History of Rowing Victoria Inc
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapters
- 1: Rowing in a young Victoria 1838-1859
- 2: Formation of the Association 1860-1875
- 3: Growth of the Sport 1876-1889
- 4: Years of great success 1890-1899
- 5: The rise of Australian Henley1900-1909
- 6: The War Years 1910-1919
- 7: Women's rowing and the modern era 1920-1929
- 8: The Depression Rebuild 1930-1939
- 9: War and rebuilding 1940-1949
- 10: Expansion years 1950-1959
- 11: The search for international success 1960-1969
- 12: Combining the Associations and lightweight success 1970-1979
- 13: The new national program 1980-1989
- 14: Golden years 1990-1999
- 15: Professionalism 2000-2009
- 16: Yet More Growth 2010-2019
- 17: Challenging Times 2020-2026
- Appendices
- 1: Life Membership and other important awards
- 2: Patrons and Presidents
- 3: Office Bearers
- 4: Clubs and their histories
- 5: The Oarsmen's Centotaph and WWI Roll of Honour
- 6: WWII Roll of Honour
- 7: Premierships
- 8: State Championships
- 9: Hall of Fame Inductees
- 10: Victorian Olympians
- 11: International representation
- 12: Intercolonial and Interstate Racing
- 13: School rowing
- 14: University rowing
- 15: Histories of Victorian Rowing
- 16: Annual Reports
1. Rowing in a young Victoria, 1838 to 1860
The gold rush 1851-1860
Page 1 - Rowing in Melbourne prior to the gold rush 1838-1851
Page 2 - The gold rush 1851-1860
Page 3 - Rowing in the regions
Page 4 - Rowing around Australia
1857 sculling match
Michael Cannon reported on a sculling race in 1857 on the Yarra, no doubt for a wager. Rowing contests, which had been popular in Sydney since 1818, took some time to reach Melbourne. A great sculling match took place in June 1857 between Alfred Holland and William Jewiss, who raced five miles from Hawthorn Bridge to Church Street, Richmond, in 32-foot cedar boats fitted with outriggers. Holland won by two lengths, but after a protest the race was declared a draw.1
- Melbourne After the Gold Rush by Michael Cannon page 299 published by Loch Haven Books 1993
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