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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2015 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.


2015 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
Year 10 Coxed Quad Scull Division 5





1st Kinross Wolaroi - Bow: Isabelle Robson, 2: Georgie Bowyer, 3: Zita Lamph, Str: Georgia Staniforth, Cox: Maggie Jean Smith, Cch: Daniel Garrett, Rachel Saunders, James Smith

2nd Pymble Ladies 1 - Bow: Saskia Fawcett, 2: Alicia Goh, 3: Jessica Hiller, Str: Anna Day, Cox: Sophie Angus, Cch: Madeline Smith, Alexandra Cropley

3rd Loreto Normanhurst - Bow: Jesse Conn, 2: Paris Preedy, 3: Sophie Rose, Str: Roisin Fox, Cox: Arabella Barr, Cch: Isebella Hogan, Laura Gely

4th Pymble Ladies 2 - Bow: Eloise Moore, 2: Chani Gunasekera, 3: Caitlyn Charlin, Str: Jessica Lee, Cox: Allyson Campbell, Cch: Madeline Smith, Alexandra Cropley

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