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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2016 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.


2016 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
Year 8 Coxed Quad Scull Division 6






1st Canberra Girls Grammar 1 - Bow: Olivia Nobbs, 2: Yvonne Monk, 3: Amber Nyhof, Str: Dimity Vlahos, Cox: Elizabeth Dickson, Cch: Renee Tattersall

2nd Canberra Girls Grammar 2 - Bow: Caitlin Boyes, 2: Veronique Winter, 3: Ellen Young, Str: Sareeta Darrow, Cox: Erin Behel, Cch: Tim White, Nia Stamatis

3rd Loreto Kirribilli - Bow: Eliza Dunlop, 2: Annabel Smyth, 3: Josephine Barwick, Str: Niamh Hine, Cox: Mimi O'Brien, Cch: Saskia Hartog

4th Sydney Girls - Bow: Shruti Prusty, 2: Angela Liang, 3: Amity Lorenz, Str: Terri Tran, Cox: Amy Wade, Cch: Jonathan Adams, Paul Coates, Timothy Hughes

5th Pymble Ladies - Bow: Elizabeth Cameron, 2: Sarah Foster, 3: Chloe Thong, Str: Lucia Laszok, Cox: Jaimee Liubinskas, Cch: William Newnham

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