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History of Australian University Championships Rowing

The Lady Margaret Cup for Women's Fours, Australian University Championships

Lady Margaret Cup

Lady Margaret Cup

In 1967 at Brisbane, an unofficial women's four race was conducted in which Newcastle University easily defeated Queensland University. The Australian University Sports Association sanctioned the women's competition in 1968.

The 1967 winning crew was bow: A Pullen. 2: N Neilands, 3: Janette Fraser, Str: Beverley Donald, Cch: Will O'Reilly.

This event commenced in 1968 and the trophy was donated by Professor Godfrey Tanner, Professor of Classics University of Newcastle. Ten years later, the women's eight event was named in honour of Professor Tanner.

The trphy is named after Lady Margaret Beaufort who was the mother of Harry Tudor who defeated King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth. After her son became King Henry VII, she devoted herself to many pious endowments, including God's House, now Christ College in Cambridge.

Bishop John Fisher of Rochester, who was beheaded years later by Henry VIII, was her chief adviser and persuaded her to withdraw from a great new monastic foundation for Westminster which she planned to build with her son, King Henry, and instead to take over the 13th Century Hospital of St John, Cambridge for another college. The closing of the hospital had not yet been settled when King Henry died in 1509, and her grandson, Henry VIII became King. Lady Margaret died three months after her son and bishop fisher, as her executor, carried out the trust and in 1511 transformed the hospital into the college of St John the evangelist.

Inter college on the Cam began in the 1830's and because the Cox of another crew was killed by the bow of a St John's boat in a bumping race, St John's Boat Club was forbidden to compete. It thereupon reformed itself as the Lady Margaret Boat Club, and has the scarlet blazers, scarves and rowing singlets, which are the most vivid feature of regattas on the Cam.

Australian Universities' Women's Four Championship
Year Winner Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
1968 Sydney Newcastle Queensland Western Australia    
1969 Sydney Newcastle Western Australia      
1970 Melbourne Sydney Other placings unknown      
1971 Sydney Other placings unknown        
1972 Declared no contest          
1973 Newcastle Other placings unknown        
1974 Western Australia LaTrobe Tasmania      
1975 Tasmania Other placings unknown        
1976 Western Australia Other placings unknown        
1977 Western Australia Other placings unknown        
1978 Melbourne Western Australia LaTrobe Queensland ANU Sydney
1979 La Trobe Melbourne Other placings unknown      
1980 Melbourne Other placings unknown        
1981 Western Australia Melbourne Sydney ANU Monash  
1982 Melbourne Sydney Monash Deakin NSW  
1983 Melbourne ANU Queensland      
1984 Melbourne Deakin Sydney LaTrobe University of NSW Monash
1985 Melbourne University of WA LaTrobe      
1986 Melbourne Monash Queensland Sydney    
1987 New South Wales Queensland Monash Australian National University Melbourne  
1988 Melbourne ANU Queensland      
1989 Melbourne LaTrobe Sydney ANU    
1990 Sydney LaTrobe Adelaide Melbourne Queensland Newcastle
1991 Australian National University Melbourne Queensland      
1992 Sydney New South Wales Monash      
1993 Adelaide     New South Wales    
1994 Adelaide New South Wales Sydney      
1995 Monash          
1996 UTS          
1997 UTS Monash Western Australia Melbourne Queensland Adelaide
1998 Monash Ballarat Melbourne      
2000 Sydney UWA RMIT ANU UTS Melbourne
2001 Canberra ANU UWA Melbourne NSW Sydney
2002 Sydney Western Australia Melbourne Adelaide Ballarat New South Wales
2003 Sydney Western Australia Melbourne UTS Monash ADFA
2004 Victoria Tasmania-Hobart UTS Western Australia Melbourne Newcastle
2005 UTS Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Newcastle Macquarie
2006 Deakin Melbourne Sydney UTS Macquarie Uni NSW
2007 Melbourne Western Australia Sydney South Australia Queensland New South Wales
2008 Melbourne Sydney ADFA Canberra Monash Macquarie
2009 Melbourne Queensland Sydney Adelaide New South Wales South Australia
2010 Western Australia Sydney Adelaide Curtin Newcastle Monash
2011 Melbourne Western Australia Adelaide Sydney ANU Monash
2012 Sydney South Australia Adelaide ANU Western Australia Newcastle
2013 Melbourne Newcastle ANU South Australia Sydney La Trobe
2014 UTS Melbourne Sydney Queensland Monash ANU
2015 UTS Sydney Adelaide Melbourne Queensland ANU






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