1988 Women's National Championships - Nepean River, Penrith NSW
The 1988 Men's National Championships results are on the next page.
1988 Programme Cover
These Championships were sadly impacted by severe rain causing the course to flood. The spectator area was reduced during the regatta as the water level rose. On the final day, the Warragamba Dam flood gates had to be opened which washed away the course and causing racing to an abrupt end. The times for the racing are unusual as a result.
This was to be the last Australian Championships to be conducted on the Nepean River. The next Australian Championships in NSW had to await the building of the new Olympic course at Nepean Lakes later named the Sydney International Regatta Centre.
The regatta was an Australian bicentennial event.
Index to Women's Results:
- Women's Single Scull
- Women's Double Scull
- Women's Quad Scull
- Women's Pair
- Women's Coxed Four
- Women's Eight
- Women's Lightweight Single Scull
- Women's Lightweight Double Scull
- Women's Lightweight Coxless Pair
- Women's Lightweight Coxless Four
- Women's Under 23 Single Scull
- Women's Under 23 Coxless Pair
- Women's Under 23 Coxed Four
- Women's Under 23 Lightweight Scull
- Women's Under 23 Lightweight Pair
- Women's Under 23 Lightweight Four
- Women's Under 19 Single Scull
- Women's Under 19 Double Scull
- Women's Under 19 Pair
- Women's Under 19 Coxed Four
- Schoolgirl Single Scull
- Schoolgirl Four
- Women's Adaptive Single Scull (Grade 1)
Women's Scull
1st Nepean No 1 - Marilyn Kidd, Cch: Robert Marlow
2nd Commercial - Adair Ferguson, Cch: Noel Langton
3rd Leichhardt - Gillian Campbell, Cch: Mick Lowrey
4th St George - Annelies Voorthuis
5th Uni TAS (AIS) - Urszula Kay, Cch: Robert Marlow
6th UQBC - Ceinwen Fay, Cch: Bob Bleakley
Other competitors:
Nepean No 2 - Anita Derks, Cchs: Terry Baskett & Lindsay Callaghan
Mosman - Janet Pearce, Cch: John Punshon
Ballarat City - Kathy Lloyd
Wendouree-Ballarat - Virginia Corden, Cch: Andrew McKinley
Women's Double Scull
1st Leichhardt/Commercial - Bow: Adair Ferguson, Str: Gilllian Campbell, Cchs: Mick Lowrey & Noel Langton
2nd Nepean/UTAS (AIS) - Bow: Marilyn Kidd, Str: Urszula Kay, Cch: Robert Marlow
3rd St George/ UQBC - Bow: Ceinwin Fay, Str: Annelies Voorthuis, Cch: Bob Bleakley
4th Tweed Heads - Bow: Diana Spedding, Str: Maree Spedding, Cch: Ted Hale
5th Nepean - Bow: Jenny Luff, Str: Anita Derks, Cchs: Lindsay Callaghan & Terry Baskett
6th Tweed/UQBC - Bow: Maree Spedding, Str: Jenny Brown, Cchs: Ted Hale & Bob Bleakley
Women's Quad Scull
1st UQBC/St George/Commercial/Leichhardt - Bow: Ceinwen Fay, 2: Annalies Voorthuis, 3: Adair Ferguson, Str: Gillian Campbell,
Cchs: Mick Lowrey, Noel Langton & Bob Bleakley
2nd Nepean - Bow: Jenny Beutel, 2: Debbie Gordon, 3: Jenny Luff, Str: Anita Derks
Women's Pair
1st MULRC - Bow: Sue Chapman-Popa, Str: Margot Foster, Cch: Brad Fry
2nd MULRC/Torrens (AIS No1) - Bow: Deborah Bassett, Str: Robyn Grey-Gardner
3rd Adelaide - Bow: Kathy Stock, Str: Alison Smith, Cch: Gavin Thredgold
4th UQBC - Bow: Jenny Edmunds, Str: Jackie Kelly, Cch: Ian Edmunds
5th MULRC/Mercantile - Bow: Rachael McInnes, Str: Felicity McCall, Cch: Brad Fry
6th Canberra/Commercial (AIS No2) - Bow: Alison Worth, Str: Kate Deardon, Cch: Peter Shakespear
Other competitors:
Powerhouse - Bow: Janine Ratten, Str: Lisa Holloway, Cch: Daryl Bird
Powerhouse/Mercantile - Bow: Constance Van Der Werp, Str: Julie Ann Devilee, Cch: Daryl Bird
Toowong - Bow: Jenny White, Str: Andrea Faux
Toowong/Commercial - Bow: Kerrie Weir, Str: Julie Bourne, Cch: Terry Mulligan
Women's Coxed Four
1st Canberra/Commercial/MULRC/Toowong - Bow: Alison Worth, 2: Kate Dearden, 3: Deborah Bassett, Str: Robyn Gray-Gardiner,
Cox: Katlynn Jorgensen-Fry, Cch: Peter Shakespear
2nd UQBC/Toowong - Bow: Andrea Faux, 2: Jenny White, 3: Jenny Edmunds, Str: Jackie Kelly, Cox: Gina Lawton, Cch:
Ian Edmunds
3rd UWA/WARC/ANA - Bow: Carlotta Pidgeon, 2: Sue Stewart, 3: Andrea Coss, Str: Claire Grayston, Cox: Janet Edmondson,
Cchs: Simon Whitehouse & Vanessa Grant
4th Mercantile/Powerhouse - Bow: Janine Ratten, 2: Lisa Holloway, 3: Constance Venderwerp, Str: Julie-Ann Devilee,
Cox: Kirstie Eaton, Cch: Daryl Bird
5th UWA/Perth College - Bow: Gil Anderson, 2: Sue Anderson, 3: Jodie Allsopp, Str: Linda Carter, Cox: Liz Sanderson,
Cchs: Simon Whitehouse & Vanessa Grant
Women's Eight
1st AIS - Bow: Courtney Johnstone, 2: Fleur Spriggs, 3: Alison Worth, 4: Kate Dearden, 5: Urszula Kay, 6: Marilyn Kidd,
7: Deborah Bassett, Str: Robyn Gray-Gardner, Cox: Kaylynn Jorgensen-Fry, Cchs: Peter Shakespear & Robert Marlow
2nd MULRC - Bow: Gen de Fraga, 2: Angela Turrell, 3: Minnie Cade, 4: Gini Skinner, 5: Sue Chapman- Popa, 6: Margor
Foster, 7: Felicity McCall, Str: Leeanne Whitehouse, Cox: Sarah Ham, Cchs: Barbara Gillett & Barbara Fry
3rd UQBC/Toowong/Commercial - Bow: Katrina Allison, 2: Kerry Weir, 3: Julie Bourne, 4: Jenny White, 5: Andrea Faux,
6: Jenny Edmunds, 7: Jackie Kelly, Kiri Robson, Cox: Gina Lawton, Cchs: Ian Edmunds & Terry Mulligan
4th Mercantile/Powerhouse - Bow: Jenny Hose, 2: Sue Lee, 3: Janet Cussens, 4: Connie Vanderwerp, 5: Lisa
Holloway, 6: Janine Ratten, 7: Julie-Anne Devilee, Str: Rachel McInnes, Cox: Kirstie Eaton, Cch: Daryl Bird
Women's Lightweight Scull
1st Leichhardt - Tamsin Angus-Leppan, Cch: Mick Lowrey
2nd Buckingham - Sandra Harvey, Cch: Paul Harvey
3rd YWCA - Julie Slattery, Cch: Tony Feldt
4th Ballarat City - Kate Elliott, Cch: Danny Elliott
5th Tweed Heads - Dianna Spedding, Cch: Ted Hale
6th Nepean No 1 - Jenny Beutel, Cchs: Terry Baskett & Lindsay Callaghan
Other competitors:
Glebe No 1 - Lindy Nisbett
Glebe No 2 - Lyn Wherry
UNSW - Debbie Fox, Cch: Murray Clarke
Balmain - Robyn Pull
Canberra No 1 - Susan Donoghoe, Cch: Jack McGee
Canberra No 2 - Amanda Brian, Cch: Neil Manfield
Sydney Womens No 2 - Ingrid Cullen, Cch: Claire McGrath
Nepean No 2 - Pal Grady, Cch: Reg Galvin
Commercial No 1 - Shelley Murtagh, Cch: Noel Langton
Commercial No 2 - Penny Dixon, Cch: Noel Langton
Women's Lightweight Double Scull
1st Commercial - Bow: Shelly Murtagh, Str: Penny Dixon, Cch: Noel Langton
2nd YWCA/Canberra - Bow: Sue Donoghue, Str: Julie Slattery, Cch: Tony Feldt
3rd Tweed Heads/Leichhardt - Bow: Dianna Spedding, Str: Maree Spedding, Cch: Ted Hale
4th Nepean - Bow: Pat Grady, Str: Jenny Beutel, Cch: Reg Galvin
5th Sydney Womens - Bow: Claire McGrath, Str: Deborah Murrell, Cch: Claire McGrath
6th Leichhardt/Sydney - Bow: Ingrid Cullen, Str: Tamsin Angus-Leppan, Cchs: Mick Lowrey & Claire McGrath
Other competitors:
ANU/Canberra - Bow: Alison Chinn, Str: Julie Ellett
Glebe - Bow: Lyn Wherry, Str: Lindy Nisbett
Balmain/UNSW - Bow: Robyn Pull, Str: Debbie Fox, Cch: Murray Clarke
Ballarat/Buckingham - Bow: Sandra Harvey, Str: Kate Elliott, Cchs: Danny Elliott & Paul Harvey
Women's Lightweight Pair
No time taken
1st Mosman No 2 - Bow: Virginia Lee, Str: Justine Carroll, Cch: Helen Evans
2nd MULRC 1 - Bow: Minnie Cade, Str: Leeanne Whitehouse, Cch: Barbara Gillett
3rd ANU/Canberra 2 - Bow: Susan Donoghoe, Str: Brigid Cassells, Cchs: Fearnley Szuster & David Bagnall
4th Torrens/AUBC - Bow: Robyn Rendell, Str: Amanda Cross, Cch: Robert Holland
5th MULRC/Mercantile - Bow: Janet Cussens, Str: Gini Skinner, Cch: Barbara Gillett
6th ANU/Canberra 1 - Bow: Julie Ellett, Str: Alison Chinn, Cchs: Fearnley Szuster & David Bagnall
Other competitor:
AUBC 1 - Bow: Sue Nielsen, Str: Sue Detterding, Cch: Robert Holland
Women's Lightweight Four
1st Mosman - Bow: Simone Salier, 2: Jean Turner, 3: Virginia Lee, Str: Justine Carroll Cch: Helen Evans
2nd MULRC/Mercantile No 1 - Bow: Janet Cussens, 2: Gini Skinner, 3: Leeanne Whitehouse, Str: Minnie Cade, Cch: Barbara
3rd ANU/Canberra - Bow: Julie Ellett, 2: Susan Donoghoe, 3: Brigid Cassells, Str: Alison Chinn, Cchs: Fearnley
Szuster & David Bagnall
4th Adelaide/Torrens No 1 - Bow: Robyn Rendell, 2: Sue Nielsen, 3: Sue Deterding, Str: Amanda Cross, Cch: Robert Holland
Women's Under 23 Scull
1st Nepean - Bow: Jenny Luff, Cchs: Terry Baskett & Lindsay Callaghan
2nd Tweed Heads No 1 - Jenny Hafey, Cch: Ted Hale
3rd Commercial - Bow: Megan Hogan, Cch: Noel Langton
4th UQBC No 2 - Jenny Browne, Cch: Bob Bleakley
5th Tweed Heads No 2 - Maree Spedding, Cch: Ted Hale
Other competitors:
Adelaide - Margot Mayfield, Cch: Gavin Thredgold
UQBC No 1 - Maki Takken, Cch: Paul Cosgrove
Women's Under 23 Pair
1st Toowong/Commercial - Bow:Helen Ower, Str: Kathy Taylor, Cch: Terry Mulligan
2nd ANU - Bow: Sally Ninham, Str: Margaret Kitchen
3rd UQBC/Toowong - Bow: Katrina Allison, Str: Kiri Robson, Cch: David Ochert
4th Banks No. 2 - Bow: Kate Sargent, Str: Karen Moritz,
5th Murray Bridge - Bow: Leonne Andrews, Str: Joanne Michel, Cch: Ron Mobbs
6th Narrabundah - Bow: Emily Whitten, Str: Ballandra Sack, Cch: Fred Flanagan
Other competitor:
Banks 1 - Bow: Tania Hazler, Str: Sonia Adrians, Cch: Peter Fitzgibbon
Women's Under 23 Coxed Four
1st MULRC - Bow: Lynda Boldt, 2: Fleur Worboys, 3: Jodie Dobson, Str: Fiona Werner, Cox: Emily Donkin, Cch: Kate Hall
2nd Toowong/Commercial/UQBC - Bow: Katrina Allison, 2: Kiri Robson, 3: Helen Ower, Str: Kathy Taylor, Cox: Elspeth
Mathiewson, Cchs: Terry Mulligan & David Ochert
3rd Mercantile - Bow: Jennifer McCredden, 2: Fiona McCasker, 3: Virginia Owen, Str: Lara Widdop, Cox: Kirstie Eaton,
Cch: Paul Joyce
4th Banks - Bow: Tania Hazler, 2: Sonia Adrians, 3: Kate Sargent, Str:
Karen Moritz, Cox: Jacqueline Cahn, Cch: Peter Fitzgibbon
Women's Under 23 Lightweight Scull
1st AUBC - Tanya Cheesman, Cch: Robert Cheesman
2nd Drummoyne - Harriet Lawson, Cch: Les Donnelly
Women's Under 23 Lightweight Pair
No time taken
1st Canberra - Bow: Kirsty McAlister, Str: Fiona Watson, Cch: Ellen Randell
2nd Leichhardt - Bow: Romilly Wakefield-Evans, Str: Katrina Knevitt, Cch: Mick Lowrey
3rd Adelaide Uni - Bow: Helen Simpson, Str: Denise Collins, Cch: Robert Holland
4th Banks - Bow: Morven Grant, Str: Emily Madder, Cch: John Bennett
5th Corio Bay No. 1 - Bow: Debbie Brussell, Str: Angela Rice, Cch: Dick Garrard
6th Mercantile - Bow: Jenny Hose, Str: Sue Lee, Cch: Steve Mollard
Other crew:
UWA/Perth - Bow: Jodie Allsopp, Str: Linda Carter
Women's Under 23 Lightweight Four
1st Corio Bay - Bow: Sandra McKellar, 2: Laurel Seller, 3: Debbie Brussell, Str: Angela Rice, Cch: Dick Garrard
2nd AUBC/Tailem Bend - Bow: Sharon Michell, 2: Wendy Zander, 3: Denise Collins, Str: Helen Simpson, Cchs: Robert
Holland & Ron Mobbs
3rd Canberra/Leichhardt - Bow: Romilly Wakefield-Evans, 2:Katrina Knevitt, 3: Kristy McAlister, Str: Fiona
Watson, Cch: Ellen Randell
4th MULRC - Bow: Mandy Robinson, 2: Kim McMeeken, 3: Jo Pincus, Str: Josie Millard, Cch: Gayle Toogood
Women's Under 19 Scull
1st Tweed Heads - Jenny Hafey, Cch: Ted Hale
2nd UQBC No 2 - Maki Takken, Cch: Paul Cosgrove
3rd Leichhardt - Rachel Knevitt, Cch: Mick Lowrey
4th UQBC No 1 - Elizabeth Kelly, Cch: Paul Cosgrove
5th Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Adrienne Dixon, Cch: Frank Hick
6th Murray Bridge - Sandra Row, Cch: Ron Mobbs
Other scullers:
Ballarat City - Sonja Crouch, Cch: Danny Elliott
Essendon - Dinah Gilbert
Nepean - Simone Vachon, Cch: Reg Galvin
Toowong - Joanne Carroll, Cch: David Ochert
Women's Under 19 Double Scull
1st Tweed Heads/Leichhardt QLD - Bow: Adrienne Dixon, Str: Jenny Hafey, Cchs: Ted Hale & Frank Hick
2nd UQBC - Bow: Maki Takken, Str: Elizabeth Kelly, Cch: Paul Cosgrove
3rd Ballarat/Murray Bridge - Bow: Sandra Row, Str: Sonja Crouch, Cchs: Ron Mobbs & Danny Elliott
Women's Under 19 Pair
Time, margins goes here
1st Toowong/Mercantile (AIS 1) - Bow: Courtney Johnstone, Str: Fleur Spriggs
2nd Wendouree Ballarat (AIS 2) - Bow: Gabriele Menzies, Str: Celia Patterson
3rd Murray Bridge - Bow: Leonne Andrew, Str: Joanne Michell, Cch: Ron Mobbs
4th WAIS 1 - Bow: Alexandra Clarke, Str: Paula Matthews, Cchs: Warren Gibson & David Mulroney
5th WAIS 2 - Bow: Alicia Day, Str: Josslyn Else, Cchs: Warren Gibson & David Mulroney
6th North Esk - Bow: Jane Annear, Str: Wendy Juckes
Other competitors:
Narrabundah - Bow: Emily Whitten, Str: Balandra Sack, Cch: Fred Flanagan
WAIS 3 - Bow: Christine Jewell, Str: Jemma Aldridge, Cchs: Warren Gibson & David Mulroney
Women's Under 19 Coxed Four
1st Wendouree Ballarat/Mercantile/Toowong/AUBC (AIS) - Bow: Celia Patterson, 2: Gabriele Menzies, 3: Courtney Johnstone, Str:
Fleur Spriggs, Cox: Georgia Green, Cch: Peter Shakespear
2nd WA Institute of Sport - Bow: Christine Jewell, 2: Jemma Aldridge, 3: Alicia Day, Str: Josslyn Else, Cox: Lisa
Reed, Cchs: Warren Gibson & David Mulroney
3rd Mercantile - Bow: Lucinda Jordan, 2: Kristen Smith, 3: Catherine McLean, Str: Narelle Thomas, Cox: Melissa Griffiths,
Cchs: Daryl Teschendorf & Bob Law
4th Torrens - Bow: Tanya Hahne, 2: Alison Cusack, 3: Rebecca Marshall, Str: Diana Taylor, Cox: Emma O'Connor, Cchs: Matthew
Draper & David Taylor
5th North Esk - Bow: Megan Springer, 2: Teresa Michell, 3: Jane Annear, Str: Wendy Juckes, Cox: Lisa Morling, Cch:
Laurie Steven
6th Lauriston No 1 - Bow: Alex Hammond, 2: Bindy Moffat, 3: Sarah Quirk, Str: Sophie Morrison, Cox: Terri Hayes,
Cch: Barbara Gillett
Other competitors:
Grafton High - Bow: Mandy Norris, 2: Bronwyn Opferkuch, 3: Toni-Leigh Wright, Str: Alison Fish, Cox: Jacinta Gleeson,
Cch: Jim Timmins
Murray Bridge/Tailem Bend - Bow: Sharon Michell, 2: Wendy Zander, 3: Leonne Andrew, Str: Joanne Michell, Cox: Tania
Riggs, Cch: Tony Mobbs
Buckingham - Bow: Kate Rattray, 2: Tricia Gilmour, 3: Jodie Wise, Str: Kris Ransley, Cox: Anna Clippingdale, Cch:
Bill Trousselot
Unley High - Bow: Sophia Van Ruth, 2: Kate Gemmel, 3: Sally Trenorden, Str: Anna Jackson, Cox: Anna Jackson, Cchs:
C Lai & W Dankbaar
Lauriston No 2 - Bow: Vanessa Cohen, 2: Emilie Moore, 3: Liz Buzzard, Str: Sarah Delahunty, Cox: Sarah Carlisle,
Cch: Jim Spithill
Methodist Ladies College - Bow: Anna McFarlane, 2: Louise Findlay, 3: Anna Alocas, Str: Kerryn Duff, Cox: Rebekah Williamson,
Cch: Barbara Phelan
Wesley College - Bow: Rachel Haverfield, 2: Kristen Ruddock, 3: Jacqui Dobson, Str: Alice Kay, Cox: Kate Nelson,
Cch: Kate Hall
Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Bow: Cathy Mills, 2: Jodie Robertson, 3: Rhonda Imhoff, Str: Linda Moffitt, Cox: Cathy Elliot,
Cch: Frank Hick
Schoolgirl Scull
1st Tweed River High - Jenny Hafey
2nd St Peters - Maki Takken, Cch: Paul Cosgrove
3rd Maclean High No 1 - Renee Shepherd, Cch: Noel Everson
4th Rockhampton Girls Grammar - Adrienne Dixon, Cch: Frank Hick
5th Lowther Hall - Dinah Gilert
6th Lourdes Hill Convent - Elizabeth Kelly, Cch: Paul Cosgrove
Other competitors:
Sydney Girls High - Rachael Knevitt, Cch: Mick Lowrey
Bethlehem College - Carrollyn Ryan Cch: Malcolm Campbell
Murray Bridge High - Sandra Row, Cch: Ron Mobbs
Ballarat High - Sonja Crouch
Nepean - Simone Vachon, Cch: Reg Galvin
Geelong Grammar - Perri Rassmussen, Cch: D.S.Wood
Somerville House - Joanne Carroll, Cch: David Ochert
Schoolgirl Coxed Four
1st Geelong Grammar - Bow: Rebecca Joyce, 2: Lisa Sutherland, 3: Georgina Coy, Str: Amanda Rathbone, Cox: Sarah Clarke,
Cch: Alan Darker
2nd Wesley College - Bow: Rachel Hauerfield, 2: Kristen Rudduck, 3: Jacqui Dobson, Str: Alice Kay, Cox: Kate Kelson,
Cch: Kate Hall
3rd Rockhampton Girls Grammar School - Bow: Cathy Mills, 2: Jodie Roberson, 3: Rhonda Imhoff, Str: Anna Beinssen, Cox:
Kathy Elliot, Cch: Frank Hick
4th Ballarat & Clarendon - Bow: Prue Geddes, 2: Selina Rowland, 3: Tania Coltman, Str: Michelle Sharp, Cox: Louise
King, Cchs: Jock Heys & Jim Fawns
5th Grafton High - Bow: Mandy Norris, 2: Bronwyn Opferkuch, 3: Toni-Lee Wright, Str: Alison Fish, Cox: Jacinta Gleeson,
Cch: Jim Timmins
6th Launceston College - Bow: Megan Springer, 2: Teresa Michell, 3: Jane Annear, Str: Wendy Juckes, Cox: Lisa Morling,
Cch: Laurie Steven
Other competitors:
CCEGGS - Bow: Elizabeth Kent, 2: Tanya Mawson, 3: Megan Blue, Str: Celia Davey, Cox: Fiona Wilkes, Cch: Robin Davey
Sydney Girls High - Bow: Maria Berdoukas, 2: Georgia Jacklyn, 3: Sara Jinga, Str: Linda Jenson, Cox: Roxanna Kainins,
Cch: Mick Lowrey
Pembroke School 2 - Bow: Dara Williams, 2: Louise Marshall, 3: Sally Weatherall, Str: Sophie Woolonough, Cox: Elizabeth
Mapletoft, Cch: Rod Elleway
Unley High - Bow: Felicity Smith, 2: Melissa Sullivan, 3: Elizabeth Dobson, Str: Natasha Lebedev, Cox: Gayle Paul,
Cchs: C Lai & William Dankbaar
Ballarat & Queens - Bow: Nicola Stephens, 2: Petra Frangos, 3: Jane Read, Str: Susan Millsteed, Cox: Kerstin
Schneider, Cch: Robert Gray
Lauriston 1 - Bow: Alex Hammond, 2: Bindy Moffat, 3: Sarah Quirk, Str: Sophie Morrison, Cox: Terri Hayes, Cch: Barbara
Lauriston 2- Bow: Vanessa Cohen, 2: Emilie Moore, 3: Liz Buzzard, Str: Sarah Delahunty, Cox: Sarah Carlisle,
Cch: Jim Spithill
Methodist Ladies College - Bow: Anna McFarlane, 2: Louise Findlay, 3: Kerryn Duff, Str: Anna Dusden, Cox: Rebekah
Williamson, Cch: Barbara Phelan
St Anne's Gippsland Grammar - crew details not known
Women's Adaptive Scull (Grade 1)
1st Cambridge (Great Britain) - Kate Cooper, Cch: Helen Middleton
2nd NSWARP 3 - Leah-Jane Grant
3rd NSWARP 2 - Lisa O'Nion