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history of australian national rowing championships

1990 Women's National Championships - Lake Barrington TAS

The 1990 Men's National Championships results are on the previous page.


1990 National Championships program cover

1990 Programme Cover

These Championships were conducted from 28th March to 1st April at Lake Barrington, the course which was soon to host the 1990 World Championships. It was the test event for these Championships and FISA President Thomi Keller was present.

A full copy of the 1990 Australian Championships regatta program can be found through this link.

Detailed results

Day 1 Wednesday 28 March

Day 2 Thursday 29 March

Day 3 Friday 30 March

Day 4 Saturday 31 March

Day 5 Sunday 1 April 


Women's Scull


1st Nepean (AIS) - Jenny Luff, Cch: Paul Rowe
2nd Leichhardt NSW No1 - Gillian Campbell, Cch: Mick Lowrey
3rd Commercial No 2 - Ceinwin Fay, Cch: Bruce Greenland
4th Commercial No 1 - Adair Ferguson, Cch: Bruce Greenland
5th Melbourne - Susan Herold, Cchs: John Bennett & Charles Luckman
6th Nepean - Marilyn Kidd

Other scullers:
ANA - Phillipa Alder, Cch: Geoff Mitchell
Curtin University - Kelly Stow, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
Leichhardt NSW No 2 - Tamsin Angus-Leppan, Cch: Mick Lowrey
Tweed Heads - Amanda Dunlop, Cch: Ted Hale
UQBC - Jennifer Edmunds, Cch: Bob Bleakley

Women's Double Scull


1st Leichhardt/Nepean (AIS) - Bow: Jenny Luff, Str: Gillian Campbell, Cchs: Mick Lowrey & Paul Rowe
2nd Commercial - Bow: Ceinwin Fay, Str: Adair Ferguson, Cch: Bruce Greenland
3rd University of Queensland - Bow: Maki Takken, Str: Jennifer Edmunds, Cch: Bob Bleakley
4th ANA/Melbourne - Bow: Phillipa Alder, Str: Sue Herold, Cch: Geoff Mitchell
5th Leichhardt Qld/Nepean - Bow: Adrienne Dixon, Str: Marilyn Kidd, Cchs: Frank Hick & Nick Hunter
6th Leichhardt NSW - Bow: Margy Galloway, Str: Tamsin Angus-Leppan, Cch: Mick Lowrey

Other crews:
Perth & Collegians/Curtin University - Bow: Sarah Foster, Str: Kelly Stow, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
Tweed Heads - Bow: Seion Boyd, Str: Amanda Dunlop, Cch: Ted Hale

Women's Quad Scull


1st Commercial/Leichhardt/Nepean/UQBC (AIS)- Bow: Adair Ferguson, 2: Ceinwein Frisch, 3: Jenny Luff, Str: Gillian Campbell, Cchs: Paul Rowe, Mick Lowrey, Bruce Greenland
2nd Melbourne/MUBC/Yarra Yarra - Bow: Fiona Dickson, 2: Sue Herold, 3: Mandy Neumann, Str: Jo Pincus

Women's Pair


1st ANA/Commercial (AIS) - Bow: Andrea Coss, Str: Kate Deardon, Cch: Peter Shakespear
2nd ANU/Canberra  - Now: Kerry Knowler, Str: Cathy Stock, Cch: Nick Hunter
3rd MUBC/Toowong (AIS) - Bow:  Jodie Dobson, Str: Courtney Johnstone, Cch: Peter Shakespear
4th Mercantile/Narrabundah (AIS) - Bow: Ballandra Sack, Str: Fleur Spriggs, Cch: Peter Shakespear
5th Mercantile No 1 - Bow: Margot Mayfield, Str: Gabrielle Menzies, Cch: Brad Fry
6th Mosman/Nepean No 1 - Bow: Anita Derks, Str: A Woodham-Clarke, Cchs: Terry Baskett & Lindsay Callaghan

Other crews:
MUBC - Bow:  Kathy Taylor, Str: Fleur Worboys, Cch: Catherine Hall
MUBC/North Esk - Bow: Debbie Kelly, Str: Jackie Kelly, Cch: Catherine Hall
Mercantile No 2 - Bow: Janeen Collier, Str: Celia Patterson, Cch: Brad Fry
Toowong - Bow: Helen Ower, Str: Jenny Mills, Cch: Chris Grummitt

Women's Four


1st Bendigo/Canberra/Nepean/Narrabundah - Bow: George Ryan, 2: Cathy Stock, 3: Deborah Bassett, Str: Marilyn Kidd, Cch: Nick Hunter
2nd ANA/Commercial/Mercantile/Narrabundah (AIS) - Bow: Ballandra Sack, 2: Fleur Spriggs, 3: Andrea Coss, Str: Kate Deardon, Cch: Peter Shakespear
3rd AUBC/MUBC/Mercantile/Toowong (AIS) - Bow: Jodie Dobson, 2: Anna McFarlane, 3: Samantha Stewart, Str: Courtney Johnsyone, Cch: Peter Shakespear
4th Mercantile - Bow: Janeen Collier, 2: Margot Mayfield, 3: Gabrielle Menzies, Str: Celia Patterson, Cch: Brad Fry
5th Mosman/Nepean - Bow: Cheryl Stollery, 2: Janet Pearce, 3: Anita Derks, Str: A Woodham-Clarke, Cchs: Terry Baskett & Lindsay Callaghan
6th MUBC/North Esk - Bow: Debbie Kelly, 2: Jacqui Kelly, 3: Kathy Taylor, Str: Fleur Worboys, Cch: Catherine Hall

Other crew:
Toowong - Bow: Kylie Shields, 2: Julie Bourne, 3: Helen Ower, Str: Jenny Mills, Cch: Chris Grummitt

Women's Eight


1st ANA/AUBC/Commercial/Mercantile/MUBC/Narrabundah/Toowong - Bow: Jodie Dobson, 2: Anna Mcfarlane, 3: Andrea Coss, 4: Courtney Johnstone, 5: Ballandra Sack, 6: Kate Deardon, 7: Samantha Stewart, Str: Fleur Spriggs, Cox: Kaylyn Jorgensen-Fry, Cch: Peter Shakespear
2nd Adelaide/ANU/Canberra/Mosman/Nepean/Narrabundah - Bow: Janet Pearce, 2: Cheryl Stollery, 3: Kerry Knowler, 4: A Woodham-Clarke, 5:
George Ryan, 6: Marilyn Kidd, 7: Anita Derks, Str: Cathy Stock, Cox: Georgia Green, Cchs: Lindsay Callaghan & Nick Hunter
3rd Barwon/Corio Bay - Bow: Selina Rowlands, 2: Rebecca Thethowie, 3: Kate Fewster, 4: Alycia Rendell, 5: Liz Searle, 6: Naomi Spiers, 7: Debbie Brussell, Str: Angela Rice, Cox: Paul Garrard
4th MUBC - Bow: Genevieve McGlashan, 2: Taimi Sanders, 3: Eugenie Kayak, 4: Josie Millard, 5: Sally Ninham, 6: Minnie Cade, 7: Pam Marshall, Str: Kathy Lloyd, Cox: Alisa Fiddes, Cch: Brian Dalton

Women's Lightweight Scull


1st Glenorchy No 1 - Sandra Harvey, Cch: Paul Harvey
2nd SUBC - Jane Spring, Cch: Murray Clarke
3rd Commercial No 2 - Shelley Murtagh, Cch: Bruce Greenland
4th Ballarat City - Kate Elliott, Cch: Danny Elliott
5th Sydney No 2 - Ingrid Cullen, Cch: Robyn Pull
6th Canberra No 1 - Alison Chinn

Other competitors:

ANA No 1 - Libby Rankin, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
ANA No 2 - Yvonne Little, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
Canberra No 2 - Susan Donoghoe
Glebe - Lynette Wherry, Cch: Claire Mcgrath
Glenorchy No 2 - Lesley Marshall, Cch: John Whishaw
Nepean - Palmina Grady, Cch: Reg Galvin
Perth & Collegians - Heidi Hughes, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
Sydney No 1 - Deborah Murrell, Cch: Claire McGrath

Women's Lightweight Double Scull


1st SUBC/St George - Bow: Jane Spring, Str: Jenny Clarke, Cchs: Anne Caterson & Murray Clarke
2nd Canberra - Bow: Alison Chinn, Str: Susan Donoghoe, Cchs: Mark Kwiatkowski & Jack McGee
3rd Ballarat City - Bow: Sonja Crouch, Str: Kate Elliott, Cch: Danny Elliott
4th Glebe/Sydney - Bow: Lynette Wherry, Str: Deborah Murrell, Cch: Claire McGrath
5th Glenorchy - Bow: Lesley Marshall, Str: Sandra Harvey, Cch: Paul Harvey
6th Nepean/Sydney - Bow: Ingrid Cullen, Str: Palmina Grant, Cchs: Reg Galvin & Robyn Pull

Other competitor:
ANA/Perth Collegians - Bow: Heidi Hughes, Str: Libby Rankin, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton

Women's Lightweight Pair


1st MUBC No 3 - Bow: Pam Marshall, Str: Kathy Lloyd, Cch: Brian Dalton
2nd Mercantile/MUBC - Bow: Rebecca Joyce, Str: Minnie Cade, Cch: Brian Dalton
3rd Mosman No 1 - Bow: Brigid Cassells, Str: Justine Battersby, Cch: Anne Caterson
4th Corio Bay No 2 - Bow: Debbie Brussell, Str: Angela Rice
5th MUBC No 1 - Bow: Josie Willard, Str: Sally Ninham
6th AUBC/ANI No2 - Bow: Linda Rich, Str: Amanda Cross, Cch: Barbara Gillett

Other competitors:
AUBC/ANI No 1 - Bow: Natalie Russell, Str: Jeanette Boyce, Cch: Barbara Gillett
Bunbury - Bow: Glenys Hough, Str: Jill Bossinger
Canberra/Narrbundah - Bow: Trish Garrett, Str: Susan Donoghoe, Cch: Jack McGee
Corio Bay No 1 - Bow: Liz Searle, Str: Naomi Spiers
MUBC No 2 - Bow: Eugenie Kayak, Str: Taimi Sanders, Cch: Brian Dalton
Mercantile - Bow: Susan Lee, Str: Anna Rusden, Cch: Tony Inglis
Mosman No 2 - Bow: Debbie Fox, Str: Annie Scott, Cch: Anne Caterson
Toowong/UQBC - Bow: Kylie Shields, Str: Amanda Cotman, Cch: John Hodgkinson
UWA - Bow: Susan Moran, Str: Nicole Mali, Cch: Paul Duckett

Women's Lightweight Four


1st MUBC - Bow: Eugenie Kayak, 2: Josie Millard, 3: Pam Marshall, Str: Kathy Lloyd, Cch: Brian Dalton
2nd Mosman - Bow: Debbie Fox, 2: Annie Scott, 3: Justine Battersby, Str: Brigid Cassells, Cch: Anne Caterson
3rd AUBC/ANI - Bow: Natalie Russell, 2: Jeanette Boyce, 3: Linda Rich, Str: Amanda Cross, Cch: Barbara Gillett
4th Mercantile/MUBC - Bow: Taimi Sanders, 2: Bec Joyce, 3: Minnie Cade, Str: Sally Ninham, Cch: Brian Dalton

Women's Under 23 Scull


1st UQBC - Maki Takken, Cch: Bob Bleakley
2nd Corio Bay - Karen Canny
3rd Curtin University - Kelly Stow , Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
4th Ballarat City - Petra Frangos, Cch: Danny Elliott
5th Leichhardt Qld - Adrienne Dixon, Cch: Frank Hick

Women's Under 23 Pair


1st Mercantile/Adelaide University (AIS) - Bow: Samantha Stewart, Str: Anna McFarlanen Cch: Peter Shakespear
2nd Australian National Institute - Bow: Josslyn Else, Str: Paula Matthews, Cch: Robyn Grey-Gardner
3rd Bendigo - Bow: Caitlin Fraser, Str: Deidre Fraser, Cch: Joanne Petersen
4th MUBC - Bow: Vanessa King, Str: Cathy Forman, Cch: Catherine Hall
5th Mosman/Nepean - Bow: Elise Stone, Str: Alex Clarke, Cchs: Terry Baskett & Lindsay Callaghan

Other competitors:
AUBC - Bow: Karina Home, Str: Netasha Gooding, Cch: Barbara Gillett
AUBC/Torrens - Bow: Kate Slatter, Str: Georgie Oates, Cch: Robyn Grey-Gardner
Corio Bay - Bow: Selina Rowland, Str: Rebecca Trethewie, Cch: Rob Kemp
Sandy Bay - Bow: Lisa Headlam, Str: Louise Johnstone, Cch: Michael Reardon
UQBC - Bow: Rachel Thomson, Str: Katrina Allison, Cch: John Hodgkinson

Women's Under 23 Four


1st AUBC/ANI/Torrens - Bow: Marni Boylan-Sugg, 2: Kate Slatter, 3: Josslyn Else, Str: Paula Matthews, Cch: Robyn Grey-Gardner
2nd MUBC/Bendigo - Bow: Vanessa King, 2: Dierdre Fraser, 3: Caitlin Fraser, Str: Catherine Forman, Cch: Catherine Hall
3rd Yarra Yarra - Bow: Rosalind Carter, 2: Yolanda Jones, 3: Dinah Gilbert, Str: Phillipa Devine, Cch: Robin Jones

Women's Under 23 Lightweight Scull


1st Essendon - Natasha Bourke, Cch: Kevin Bourke
2nd Toowong - Melonie Morris, Cch: Jack Hutchinson
3rd ANA - Libby Franklin, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
4th Perth & Collegians - Heidi Hughes, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
5th Yarra Yarra No 2 - Fiona Dickson, Cch: Rob Jones
6th Yarra Yarra No 1 - Amanda Neumann, Cch: Rob Jones

Women's Under 23 Lightweight Pair


1st Toowong/UQBC - Bow: Kylie Shields, Str: Amanda Cotman, Cch: John Hodgkinson
2nd UWA - Bow: Susan Moran, Str: Nicole Mali, Cch: Paul Duckett

Women's Under 23 Lightweight Four


1st Toowong/UQBC - Bow: Rachel Thomson, 2: Kylie Shields, 3: Amanda Cotman, Str: Katrina Allison, Cch: John Hodgkinson
2nd Mercantile/Yarra Yarra - Bow: Kate Anderson, 2: Genny Scott, 3: Melissa Mcmillan, Str: Fiona Dickson, Cch: Daryl Teschendorf
3rd Curtin University - Bow: Caroline Easton, 2: Nicola Rodway, 3: Ashley Makepeace, Str: Sarah Pittendrigh, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton

Women's Under 19 Scull


1st St George - Jenny Clarke, Cch: Anne Caterson
2nd Torrens - Marni Boylan-Sugg, Cch: Ian Russell
3rd Toowong No 1 - Melonie Morris, Cch: Jack Hutchinson
4th Mercantile - Lucy Howden
5th Perth & Collegians - Sarah Foster, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
6th Port Adelaide No 2 - Anna Ozolins, Cch: Brenton Terrell

Other competitors:
Ballarat City No 1 - Marion Taffe, Cch: Danny Elliott
Ballarat City No 2 - Anne Power, Cch: Danny Elliott
Canberra - Emma Kelly, Cch: Paul Thompson
Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Rosslyn Horrocks, Cch: Frank Hick
Sandy Bay - Ursula Parker, Cch: Michael Reardon
Toowong No 2 - Sophie Hawton, Cch: Chris Grummitt
Toowong No 3 - Danah Wood, Cch: Chris Grummitt
YWCA Vic - Nadya Kosylo, Cch: John Bennett.

Women's Under 19 Pair


1st MUBC/UWA (AIS) - Bow: Fiona McColl, Str: Emy Snook, Cch: Ellen Randell
2nd Banks/Corio Bay (AIS) - Bow: Fiona Sutherland, Str: Thane Dumbrell, Cch: Ellen Randell
3rd Canberra - Bow: Jodie Brewer, Str: Elizabeth Moller, Cch: Paul Thompson
4th AUBC - Bow: Karina Home, Str: Netasha Gooding, Cch: Barbara Gillett
5th Corio Bay - Bow: Chantel Jackson, Str: Carolyn Elliott, Cch: Rob Kemp
6th Ballarat City - Bow: Melia Frangos, Str: Danielle Hereen, Cch: Danny Elliott

Other competitors:
Barwon/Corio Bay - Bow: Kate Fewster, Str: Alycia Rendell
Rockhamton Girl's Grammar No 1 -Bow: Lara Hansen, Str: Simone Storch, Cch: Frank Hick
Rockhamton Girl's Grammar No 2 - Bow: Carla Lawrie, Str: Margaret Campbell, Cch: Frank Hick
Tweed Heads - Bow: Kerry Tickle, Str: Seion Boyd, Cch: Ted Hale

Women's Under 19 Double Scull


1st Toowong (AIS) - Bow: Margot Tidey, Str: Emily Tidey, Cch: Ellen Randell
2nd Curtin University/Perth Collegians - Bow: Sarah Foster, Str: Caroline Easton, Cch: Patricia Pinkerton
3rd Toowong - Bow: Danah Wood, Str: Melanie Morris, Cchs: Chris Grummitt & Jack Hutchinson
4th Canberra/YWCA - Bow: Emma Kelly, Str: Felicity Moore, Cch: Paul Thompson
5th Ballarat City - Bow: Marion Taffe, Str: Anne Power, Cch: Danny Elliott
6th Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Bow: Rosslyn Horrocks, Str: Carla Lawrie, Cch: Frank Hick

Other crew:
Tweed Heads - Bow: Kerry Tickle, Str: Seion Boyd, Cch: Ted Hale

Women's Under 19 Four


1st MUBC/UWA/Toowong (AIS) - Bow: Fiona Mccoll, 2: Emily Tidey, 3: Margot Tidey, Str: Emy Snook, Cch: Ellen Randell
2nd Canberra No 1 - Bow: Catherine Bateman, 2: Megan Still, 3: Samantha Brown, Str: Felicity Moore, Cch: Paul Thompson
3rd Port Adelaide - Bow: Kerry Sawford, 2: Louise Oxer, 3: Carmen Klomp, Str: Anna Ozolins, Cchs: Brenton Terrell & Robert Bradley
4th AUBC/Torrens - Bow: Marni Boylan-Sugg, 2: Karina Home, 3: Netasha Gooding, Str: Georgie Oates, Cchs: Barbara Gillett & Robyn Grey Gardner
5th Canberra/Banks - Bow: Emma Kelly, 2: Fiona Sutherland, 3: Elizabeth Moller, Str: Jodie Brewer, Cch: Paul Thompson
6 th Barwon/Corio Bay - Bow: Chantelle Jackson, 2: Caroline Elloitt, 3: Kate Fewster, Str: Alycia Rendell

Other competitor:
Mersey - Bow: Rebekka Wright, 2: Brooke Williams, 3: Lisa Palmer, Str: Claire Primrose, Cch: David Williams

Schoolgirl Scull


1st St Marys College - Marni Boylan-Sugg, Cch: Ian Russell

Other finalists:
St Martins in the Pines No 2 - Anne Power, Cch: Danny Elliott
Firbank Anglican Girls - Lucy Howden
Sommerville House No 1 - Danah Wood, Cch: Chris Grummitt
Toowong - Melonie Morris, Cch: Jack Hutchinson
Sommerville House No 2 - Chris Hawton, Cch: Chris Grummitt

Other scullers:
Melbourne Girls Grammar - Meg Renou
Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Rosslyn Horrocks
St Martins in the Pines No 1 - Marion Taffe, Cch: Danny Elliott

Schoolgirl Four


1st Henly/Seaton/Taperoo High Schools - Bow; Kerry Sawford, 2: Louise Oxer, 3: Carmen Clomp, Str: Anna Ozolins, Cox: Kylie Blessing, Cchs: Brenton Terrell & Robert Bradley

Other finalists:
St Catharines No 1 - Bow: Alexis Gillespie, 2: Marian Adams, 3: Lucy King, Str: Alexandra Hogg, Cox: Vanessa Johnston, Cch: Malcolm Coe
Wilderness - Bow: J Viner-Smith, 2: Ingrid Schaper, 3: Victoria Toogood, Str: Melinda Reece, Cox: Verity Prendergast, Cch: Denise Collins
Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Bow: Lara Hansen, 2: Carla Lawrie, 3: Simone Storch, Str: Margaret Campbell, Cox: Anita Bryce, Cch: Frank Hick
Geelong Grammar - Bow: Lucy Forrest, 2: Kate D’arcy, 3: Sarah Harris, Str: Melissa Merrin, Cox: Emma Heely, Cch: Robert Ditterich
Methodist Ladies Colege No 1 - Bow: Sara Hayward, 2: Emma Kerseboom, 3: Megan Warrell, Str: Louise Findlay, Cox: Larissa Smith

Other competitors:
Launceston Grammar No 1 - Bow: Kathryn Millar, 2: Stephanie Pirie, 3: Megan Roberts, Str: Fiona Williams, Cox: Kate Scott, Cch: Rob McDonald
Launceston Grammmar No 2 - Bow: Stephanie Wall, 2: Heidi Sather, 3: Ann Mawdesley, Str: Lucy Baxter, Cox: Verity McDonald, Cch: Rob McDonald
Lauriston Girls School No1 - Bow: Binky Hall, 2: Anna Murray, 3: Melissa Roeder, Str: Samantha Stevenson, Cox: Audrey Sugar, Cch: Nick Green
Lauriston Girls School No 2 - Bow: Emily Hardy, 2: Kate Lawson, 3: Pernille Pratt, Str: Dani Grincevicius, Cox: Harriet Devlin, Cch: Peter Woollard
Melbourne Girls Grammar No 1 - Bow: Emma Rickards, 2: Eliza Burston, 3: Ellenor Clarke, Str: Sarah Holdsworth, Cox: Suzy Howard
Methodist Ladies College No 2 - Bow: Andrea Trembath, 2: Sarah Livingstone, 3: Anna Flocas, Str: Georgie Costello, Cox: Lydia Takle, Cch: Fleur Worboys
North Sydney Girls High - Bow: Rebecca Gilsenan, 2: Mietta Ward, 3: Ineke Hodge, Str: Gabrielle Pritchard, Cox: Carla Phillip, Cch: Helen Evans
Scotch-Oakburn College - Bow: Alison East, 2: Heather Johnstone, 3: Nicol Chilcott, Str: Anja Boot, Cox: Megan Field, Cch: Brian East
Walford School - Bow: Ella Maughan, 2: S Hayes, 3: Catherine Franks, Str: C Peach, Cox: K Perry

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