History of Rowing Victoria Inc
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapters
- 1: Rowing in a young Victoria 1838-1859
- 2: Formation of the Association 1860-1875
- 3: Growth of the Sport 1876-1889
- 4: Years of great success 1890-1899
- 5: The rise of Australian Henley1900-1909
- 6: The War Years 1910-1919
- 7: Women's rowing and the modern era 1920-1929
- 8: The Depression Rebuild 1930-1939
- 9: War and rebuilding 1940-1949
- 10: Expansion years 1950-1959
- 11: The search for international success 1960-1969
- 12: Combining the Associations and lightweight success 1970-1979
- 13: The new national program 1980-1989
- 14: Golden years 1990-1999
- 15: Professionalism 2000-2009
- 16: Yet More Growth 2010-2019
- 17: Challenging Times 2020-2026
- Appendices
- 1: Life Membership and other important awards
- 2: Patrons and Presidents
- 3: Office Bearers
- 4: Clubs and their histories
- 5: The Oarsmen's Centotaph and WWI Roll of Honour
- 6: WWII Roll of Honour
- 7: Premierships
- 8: State Championships
- 9: Hall of Fame Inductees
- 10: Victorian Olympians
- 11: International representation
- 12: Intercolonial and Interstate Racing
- 13: School rowing
- 14: University rowing
- 15: Histories of Victorian Rowing
- 16: Annual Reports
1. Rowing in a young Victoria, 1838 to 1860 - this chapter is under construction
Rowing in the regions
Page 1 - Rowing in Melbourne prior to the gold rush 1838-1851
Page 2 - The gold rush 1851-1860
Page 3 - Rowing in the regions
Page 4 - Rowing around Australia
Rowing commenced in Geelong shortly after rowing in the Melbourne town area despite being only a 1/10th of the size of their cousins in Melbourne town.
The regatta took place on Saturday 20th March 1844 and the Stewards were Captain Wycherley, Charles John Dennys and Charles Sladen, Modest prizes of either 4 or 5 pounds were provided.
Competitor numbers were low but four competitors, Wycherley, Dennys, Sladen and Luck, took part in three different events. Both Dennys and Sladen took part in the regatta, with vessels named Shamrock and Lucy respectively. Both were about 18 feet in length and it seems they constituted the entire local entries, and that the other boats taking part were from visiting ships lying at anchor off Point Henry1.
- Jolly Dogs Are We - The History of Yachting in Victoria 1838-94, by Ralph Neale, published by Landscape Publications 1984, page 41
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