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History of UTS Haberfield Rowing Club

Haberfield Rowing Club Statistics

Total Haberfield Rowing Club wins in all regattas in which two or more clubs have raced. All statistics up Riverview Regatta April, 1950.

Senior and Open Eights86Novice Fours20
Lightweight Senior Eights8Lightweight Novice fours2
Junior Eights24Handicap Fours2
Lightweight Junior Eights4Youth Fours8
Maiden Eights11Lightweight Youth Fours1
Lightweight Maiden Eights23Senior Pairs7
Novice Eights1Novice Pairs20
Senior and Open Fours64Senior Double Sculls3
Lightweight Senior Fours19Junior Double Sculls1
Junior Fours43Marathon Sculls2
Lightweight Junior Fours15Maiden Double Sculls1
Maiden Fours50Sculls92
Lightweight Maiden Fours38Gladstone Skiff10

In just on 1,200 races the Club has thus won 555 and has been placed either second or third in over 350.

The 555 wins were scored in the following years:-


Haberfield Rowing Club's Australian and New South Wales representatives:-

V. Aitken 1946Dr. J. A. Parkes (coach) 1939, 46, 47, 48*, 48
D. Bowden (cox) 1935L. Robinson 1939, 40, 46, 47, 48*
T. Brennan 1948M Ruffels 1938, 46
C. Cogle 1946, 47O. Ruffels 1939, 46, 47, 48*, 48
A. Eddie 1939, 47, 48*, 48R. Schnieder (cox) 1939
J. Eddie 1948, 50W. Shepherd 1948
E. Eder 1948, 50J. Scott 1930
E. Firth 1935F. Smith 1946
K. Fox (cox) 1950H. Turner 1932, 33
K. Gee 1948, 50W. Taylor 1940
G. Harrison 1939K. Vale 1946
E. Healey (cox) 1946, 47, 48*, 48G. Walker 1932
E. Howlett 1933K. Wenn 1940, 46, 47, 48*, 50
S. McGilvray 1933, 35, 36Bruce Williams 1939
D. Marks 1939W. Winkworth 1948, 50
L. Montgomery 1950
D. Malligan 1948

With the exception of 1940 New Zealand Centenary Games, 1948* Olympic Test Fours, 1950 British Empire Games, all other years show representation in King's Cup races.

Individual wins

Individual wins scored by club members from 1925 to 1950. 71 Club members have won 10 or more races, while 215 have won from 1 to 10 races.

A. Eddie94R. McGraw4
J. Eddie88K. Halpin4
K. Webb87K. Massard4
L. Robinson83A. McClintock4
O. Ruffels71J. Copper4
E. Eder67B. Bull4
M. Ruffels60N. Parsons4
W. Winkworth59L. Rose4
F. Smith48F. McLeod4
C. Cogle45A. Bainton4
V. Aitken41W. Holmes4
W. Creaser29R. Eggleton4
W. Shepherd29J. Wykes4
Les Robinson28K. Holden4
E. Firth28K. Tyrer4
L. Montgomery28J. Wright3
K. Gee27B. Wallace3
D. Malligan24A. Lockley3
K. Vale23B. Starke3
V. Mossong22J. Bennetts3
R. Fraser21B. Short3
R. Halpin20C. Berghoffer3
M. Sims20H. Brown3
G. Harrison19E. Taffa3
K. Love19R. Briggs3
V. Crum19H. Tribe3
E. Howlett19K. Sims3
J. Scott18W. Litchfield3
L. Howell18G. Griffiths3
R. Stubbs17A. Lawrence3
H. Gilbert17L. Williams3
L. Hemming16F. Tytherleigh3
B. Williams16G. Ellis3
B. Close15L. Turner3
R. Smith15T. McGovern3
H. Turner15J. Griffiths3
E. Parsons14W. Hickey3
W. Chapman14A. Bannister3
K. Ryan13H. Coleman3
A. Green13A. Irvine3
D. Evans13F. Beggs3
W. Taylor13B. Campbell3
O. Pierce13B. McLean2
E. Cholerton13R. Russell2
A. Colebrook13C. Shaw2
S. Kayess13A. Juleff2
R. Sims13B. Goswell2
N. Cannon13C. Gee2
K. Williams12R. Winkworth2
G. Leonard12J. Hunt2
A. Lownds12P. McDonald2
R. McKinnon12A. Marsen2
C. Williams11G. Johnson2
T. Brennan11D. McCallum2
R. Bezett11T. Haskins2
N. Elphinstone11W. Fogden2
R. Allman11R. Walker2
W. Bradley11B. Rennison2
W. Casben11R. Alt2
A. Blumen11H. Hume2
W. O'Connor10C. Holmes2
H. McCann10A. Roberts2
P. Davis10R. Binson2
M. Woollett10W. Case2
W. Cork10H. Clarke2
C. White10N. Walsh2
R. Holman10K. Holland2
N. Hobson10L. Patterson2
K. Adam10B. Watson1
R. Jones10W. Lyons1
R. Howe10M. Glenn1
J. Fitzmaurice9R. Pringle1
H. Buist9A. Hayden1
C. Chidgey9J. Fergie1
D. Marks9A. Walters1
G. Lee9J. Nicholls1
G. McGilvray9W. Collins1
F. Muller9V. Yelland1
A Druce8R. Carrucan1
H. Coulson8M. Booker1
H. Crow8J. Clarke1
C. Coleman8A. Collier1
R. Kelly8W. Meani1
R. Rees8F. Dawson1
H. Bruce8A. Hole1
S. Hoskins8L. Knight1
E. Muller8W. Twigg1
N. Thomas8T. Rosst1
A. Wailes8J. Williamson1
C. Lockwood8H. Smith1
J. Westacott8P. Coxall1
R. Stalker7L. Byrne1
P. Malcolm7F. De Bellin1
C. Walsh7J. Young1
R. Swain7R. Webb1
R. Hansen7J. Kennedy1
R. Day7J. Haskins1
A. Stewart7R. Collins1
A. Dalrymple7R. Collis1
C. Davidson7D. Ridley1
F. Hyde7R. Souter1
S. McGilvray7F. Fishburn1
J. Bourke7C. Alt1
C. Kiel6R. Ward1
H. Schafer6G. Cornfield 1
S. Randall6P. Airry1
D. Couper6D. Thompson1
J. Guinnore6N. Robertson1
S. Elphinstone6N. Couper1
E. Cork6J. Lovill1
C. Wilson6R. Hay1
W. Johnson6D. Hoskins1
A. Wilson6G. Cronin1
C. Ferguson6K. McCallum1
D. Hoskins6J. Kain1
C. Kidd6C. McKew1
J. Fisher6N. Garrett1
J. Williams6J. Austin1
E. Lawson6A. O'Hara1
N. Beattie6A. Fisher1
F. Campbell6R. Johnson1
R. Chapman6M. Kent1
P. Fletcher5F. Chambers1
W. Farrell5Horrie Crow1
R. B. Jones5A. Montgomery1
R. Hore6E. Pratt1
R. Eling5W. Hayes1
R. De Belle5J. Davis1
H. Rosenberg5L. Murray1
N. Pinkerton5K. Kaelher1
T. Croker5M. Kelly1
F. Bangel5N. Couper1
M. Robinson5A. O'Brien1
F. Fullerton5C. Gribben1
L. Taylor5R. Grieg1
P. Dreves5B. McLean1
H. Flemming5C. Worboys1
H. Boland5S. Hawkins1
D. Armit4R. Grieg1
R. Rawlins4A. Crocker1
J. O'Neill4E. Meirick1
T. Tressider4L. Jacobs1
K. Collier4

Individual Coxswains Wins

E. Healey76S. Kerr3
N. Ella50J. Shirbin3
K. Fox30L. Kent3
R. Davies22R. Newham3
R. Schneider22W. Parker2
E. Everett17M. Woollett2
N. Walsh14C. Ball2
E. Lloyd13W. Alsop2
R. Winkworth12A. Colebrook2
R. Chapman10N. Lewis2
J. Smallwood10B. Wooton2
C. Ritchie9B. Briggs2
W. James9P. Coxall2
B. Wallace9D. Hastie2
P. Darby8L. Lucy2
W. Chandler8E. Firth2
T. Chessell8T. Tressider2
D. McLeod7A. Morris2
W. Winkworth6J. Davies1
D. Bowden4A. Green1
P. Winkworth4A. Broome1
K. Wims4

Individual Coaching Wins

Dr. J. A. Parkes132N. Cannon3
B. Williams40N. Ella2
J. Eddie36W. Shepherd2
K. Webb20V. Mossong2
M. Ruffels15R. Halpin2
N. Elphinstone11C. Hurley1
G. McGilvray10M. Woollett1
A. Eddie10T. Chessell1
L. Robinson7D. Bowden1
V. Aitken4S. McGilvray1
R. Schafer4O. Ruffels1
T. Croker4N. Parsons1
C. Wilson4W. Creaser1
E. Keary3E. Eder1
C. Saleh3C. Lockwood1
E. Firth3E. Healey1

Log Records and Membership

There are no Log Books prior to 1948 or at least none such can be found. For that reason the statistics for the years 1925 to 1947 inclusive, do not appear in the following compilations. The yearly membership totals, however, have been taken from the Annual Reports of the Club.

YearActiveHon. Life and LifeTotal

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