-3)

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: P. W. Keys, 2: J. D. Curlewis, 3: I. F. Wallace, Str: J. H. Allen, Cox: D. C. Nutall

3rd Brisbane Grammar School

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Maletz, 2: P. Dillon, 3: M. Power, Str: J. Ashton, Cox: I. MacColl, Coach: B. J. Moroney

1973 Gregory Terrace First IV

All Schools' Third Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:12.00


+ 2.3s (1-2)

+ 12.1s (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: R. D. Thompson, 2: D. J. Buck, 3: K. J. Sheehan, Str: A. G. Macdonald, Cox: C. B. Hart

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Brisbane State High School

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: J. Stewart, 2: D. Farnworth, 3: R. Douglas, Str: P. Cowan, Cox: R. McCrossin

All Schools' Fourth Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


+ 0.5s (1-2)

+ 1.0s (2-3)

1st The Southport School

2nd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. M. Struss, 2: N. R. Francis, 3: W. R. Ferrier, Str: P. G. Barrett, Cox: S. J. Jukes 

3rd Brisbane Boys' College

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: J. Crawford, 2: K. See, 3: M. Sparksman, Str: A. Williams, Cox: D. Yates 

All Schools' Fifth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: 2:51.50


+ 4s (1-2)

+ 3s (2-3)

1st Brisbane State High School

2nd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. J. Ford, 2: F. C. Gillham, 3: P. F. Budd, Str: S. F. Wynne, Cox: R. A. Wood

3rd Brisbane Boys' College

Other Competing Crew:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: N. Gauld, 2: R. Haimes, 3: M. Bowes, Str: R. Crist, Cox: C. Watt

All Schools' Sixth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: 3:33.50


+ 0.1s (1-2)

+ 4.9s (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: T. L. Maddern, 2: P. R. Austin, 3: S. Ferrier, Str: R. H. Fry, Cox: A. J. Green

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd The Southport School

Other Competing Crews: 

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Vincent, 2: K. Evans, 3: J. Royes, Str: L. Tellam, Cox: W. LeMass 

All Schools' Seventh Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


+ 6.2s (1-2)

+ 3.4s (2-3)

1st The Southport School

2nd Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. Campbell, 2: S. Aundell, 3: T. Lalley, Str: S. McCosker, Cox: M. Tandy

3rd Brisbane State High School

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: D. W. Lornely, 2: D. W. Bletchley, 3: P. C. Stephan, Str: P. A. Grant, Cox: A. C. West

All Schools' Eighth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: 3:18.00


+ 4.0s (1-2)

+ 0.3s (2-3)

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd The Southport School

3rd Brisbane State High School

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. McGeever, 2: P. Hall, 3: B. Ogilvie, Str: J. O'Shea, Cox: D. Gooch

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: M. A. Opstelten, 2: J. A. Searle, 3: G. S. Harper, Str: M. Price, Cox: P. R. Duell

All Schools' Ninth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: 2:53.00


+ 1.5s (1-2)

Dead Heat for Second

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: W. J. Suffren, 2: J. D. Humphrey, 3: M. Houldsworth, Str: M. E. Henzel, Cox: R. G. Martin

2nd The Southport School & Brisbane State High School 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Carmody, 2: G. Bentham, 3: P. Marchesi, Str: G. Campbell, Cox: J. Patane 

All Schools' Tenth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: 2:58.00


Dead Heat for First

+ 4.0s (2-3)

1st The Southport School & Brisbane State High School 

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Kelly, 2: M. Plastow, 3: G. Quinn, Str: J. Sydes, Cox: B. Sheehy

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: W. M. Brooks, 2: C. D. Weir, 3: G. E. Burley, Str: L. R. Agnew, Cox: A. J. Lenton

All Schools' Eleventh Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: 2:49.00


+ 2.0s (1-2)

+ 3.0s (2-3)

1st The Southport School

2nd Brisbane State High School 

3rd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: G. H. Mewing, 2: B. J. Carter, 3: A. K. McLeod, Str: G. K. Beavis, Cox: G. N. Trovas

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Walters, 2: F. McIntyre, 3: W. Marden, Str: A. Scanlan, Cox: P. Backstrom


Page 23, The Courier-Mail, Thursday April 5th 1973 Edition

Page 24, The Courier-Mail, Friday April 6th 1973 Edition

Page 32, The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 8th 1973 Edition

Page 36, The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 8th 1973 Edition

1973 St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace School Newsletter

Churchie Rowing by Peter Jell, Published by Anglican Church Grammar School 

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