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History of UTS Haberfield Rowing Club


The social history of Haberfield Rowing Club, like that of the Club itself, has been one of great service, and too much praise cannot be given to the many fine women and girls who have from time to time worked for our club and are in many ways mainly responsible for its present sound position.

In the historical sketch will be found mention of the early work carried out by the members of Ladies Committee with Mesdames, M. Kent, G. Reynolds, B. Williams, F.C. Daly and Miss A. Scott well to the fore.

1927-28 Committee held two particularly successful dances at Ashfield Town Hall. Many private entertainments were well organised with advantage to the funds, especially the effort of Misses Gourlay in support of Miss Betty Wright. Due to Miss Betty Wright’s magnificent effort a new best and best four was handed to the club.

1928-29. The Ladies Committee, under J.W. Scott held the Annual Ball at Ashfield Town Hall. The Misses Goulay for the second time distinguished themselves. Their second effort resulted in a cheque for £17.1.0 being sent to the Club. Messrs. W. J. Rogers, A. V. Scott, C. Wilson and J. C. Daly attend to the social side. While the piano in the Club was practical evidence of Mr. Les Winkworth’s interest.

1929-30. The social activities during the year were more than gratifying. Two social committees, namely the Ladies Committee, under the leadership of Mrs. J. W. Scott, and the Younger Set Committee, led by Miss Stella Woollett operated. With the help of Mr. A. V. Scott and the club’s annual ball. These two committees raised approximately £140., the total purchase price of a new racing eight, the “Miss Haberfield” which was christened at a function in the club house by the Mayoress of Ashfield, Mrs. C. Dengate. Other functions held were the first Xmas re-unio, smoke concert, and Nepean Club, were entertained at the Haberfield Clubhouse. 

1930-31. The Younger Set Committee boat fund purchased a new four, the “Younger Set” and presented it to the Club. Mr. H. McCann, the social secretary of the club assisted the two ladies committees. The new President being Mrs. M. F. Jarvie, supported by Miss S. Woollett, Miss S. Kiel and Mrs. J. W. Scott Senior. During the year a picnic was held at Woniora. Mr. Bernie Williams having placed his week-end cottage at the Club’s disposal. A football match between Mosman and Haberfield resulted in a win for Mosman.

1931-32. The Club’s Annual Ball was held at Haberfield on 27th August, 1831. Mrs. C. G. Wilson organized a dance for unemployed relief in the Clubhouse, special mention must also be made of the untiring efforts of Miss S. Woollett, Miss N. Parsons, Miss S. Kiel, Mrs.  H. Coulson and Mrs. J. Scott Snr. Glebe Rowing Club defeated Haberfield at Rugby.

1932-33. Two balls were held by the Club in the season, one the Younger Set Ball at the State Assembly and the Club’s Annual Ball at the Ashfield Town Hall. The “Bernie Williams” a new racing eight was christened by Mrs. Jarvis, to the joy of everyone Bernie Williams himself was present, although he had just returned from hospital. 

1933-34. Mark Woollett and his team of enthusiasts, organised a dance, the funds of which were used in reducing the unemployed members’ fees suspense account. The Club’s Annual Ball, with over 200 present was again held at the Ashfield Town Hall.

1934-35. Four dances were held during the year, all of which were financially successful and from these entertainments the funds of the club benefited to the extent of £35.12.1.

1935-36. Hordern Bros. was the location of the Annual Ball and in connection with the Ball, an Ugly Man competition was a huge success. Outstanding among the competitors were C. G. Wilson, R. Collins, C. Kiel, D. Jones and V. Mossong. The social committee, this year launched a scheme to raise a thousand pounds for extension to the Club premises.

1936-37. Thanks to the organizing efforts of Mr. Dave Joines about 400 members and friends attended the Haberfield Rowing Club Vall at Hordern Bros. The greatest social effort made to date by the Club. A queen competition won by Miss L. Croker created great interest while the Christmas Revel which included the christening of the four oared shell “Ted Firth” and speedboat rides was a great success due mainly to the efforts of Mr. R. Collins. “A Night in Vienna” organized by Mr. C. W. Holmes resulted in over 170 being present at the Clubhouse and net proceeds were £27. The Younger Set donated £68 to club funds due to the fine work by Mrs. Jarvie and Mrs. Roberts. The Club met Leichhardt at rugby and Mosman at golf.

1937-38. The 1936 Ball figures of 400 were eclipsed the following year when 440 people attended Hordern Bros. The President, Mr. F. J. Herlihy unfurled the Junior Pennant, won by the Club. The flag pole on which the pennant was placed was beautifully flood lit. The Christmas party organized by Messrs. Holmes, Collins and Casben was the most successful function held at the Clubhouse, over 200 being present. The Younger Set was again under the leadership of Mrs. Roberts.

1938-39. The Club was particularly indebted to the work done by the Lady President of the Social Committee, Miss N. Woodhouse and the Social Secretary, Mis B. Jones. The combined regatta and Christmas revel held in the Clubhouse on 17th December, 1938 resulted in a profit of £22. The Roylands Dramatic Club from the Department of Labour and Industry generously staged two, 3 act plays for the club’s benefit during the year.

1939-40. The most outstanding nights in the social year were the Regatta Dance and the Christmas Revel. The most ambitious undertaking of the year was the Showboat Dance which proved quite successful although handicapped by inclement weather. The Annual Ball did not, however, give the return which was generally expected. The Younger Set executive, Messrs. M. Colebrook, and A. and J. Eddie, supported by Misses M. Sutherland, C. Robinson, N. Robinson, D. Braybon, B. Jones, V. and I. Walsh, gave wonderful service to the Club. Mrs. Roberts, a past president continued her efforts for the welfare of the Club. Football matches with Nepean and Leichhardt, a car picnic and sports meeting, a Golf Tournament at Bankstown Golf Links all proved a welcome change after a season of continual rowing.

1940-41. The Annual Ball held at the Dungowan, showed little profit but proved a great social success. The social committee outings included a surfing party to Harbord, hikes, theatre parties and a moonlight cruise. A concert was held by Mr. Tom Crook in the Haberfield School of Arts, the club found it highly successful both from a point of view of profit and entertainment.

1941-42. The outstanding night of the year was the Christmas Revel, at which 225 people were present at the Clubhouse. A profit of £21.9.9 being made. The Annual Ball was held at the State Ballroom. Due mainly to the absence of members on active service the attendance at other functions during the year fell off. The social committee, with Miss Nita Eddie as Secretary, and Misses Gloria, Norma and Marie Healey continued their ardent support.

1942-43. The Younger Set, with Nita Eddie as Secretary, Misses Marie and Jean Bezett, Jean Cameron, Fay Humphreys, Norma Sampson, Gwen Newman and others organized the Christmas Revel and also a dance held at the School of Arts, the later showing a profit of £24.17.0.

1943-44. Social activities like the Club’s active list, were being hard hit by the war period. Miss Nita Eddie served her third year as Secretary helped by Ralph Holman, Wal Crossing and Ken Williams. 

1944-45. The previously mentioned unfavourable conditions still meant that club dances were poorly attended. Due to the great effort on the part of the Younger Set £34 during the year was passed to the Club. Outstanding social event of the year was the formation of Haberfield Rowing Club’s Old Boys Union, with Mr. W. Casben as first President and Mr. G. Cronin as Secretary.

1945-46. Total profits from the Younger Set dances during the year reached £38. A queen competition was organized by the Younger Set. The Annual Ball was held at the Ashfield Town Hall on 10th July and on this occasion the Mayor of Ashfield kindly consented to crown Miss Patricia Wilking as winner of the Queen Competition. As a result of the work of Misses Pat Wilding, Shirley Wallace and Gwendoline Sims a new racing eight “Miss Pat Wilding” was added to the club fleet. A really great effort.

1946-47. Younger Set meetings were held each fortnight in the Clubhouse on Friday nights. Messrs. R. Holman, J. Eddie, W. Creaser, S. Chapman, E. Williams and R. Moore gave wonderful service to the Club during the year. In 1947 the Club held its first Annual Table Tennis Championship, the Senior Single won by Fred Campbell, Senior Doubles W. Chapman and K. Webb, Junior Singles B. Wallace and Ladies Singles, Mrs. N. Chapman. 

1947-48. With the unfortunate disbandment of the Younger Set the Club was more or less thrown on its own resources in regard to the organisation of social functions. However, a policy was adopted whereby a programme of dances spaced over a long period was drawn up. The wisdom of this was subsequently proved with the outstanding success of the Annual Ball and Christmas Revel. The 1948 Table Tennis Championships resulted:- Senior Singles won by Harold Brown; Senior Doubles, Erwin Eder and Kevyn Webb; Junior Singles John Bennetts; and Ladies Singles Miss Patsy Bingham.

1948-49. Saw the new Social Committee come under the leadership of Mrs. A. Eder with Miss M. Wood as Secretary, together with Jack Eddie, Erwin Eder, Les Howell, Bob Jones, the social organisation of the Club helped by Misses J. Cannon, L. Malligan, M. Creaser and others brought the Club’s social life to a very sound footing. The Annual Ball being a great success. The Club’s Table Tennis Championships were again conducted. Mr. Steve Wallace proved a great friend to the club with donations to raffles and organization of Housie Nights.

1949-50. The Social Committee placed an order for a new racing eight which will be named the "Dr. J. A. Parkes” in memory of our late famous coach. With the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Club’s social life this year may well be the greatest in the Club’s history.

In conclusion, while saying on behalf of the Club thank you ladies one and all for the wonderful work you have all done for our Club, it is necessary to remind all members, past and present that subscriptions are not sufficient to maintain the Club. The costs of running the Clubhouse and fleet have risen considerably over the past few years and if our Club is to continue to function as it has in such a fine manner in the past, and if we are to attain our much discussed new Clubhouse, all members must support the Club’s social activities. 

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