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history of the brisbane schoolgirls rowing association head of the river queensland

2024 BSRA Head of the River

The 2024 BSRA Head of the River was conducted on Saturday 24th August 2024 at Wyaralong Dam, the Queensland Rowing Centre.

All nine school girl rowing schools competed.

A PDF copy of the 2024 regatta results can be found through this link.


Organising Committee;

Brisbane Schoolgirls Rowing Association

Open First Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6:37.57

Margins: +4.78, +4.18, +2.93, +0.20, +4.84, +0.27, +2.39, +10.23

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow: A.Gallagher, N.Murphy, A.Collins, E.Sands, P.Cannon, G.Ryan, D.Watt, C.Munn, Cox: G.Gascoigne, Coach: R.Powell

2nd: St Margaret's - Bow: A.Baxby, A.Mulholland, E.Welsh, G.Webb, G.Turnbull, M.Baxby, O.Richardson, Z.Rossiter, Cox: S.Manly, Coaches: A.Maling, T.Elliot

3rd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: P.Hatzipetrou, H.Fleming, G.Mackay, S.Crane, W.Dunbar, A.Thomas, C.Ward, A.Coates, Cox: R.Dodd, Coaches: A.Botting, L.Johnston

4th: St Hilda's School 1 - Bow: E.Ramsay, D.Ferraro, A.McCarthy, K.Trevor-Jones, E.McDermott, E.Pinkerton, N.Rogers, E.Mahon, Cox: S.Prendergast-Burtenshaw, Coach: B.Cooper

5th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: Y.Wang, M.Murphy, L.Rance, T.Rayner, B.Burton, S.Pettigrew, P.Yarski, M.Burley, Cox: R.Casson, Coach: J.Pettigrew

6th: Somerville 1 - Bow: Z.Jiang, L.Meredith, J.Gunn, M.McIntyre, D.Osadchuk, N.Bramwell, F.Bishop, A.Bradford, Cox: A.Walker, Coach: P.Zahnleiter

7th: Stuartholme - Bow: E.Hill, Z.Hampton, G.Giblett, C.Moore, P.Van Gelder, G.Moffatt, L.Hedberg, M.Coventry, Cox: M.Betts, Coaches: D.Wright, R.Repelaer

8th: Brisbane SHS - Bow: O.Grant, K.Stubbs, C.Rogers, I.Jenkinson, L.Shankey, S.Brittain, G.Crouch, S.Josipovic, Cox: M.Howard, Coach: T.Ryals

9th: Lourdes Hill - Bow: M.MacDonald, M.Pauli, L.O'Farrell, M.Dammers, E.Lee, C.Becker, O.Brandon, S.Rakich, Cox: S.Slennett-Roberts, Coach: J.Lunney

Open Second Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6:54:35

Margins: +2.87, +6.69, +4.52, +5.21, +0.54

1st: St Hilda's School 2  - Bow: L.Jolly, E.Warn, J.Fill, S.Smith, L.Theaker, L.McDonald, E.McDermott, P.Holtsbaum, Cox: Z.Iland, Coaches: S.Wilkins, I.Hawley

2nd: St Margaret's  - Bow: M.Campbell, A.Kidd, C.Pitt, C.Swarbrick, D.Yannakouros, E.McCready, G.Price, S.Franklin, Cox: A.Shaw, Coach: P.Jones

3rd: All Hallows’ - Bow: T.Koscharsky, S.Lee, E.Morton, G.Valentine, W.Battersby, H.Dollar, E.Samut, E.Stone, Cox: M.Ingham-Myers, Coach: A.McNicol

4th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: H.Clark, I.Scheimer, M.Agnew, L.Goodall, E.Parker, C.Zentveld, M.Warner, E.Sayer, Cox: R.Robinson, Coach: W.Agnew

5th: Stuartholme - Bow: J.Hiskins, E.Moley, E.Peberdy, E.Betts, G.Moffatt, O.Totten, A.Boxall, L.Haddad, Cox: A.Davies, Coaches: N.Marden, R.Repelaer

6th: Somerville 2 - Bow: A.Roy, R.Johnson, A.Curran, H.Bilinski, E.Lennard, C.Bugg, E.Crosbie, S.Bromell, Cox: F.York Coaches: I.Hooper, J.Scott

INV: S t Peters LC-INV - Bow:  S.Hall, A.Wood, L.Allard, A.Heelan, J.MacOwan, M.Dolle, M.Markovich Horne, S.Brouwer, Cox: T.Curtis, Coaches: J.Bowser, V.Frolov

Open Third Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 7:23.50

Margins: +5.96, +11.93, +18.33

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow: L.Krinke, A.Ross, M.Hrstich, A.Dillon, M.Wadley, M.Bird, J.Wilkinson, G.Gallagher, Cox: E.Stafford, Coach: N.Stump

2nd: St Hilda's School 3 - Bow: L.Matigian, I.Hallinan, A.Fing, A.Hwang, S.Park, H.Sweetland, E.Salmon, G.Park, Cox: A.Reilly, Coach: A.Southwood

3rd: St Margaret’s - Bow: A.Walker, I.Robinson, M.Jamieson, M.Pugh, M.Breslin, M.Milligan, T.Wang, Z.Fraser, Cox: L.Weaver, Coaches: J.Chadwick, A.Cunningham

4th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: C.Holmes, C.O'Quinn, L.von Hoyer-Davies, G.Agnew, C.Serisier, C.Agnew, S.Schellin Ida, I.Byrne, Cox: E.Poulsen, Coach: G.Townsend

Open Senior Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 6:02.06

Margins: +3.77, +4.46, +6.51, +13.50

1st: St Margaret’s - Bow: C.Jackson, O.Feltham, A.Gladman, L.Dunning, Cox: M.Fletcher, Coaches: R.Turnbull, G.Campbell

2nd: Brisbane SHS - Bow:   A.Amat, M.Hansen, M.Zeng, E.Okpokam, Cox: B.Trembath, Coach: L.Dewar

3rd: Lourdes Hill - Bow: A.Staley, A.Davidson, Z.Nesbitt, H.Morgan, Cox: L.Kennedy, Coach: A.Storey

4th: Stuartholme - Bow: D.McCabe, A.King, G.White, O.Hiscock, Cox: S.Wright, Coaches: I.Skarott, L.Smith

5th: All Hallows’ - Bow: H.Dornan, E.Fairbanks, P.Snow, H.Lawson, Cox: J.Arthy, Coaches: N.Watt, T.Murphy

Year 12 Single Scull

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:47.32

Margins: +11.97, +3.14, +2.79, +1.27, +1.29, +1.11, +2.31, +7.83

1st: Brisbane Girls GS - A.Thomas, Coaches: A.Botting, L.Johnston

2nd: All Hallows’- N.Murphy, Coach: R.Powell

3rd: St Margaret’s - G.Turnbull, Coaches: A.Maling, T.Elliot

4th: St Peters Lutheran College - T.Rayner, Coach: J.Pettigrew

5th: Stuartholme - E.Hill, Coach: D.Wright

6th: Somerville 1 - F.Bishop, Coach: P.Zahnleiter

7th: Lourdes Hill - O.Brandon, Coach: J.Lunney

8th: St Hilda's School - E.Pinkerton, Coach: B.Cooper

9th: Brisbane SHS - K.Stubbs, Coach: T.Ryals

Year 11 Single Scull

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:42.29

Margins: +4.40, +3.95, +7.11, +1.55, +1.84, +1.13, +1.44, +13.54

1st: Lourdes Hill - E.Lee, Coach: J.Lunney

2nd: All Hallows’ - G.Ryan, Coach: R.Powell

3rd: Brisbane SHS - S.Josipovic, Coach: T.Ryals

4th: St Peters Lutheran College - P.Yarski, Coach: J.Pettigrew

5th: Somerville 1 - N.Bramwell, Coach: P.Zahnleiter

6th: Brisbane Girls GS - P.Hatzipetrou, Coaches: A.Botting, L.Johnston

7th: Stuartholme - L.Haddad, Coach: N.Marden

8th: St Margaret’s - E.Welsh, Coaches: A.Maling, T.Elliot

9th: St Hilda's School - S.Smith, Coaches: S.Wilkins, I.Hawley

Year 10 First Quad

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:32.45

Margins: +3.37, +1.94, +3.47, +1.25, +7.53, +19.33

1st: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow:   E.Bond, L.Cooke, O.Mitchell, G.Davies, Cox: L.Brosnan, Coach: R.Batho

2nd: Somerville 1 - Bow: E.Wiseman, E.Hooper, L.Casey, P.Hirst, Cox: A.Mortess, Coaches: A.Jones, R.Jones

3rd: Stuartholme - Bow: S.Fryer, I.Cleeve, E.Jensen, T.Jensen, Cox: H.O'Dwyer, Coach: L.McCoy

4th: St Margaret's - Bow: A.Miles, L.Jackson, R.Joseph, J.Given, Cox: C.Angelini, Coach: B.Heseltine

5th: All Hallows' - Bow: A.Moore, I.Bennett, A.Thomson, E.Martin, Cox: I.Lee, Coaches: L.Weir, R.Martin

6th: Brisbane SHS 1 - Bow: R.Rowe, K.Noble, N.Jansen, I.Kolera, Cox: M.Vink, Coach: G.To

7th: Lourdes Hill - Bow: N.Hayden, A.Kelly, I.Reid, I.Morgan, Cox: E.Davey, Coach: L.Gibb

Year 10 Second Quad

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:41.28

Margins: +2.47, +2.53, +1.35, +0.30, +36.69

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow: L.McGhee, M.Innes, E.Thorn, E.Waldie, Cox: M.Tyson, Coach: S.Craven

2nd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: M.Bender, P.Costa, L.Brown, N.Babnik, Cox: C.Ross, Coach: N.Langford

3rd: St Margaret's - Bow: T.Nash, C.Thompson, B.Smith, H.McMaster, Cox: I.Winks, Coach: B.Lees

4th: Somerville 2 - Bow: D.Howard, E.Job, S.Brett, S.Bradford, Cox: A.Goodman, Coach: B.Spits

5th: Stuartholme - Bow: C.Katter, A.Edmonds, J.O'Connor, M.Letson, Cox: A.Borjesson, Coach: C.Xing

6th: Brisbane SHS 2 - Bow: I.Kolaitis, B.Sutherland Francis, S.Barbosa Miranda, S.Kanakka hewage, Cox: E.Manzie, Coach: A.Rich

INV: LHC-INV - Bow: M.Harris, M.Gahan, G.Dark, M.Halpin, Cox: A.Skeggs, Coach: I.Newell

Year 10 Third Quad

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:46.28

Margins: +2.17, +9.50, +2.91, +17.70, +1:22.23

1st: St Margaret’s - Bow: P.Young, A.Robson, K.Cooper, C.Baxby, Cox: A.Lynch, Coach: A.Joseph

2nd:  All Hallows' - Bow: A.Victorsen, B.Kendall, I.Crowe, E.Dahlheimer, Cox: S.Petridis, Coach: K.Firmin

3rd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: L.Dobinson, I.Edwards-Kalaf, S.Mazzotta, S.Christmas, Cox: T.Lin, Coach: K.Durbridge

4th: Stuartholme - Bow: M.Mackenzie-Forbes, L.Przybylak, E.Loughman, S.Gallagher, Cox: M.Harrison, Coach: G.Armitage

5th: Somerville 3 - Bow: C.Law, R.Magdics, L.Mudge, E.Boardman, Cox: S.Tsang, Coach: E.Watt

6th: Brisbane SHS 3 - Bow: S.Vishwa, I.Rezzadori Bortolato, D.Batbuyan, V.Qu, Cox: M.Rogers, Coach: E.Johnson

INV: SPLC-INV - Bow: E.Chang, K.Severino, C.Wijacha, A.D'Alterio, Cox: I.Waters, Coach: A.Anders

Year 10 Fourth Quad

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 6:07.57

Margins: +3.00, +2.85, +0.20, +1:24.81

1st: Somerville 4 - Bow: E.Porteous, S.Wootton, E.Fazldeen, K.Bitz, Cox: F.Schwennesen, Coach: G.Lacheca

2nd: All Hallows ' - Bow: L.Murphy, H.Osbourne, C.Nasser, A.Hopkins, Cox: A.McCallum, Coach: A.Sambrook

3rd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: I.Akosile, Y.Stefanutti, T.Ajvadi, C.Davis, Cox: S.Caughlin, Coaches: A.Walsh, S.Kenny

4th: St Margaret’s - Bow: B.Kinloch, I.Green, G.Todhunter, R.Reilly, Cox: M.Eastland, Coach: B.Evans

5th: Stuartholme - Bow: A.Zielinski, C.Ryan, C.Jenkinson, E.Steedman, Cox: A.Whish-Wilson, Coach: R.Edmonds

Year 10 Fifth and Sixth Quad

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 6:17.18

Margins: +2.79, +5.64, +9.58, +25.86

1st (1st GY104x +D6): All Hallows' 2 (Div 6) - Bow:  L.Jewell, P.Skerman, L.Dein, G.Schwedes, Cox: A.Day, Coaches: J.Golds, E.Green

2nd (1st GY104x +D5): St Margaret’s (Div 5) - Bow: L.McGuffin, A.Wilkin, C.Ernest, S.Blight, Cox: M.Pinter, Coach: T.Button

3rd (2nd GY104x +D5):  All Hallows’ (Div 5)  - Bow: Z.Cox, R.Douglas, I.Donnan, E.Gallagher, Cox: C.Fairweather, Coach: B.Oberthur

4th (2nd GY104x +D6): All Hallows' 1 (Div 6)  - Bow: T.Flaskas, S.Sapparth, E.Kendall, E.Towers, Cox: R.Macneil, Coach: E.Russell

5th (3rd  GY104x +D6): St Margaret’s (Div 6) - Bow: A.Livingstone, A.Dew, I.Yannakouros, C.Vardanega, Cox: C.Dakin, Coach: L.Manly

Year 10 Single Scull

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:57.50

Margins: +4.36, +3.33, +4.38 +0.82, +0.24, +0.44, +0.24, +18.72

1st: Brisbane Girls GS - H.Fleming, Coaches: A.Botting, L.Johnston

2nd: St Peters Lutheran College - S.Pettigrew, Coach: J.Pettigrew

3rd: Lourdes Hill - M.Dammers, Coach: J.Lunney

4th: Stuartholme - T.Jensen, Coach: L.McCoy

5th: Somerville 1 - E.Hooper, Coaches: R.Jones, A.Jones

6th: St Margaret’s - M.Baxby, Coaches: A.Maling, T.Elliot

7th: Brisbane SHS - G.Crouch, Coach: T.Ryals

8th: All Hallows’ -  A.Moore, Coaches: L.Weir, R.Martin

9th: St Hilda's School - E.McManus, Coach: S.Beech

Year 9 First Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:27.74

Margins: +3.47, +0.20, +2.83, +0.74, +4.66, +0.40, +2.81, +6.21

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow: E.Kendall, I.Pattison, A.McMeniman, S.Preston, Cox: E.Smerdon, Coach: A.Connolly

2nd: Brisbane SHS 1 - Bow: C.Robertson, M.Aparicio, A.Karmalitova, M.Stafford, Cox: S.Hansen, Coach: T.Herborn

3rd: Brisbane Girls GS  - Bow: N.Salisbury, S.Schmidt, J.Rocchi, O.Yuen, Cox: M.Knight, Coach: H.McCluskey

4th: St Hilda's School - Bow: B.Urban, L.Nolan, G.Ferraro, L.Cooper, Cox: T.MacMillan, Coach: N.Graham

5th: Somerville 1 - Bow: O.York, M.Robertson, P.Lowson, E.Woolley, Cox: I.Kidston, Coach: S.Shakespear

6th: St Margaret's - Bow:   C.Rhode, E.Bliss, G.Williams, Z.Jack, Cox: B.David, Coach: S.Kehoe

7th: Stuartholme - Bow: E.Matthews, H.Taylor, A.Edmonds, P.Coventry, Cox: F.Hobbs, Coaches: L.Hope, K.Shields

8th: Lourdes Hill - Bow: K.Smith, M.Cooper, L.Staley, L.Nolan, Cox: Z.Williamson, Coach: L.Wills

9th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: I.Smith, S.Hardy, E.O'Sullivan, S.Hall, Cox: C.Coleman, Coach: M.Canto

Year 9 Second Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:38.06

Margins: +7.17, +0.60, +3.26, +2.19, +2.19, +0.22, +11.09, +4.20

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow:  Z.Hilton, M.Gallagher, Z.Ball, C.Godbolt, Cox: T.Seymour, Coach: P.Morgan

2nd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: R.Pennell, A.Watkins, A.Beyers, M.Hammer, Cox: S.Irwin, Coaches: E.Paull, T.Skipper

3rd: St Margaret’s - Bow: E.McLean, J.Masson, M.Pickett, T.Kiley, Cox: B.Beasley, Coach: C.Betts

4th: Somerville 2 - Bow: M.Fiumara, E.Albion, B.Mullane, E.Clark, Cox: J.Brkic, Coach: A.Rooney

5th: Brisbane SHS 2 - Bow: L.McFarlane, J.Wells, A.Deans, G.Everding, Cox: I.Cannon, Coach: L.Healey

6th: Stuartholme - Bow: C.Whalan, A.Warby, C.King, P.Newham, Cox: E.Goddard, Coaches: M.Murphy, K.Shields, L.Hope

7th: St Hilda's School - Bow: I.Hawkins, M.Backus, M.Veivers, E.Stott, Cox: E.Strydom, Coach: K.Dittmar

8th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: A.Atthow, O.Jacoby, C.Nesbitt, E.Bryant, Cox: A.Phillips, Coach: M.Frolov

9th: Lourdes Hill - Bow: D.Barnes, S.Small, L.Grant, D.Jurss-Everett, Cox: E.Fraser, Coach: Z.Burgess

Year 9 Third Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:50.16

Margins: +1.98, +1.82, +3.23, +0.26, +0.30, +8.24, +7.79

1st: Somerville 3 - Bow: E.Harrison, I.Wolf, J.Walters, Z.Allen, Cox: A.Ryan, Coach: A.Turnour 

2nd: St Margaret’s - Bow: E.Baker, H.Corish, I.Box, L.McLeod, Cox: I.Macmillan, Coach: B.Lees

3rd: Stuartholme - Bow: K.Kneebone, P.Spicer, P.Bell, E.Pritchard, Cox: O.Plawecki, Coach: H.Hammer

4th: St Hilda's School - Bow: S.Lanzon, S.Reichman, S.Melenewycz, D.Hickson, Cox: R.Balakrishnan, Coach: I.Tsien

5th: All Hallows’ - Bow:   A.Cavallucci, J.Partridge, A.Barrett, P.Martin, Cox: S.Tufui, Coach: S.McAuliffe

6th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: A.Duncan, C.Tan, A.Yantsch, E.Sayer, Cox: C.Watkins, Coaches: B.Stockwell, C.Tsang

7th: Brisbane SHS 3 - Bow: H.Fahmi, E.Shearer, I.Esson, Z.Shearer, Cox: M.Rogers, Coach: R.Christofis

8th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: S.Ayala Moreno, J.Main, M.Stott, J.Wood, Cox: V.Burns, Coach: J.Thynne

Year 9 Fourth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:54.13

Margins: +3.19, +0.98, +9.78, +1.05, +5.62, +4.01, +6.23

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow:   E.Attwood, L.Elphinston, Z.Castledine, J.Hislop, Cox: R.Lee, Coach: D.Godbold

2nd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: O.Earnshaw, T.Dean, O.Dunworth, M.Graham, Cox: L.Douglas, Coaches: C.Browne, J.Thomson

3rd: Somerville 4 - Bow: G.Jordan, S.Singleton, L.McDonald, L.O'Connell, Cox: Z.Walker, Coach: M.Felth

4th: St Margaret’s - Bow: A.Lillecrapp, C.Hare, I.McConnell, M.Rossiter, Cox: H.Dart, Coach: L.Manly

5th: Stuartholme - Bow: S.Czerkesow, M.Lichtwark, M.McDOWELL, E.Moffatt, Cox: M.McNULTY, Coach: F.Carroll

6th: St Hilda's School - Bow: V.Li, R.Saw, D.Holsheimer, S.Oneto, Cox: G.Alexander, Coach: K.Murtagh

7th: Brisbane SHS 4 - Bow: S.Hoffman, Z.Power, I.Saenz Olaya, C.Brownlie, Cox: A.Kutija, Coach: S.Turan

8th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: S.Labuschagne, I.Bland, E.Wood, A.Goring, Cox: K.McCormack, Coach: R.Potlapally

Year 9 Fifth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:54.03

Margins: +9.98, +2.27, +0.46, +3.01, +6.57, +0.66

1st: Stuartholme - Bow: S.Rosenthal, I.Hartwig, A.Mortensen, A.Atkins, Cox: N.Cornelius, Coaches: G.Bentley, G.Hedberg

2nd: Somerville 5 - Bow: J.Bates, C.Crawford, L.Jansz, E.Caldwell, Cox: C.Leahy, Coach: M.Milne

3rd: All Hallows’ - Bow: P.Gray, C.Sheehy, Z.Whiteley, B.Dahlheimer, Cox: A.Acraman-Myles, Coach: R.Dollar

4th: St Hilda's School - Bow: G.Sanders, Z.Fearon, M.Craigie, L.Kelly, Cox: C.Cheng, Coach: Z.Howard

5th: St Margaret’s - Bow: A.Goodrick, I.Coleman, M.Cooper, P.Jonsson, Cox: P.Moffatt, Coach: G.Campbell

6th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: A.Wang, A.Davis, H.Naidoo, A.Bottomley, Cox: L.Russell, Coaches: D.Granzin, L.Mackie

7th: Brisbane SHS - Bow: J.Ko, D.Abhilash, M.Cox, A.Ohlson, Cox: E.Mifsud

Year 9 Sixth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:10.59

Margins: +3.26, +1.13, +4.87, +0.94, +39.71

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow:  J.O'Brien, O.Dempsey, S.McCallum, G.Coogan, Cox: G.Ginardi, Coach: O.Morgan

2nd: Stuartholme - Bow: G.Curl, A.Hampton, J.Thompson, A.Whitefield, Cox: R.Williams, Coach: D.Carroll

3rd: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: E.Wilkinson, M.Atkinson, H.Evans, K.Choo, Cox: L.Wang, Coaches: E.Thoms, J.Sparks

4th: St Hilda's School - Bow: G.Trouchet, K.Cubby, E.Ayre, T.Fearon, Cox: G.Burnett, Coach: O.Georgilopoulos

5th: St Margaret’s - Bow: E.Pearson, H.Lee, O.Down, S.Barwick, Cox: M.Pearson, Coach: A.O'Toole

6th: Somerville 6 - Bow: S.Mohan, L.Dogan, P.Heraghty, M.Yang, Cox: P.Simmons, Coach: M.Wauchope

Year 9 Seventh and Eighth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:09.62

Margins: +3.32, +2.13, +0.24

1st: All Hallows' 2 (1st GY94x+D8) - Bow:  Z.Barends, A.Tanner, G.O'Leary, K.Higson, Cox: H.Armor

2nd: St Margaret's 2 (1st GY94x+D7) - Bow: A.Burgess, E.Barber, M.Dennison, M.Severa, Cox: L.Carson, Coach: T.Button

3rd: All Hallows' 1 (2nd GY94x+D7) - Bow:  Z.Chaw, S.Bolton, E.Morrison, D.Audrey, Cox: J.Lucey, Coach: P.Gascoigne

4th: St Margaret's 1 (2nd GY94x+D8) - Bow: A.Burke, B.Canoy-Crompton, Alwis, T.Segal, Cox: M.Walker

Year 9 Single Scull

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:59.44

Margins: +2.63, +2.41, +4.76, +6.00, +0.24, +7.17, +0.86, +2.73

1st: Lourdes Hill -  L.Nolan, Coach: L.Wills

2nd: All Hallows’ - I.Pattison, Coach: A.Connolly

3rd: Brisbane SHS - M.Stafford, Coach: T.Herborn

4th: Brisbane Girls GS - O.Yuen, Coach: H.McCluskey

5th: Stuartholme -  H.Taylor, Coaches: K.Shields, L.Hope

6th: Somerville 1 - E.Woolley, Coach: S.Shakespear

7th: St Margaret’s - E.Bliss, Coach: S.Kehoe

8th: St Peters Lutheran College - S.Hall, Coach: M.Canto

9th: St Hilda's School - I.Hawkins, Coach: N.Graham

Year 8 First Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:44.38

Margins: +3.04, +2.13, +0.24, +1.25, +2.27, +2.83, +3.57, +19.27

1st: St Hilda's School - Bow:  R.Summons, B.Thomas, A.Turner, I.Wagner, Cox: A.Ramsay, Coach: A.Southwood

2nd: St Margaret’s - Bow: G.Richardson, L.Keenan, P.Slogrove, S.Whistler, Cox: T.Webb, Coaches: P.Jones, G.Campbell

3rd: Somerville 1 - Bow:   Z.McGrath, L.Ellen, P.Grzegorzewski, B.Hirst, Cox: A.Vojinov, Coach: A.Underhill

4th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow:  J.Hudson, O.Grizard, G.Pettigrew, A.Wuttke, Cox: M.Buchanan, Coach: J.Bowser

5th: All Hallows’ - Bow: M.Gorge, M.Dunn, S.White, R.MacLeod, Cox: J.Arthy, Coach: E.Ready

6th: Stuartholme - Bow: C.Cochrane, A.McCabe, C.Ryan, A.Hiscock, Cox: F.Moloney, Coach: R.Edmonds

7th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: M.Gorge, M.Dunn, S.White, R.MacLeod, Cox: J.Arthy, Coach: E.Ready

8th: Brisbane SHS 1 - Bow: S.Ravanal, Z.Varitimos, L.Hou, K.Cook, Cox: C.Pecego, Coach: S.Bartlett

9th: Lourdes Hill - Bow: I.Ross, S.Beattie, G.Betts, E.Woodley, Cox: I.Thurecht, Coach: L.Gibb

Year 8 Second Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:45.26

Margins: +2.35, +1.80, +5.50, +0.90, +0.98, +11.00, +19.32

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow: A.Kovacevic, P.Pickford, M.Rowan, O.Martin, Cox: N.Gallagher, Coach: M.Martin

2nd: Stuartholme - Bow: S.Clark, M.Tully, E.Dubsky, A.Lichtwark, Cox: L.Reed, Coach: A.Heaps

3rd: St Hilda's School - Bow: D.Lynton, S.Brown, I.De Vincentiis, A.Ware, Cox: O.Hodges, Coach: A.Taylor

4th: St Margaret's - Bow: A.Stewart, E.McLeod, L.Russell, P.Johnson, Cox: N.Hutchins, Coaches: A.Maling, A.O'Toole

5th: Brisbane SHS 2 - Bow: J.Chen, A.Gitonga Knox, C.O'Farrell, R.Lee, Cox: J.Delaforce, Coach: G.To

6th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: E.Young, E.Fleming, E.Rockett, E.Catterick, Cox: A.Hewett, Coach: H.Windelborn

7th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: A.Waters, T.McHutchison, M.Bandidt, E.Galloway, Cox: I.Forrester, Coach: G.Graham

8th: Somerville 2 - Bow: E.Forrest, O.Norman, H.Mitchell, S.Pini, Cox: E.Matigian, Coach: O.Mitton

9th: LHC-INV - Bow: C.Pitt, M.Rossi, E.Webb, L.Goodwin, Cox: A.Skeggs, Coaches: B.Harvest, C.Lamari

Year 8 Third Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:49.63

Margins: +5.27, +0.40, +1.47, +0.34, +0.30, +9.92, +20.06

1st: Stuartholme - Bow: F.Harriott, E.Carr, M.Hutchinson, S.Cid, Cox: C.Kemp, Coach: S.Nielsen

2nd: Somerville 3 - Bow: J.Stanley, P.Farquhar, L.Nahrung, Z.Bell, Cox: G.Papas, Coach: A.Roughan

3rd: All Hallows’ - Bow: G.Vierow, M.Carman, R.Murphy, S.Williams, Cox: G.Lane-Mullins, Coach: L.Tucker

4th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: S.Huang, P.Knox, P.Preston, A.George, Cox: L.Ritter, Coach: N.Langford

5th: St Margaret’s - Bow: A.Crowe, E.Poynter, I.Kennedy, Z.Ferguson, Cox: J.Schmidt, Coach: B.Lees

6th: Brisbane SHS 3 - Bow: O.Simpson, N.Fry, S.Hancock, S.Hosseini, Cox: N.Banks, Coach: L.Dewar

7th: St Hilda's School - Bow: C.Smollen, L.Bos, E.Salam, S.Edwards, Cox: M.Wilson, Coach: J.Strydom

8th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: E.Bland, X.Tan, J.Harris, A.Gibson, Cox: L.Talevich, Coaches: C.Coleman, M.Bridge

Year 8 Third Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:50.16

Margins: +1.98, +1.82, +3.23, +0.26, +0.30, +8.24, +7.79

1st: Somerville 3 - Bow: E.Harrison, I.Wolf, J.Walters, Z.Allen, Cox: A.Ryan, Coach: A.Turnour 

2nd: St Margaret’s - Bow: E.Baker, H.Corish, I.Box, L.McLeod, Cox: I.Macmillan, Coach: B.Lees

3rd: Stuartholme - Bow: K.Kneebone, P.Spicer, P.Bell, E.Pritchard, Cox: O.Plawecki, Coach: H.Hammer

4th: St Hilda's School - Bow: S.Lanzon, S.Reichman, S.Melenewycz, D.Hickson, Cox: R.Balakrishnan, Coach: I.Tsien

5th: All Hallows’ - Bow:   A.Cavallucci, J.Partridge, A.Barrett, P.Martin, Cox: S.Tufui, Coach: S.McAuliffe

6th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: A.Duncan, C.Tan, A.Yantsch, E.Sayer, Cox: C.Watkins, Coaches: B.Stockwell, C.Tsang

7th: Brisbane SHS 3 - Bow: H.Fahmi, E.Shearer, I.Esson, Z.Shearer, Cox: M.Rogers, Coach: R.Christofis

8th: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: S.Ayala Moreno, J.Main, M.Stott, J.Wood, Cox: V.Burns, Coach: J.Thynne

Year 8 Fourth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 3:51.85

Margins: +4.56, +0.54, +1.37, +0.40, +6.17, +2.75

1st: All Hallows’ - Bow: S.Howard, G.Camuglia, I.Carey, D.Iannarella, Cox: E.Douglas, Coach: J.McGuireS.Howard, G.Camuglia, I.Carey, D.Iannarella, Cox: E.Douglas, Coach: J.McGuire

2nd: Stuartholme - Bow: M.Nunan, E.Morrison, G.Newsham, F.Henry, Cox: E.Ambrose, Coach: N.Searls

3rd: Brisbane SHS 4 - Bow: Z.Copland, H.Franklin, C.Blennerhassett, E.Alexander, Cox: A.Kutija, Coach: R.Christofis

4th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: L.Gaunt, S.Kroon, A.Carter, Z.Lyons, Cox: S.Munro, Coach: B.Bloom

5th: St Hilda's School - Bow: S.Virgona, S.Witten, P.Maher, W.Sherman, Cox: J.Taylor, Coach: G.McKinnon

6th: St Margaret’s - Bow: A.McMaster, J.Bell, L.Brown, M.Mattsson, Cox: M.McIntosh 

7th: Somerville 4 - Bow: C.Lamond, S.Cameron, L.Ballentine, H.Hackett, Cox: S.Davies, Coach: J.MacLennan

Year 8 Fifth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:02.13

Margins: +6.43, +0.50, +1.33, +0.26, +2.83, +12.24

1st: Stuartholme - Bow: R.Connolly, A.Howes, M.Bowes, F.Towler, Cox: M.Jones, Coach: J.Petrie-Repar

2nd: St Margaret's - Bow: C.Nheu, H.Poole, I.Dockray, I.Reeve, Cox: O.Vogel, Coach: H.Leddie

3rd: Somerville 5 - Bow: I.Winks, G.Wong, M.Connors, E.Anderson, Cox: H.Goodman, Coach: E.Carrigan

4th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: M.Brown, S.McCullen, T.Wysocki, E.Knight, Cox: S.Shellshear, Coach: J.Cornish

5th: St Hilda's School - Bow: I.Hill, F.Lewis, F.Wiltshire, J.Curr, Cox: J.Mullins, Coach: R.Fielding

6th: All Hallows’ - Bow: M.Thelander, S.Hartnett, N.Krutak, E.Morland, Cox: K.Morrison, Coach: I.Drew

7th: Brisbane SHS 5 - Bow: A.Woolfe, V.Vilcins, A.Shelley, M.Jiang, Cox: N.Bambarenda, Coach: R.Dalton

Year 8 Sixth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:11.00

Margins: +0.30, +15.05, +14.41, +4.12, +15.45, +4.26

1st: Stuartholme - Bow: A.Williams, S.Akhtar, E.Hunt, L.Thompson, Cox: Z.Bell, Coach: O.Axelsen

2nd: All Hallows’ - Bow: B.Attwood, A.Moloney, A.Bint, A.Morrissy, Cox: T.Knezevic, Coach: N.Duncan-Banks

3rd: Brisbane SHS 6 - Bow: J.Hayer, E.Ong, E.Manzie, M.Chand, Cox: E.Hoon, Coaches: M.Wex, A.Wex

4th: Somerville 6 - Bow: S.Tilling, G.Clarke, E.Langford-Smith, I.Vaughan, Cox: A.El Gazzar, Coach: A.Ready

5th: St Hilda's School - Bow: L.Carrigan, B.Malady, S.Crain, E.Douglas, Cox: W.Bews, Coach: M.Wright

6th: St Margaret's - Bow: A.Ward, C.Dakin, E.Chandler, P.Chalmers, Cox: C.Walker, Coach: J.Rice

7th: Brisbane Girls GS - Bow: U.Dunbar, I.Stuckey, Z.Shafferman, H.George, Cox: V.Haddad, Coach: L.Crook

Year 8 Seventh Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:12.38

Margins: +7.13, +4.98, +1.68, +6.96

1st: St Margaret's - Bow: H.Sweeney, I.Doolin, S.Blight, S.Jagers, Cox: L.Ayres, Coach: J.O'Toole

2nd: Somerville 7 - Bow: R.Stafford, A.Scott, M.Grierson, M.Wintraaken, Cox: L.Gray-Buchanan, Coach: E.Webber

3rd: St Hilda's School - Bow: A.Greenwood, J.Edwards, K.Taggart, C.Arnold, Cox: M.Curtis, Coach: C.Cummings

4th: Stuartholme - Bow: E.Pearce, O.Read, S.Clowes, Z.Francis, Cox: F.Towler, Coach: G.Hedberg

5th: All Hallows’ - Bow: S.Moran, V.Beamish, G.Kelso, M.Parry, Cox: T.Rosenthal, Coach: R.Martin

Year 8 Eighth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:10.63

Margins: +6.21, +2:20.10

1st: St Margaret’s - Bow: A.Green, E.Vanderaa, M.Ashley, S.Peckham, Cox: A.Owens, Coach: B.Evans

2nd: All Hallows’ - Bow: E.Hislop, H.Bodnar, A.Mitchelmore, E.Barrett, Cox: H.Duane, Coach: E.Deering

3rd: Somerville 8 - Bow: A.Randall, E.Brown, A.Ireland, A.Prineas, Cox: W.Palmer, Coach: M.Webber

4th: STH - INV - Bow: H.Elliott, L.Kearney, A.Kappadais, H.Ferris, Cox: T.Cowan

Year 8 Ninth Quad

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:14.78

Margins: +4.50, +4.74, +6.77, +13.07

1st: St Margaret's 9 - Bow: J.Fullerton, M.Dixon, S.Jones, Z.Everest, Cox: C.Bligh, Coach: H.Dixon

2nd: St Margaret's 10 - Bow: E.Tanner, F.Festa, P.Cronin, S.McMillan, Cox: E.Tydd, Coach: A.Hundloe

3rd: St Margaret's 11 - Bow: A.Bowers, K.Cavenagh, M.Bull, Z.Rae, Cox: L.Wilkinson, Coach: I.Bamber

4th: All Hallows’ - Bow: P.Kendall, E.Kelso, H.Armor, V.Waugh, Cox: N.Gallagher, Coach: B.Clarke

5th:  St Margaret's 12 - Bow: A.Owen, I.Stobie, J.Coorey, I.George, Cox: S.Minotto, Coaches: B.Alexander, J.Cooke

Year 8 Single Scull

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: 4:00.77

Margins: +11.71, +2.06, +11.26, +0.50, +8.61, +0.36, +4.07, +20.73

1st: St Peters Lutheran College - Bow: G.Pettigrew, Coach: J.Bowser

2nd: Somerville 1 - B.Hirst, Coaches: A.Underhill, A.Jones

3rd: All Hallows’ - R.MacLeod, Coach: E.Ready

4th: St Hilda's School - R.Summons, Coach: A.Southwood

5th: Stuartholme - A.Hiscock, Coach: R.Edmonds

6th: Brisbane SHS - K.Cook, Coach: S.Bartlett

7th: St Margaret’s - L.Keenan, Coaches: P.Jones, G.Campbell

8th: Brisbane Girls GS - C.Kent, Coach: E.Searle

9th: Lourdes Hill - G.Betts, Coach: L.Gibb


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