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History of UTS Haberfield Rowing Club

Regatta and Races



New South Wales Championship Regatta – December 25th, 1925

Parramatta River 3 miles 167 yards

Champion Sculls: Milton C. Kent - Won. Time 22minutes 39.6 seconds.


Sydney Rowing Club and University Regatta – 23rd October, 1926

Parramatta River

Maiden Four - Won.


Pittwater Regatta – 1st January 1927

Broken Bay

Junior Four - Won

Senior Four - Won

Balmain District Regatta – 3rd January 1927

Iron Cove

Gladstone Skiff Handicap – L. Mongomery - Won.

Anniversary Regatta – 26th January 1927

Sydney Harbour

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Balmain, Drummoyne and Glebe Regatta – 12th February 1927

Iron Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Sydney’s Fifth Henley Regatta – 26th February 1927

Iron Cove Canal

Maiden Four – Won

St Ignatius College Regatta

Maiden Four (Magnus and Mercantile Cups) – Won

Junior Four (Nash Cup)N.S.W. R.A. Coxswains Trophy won by N. Ella

Haberfield Rowing Club finished the 1926-27 season with 8 wins.

J. B. Sharp Cup 1927 (Winter Series)

Senior Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Junioe Eight – Won

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Walker and Hall Sculling Cup 1927

First Series J. Scott – Won

Third Series J. Scott – Won

Fourth Series J. Scott – Won

Final placings: J. Scott 25 points – first. A. Stewart also of Haberfield, 11 points – Fourth.

Mosman Regatta - 8th October 1927

Lane Cove River

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Sydney’s Sixth Henley (Leichhardt and Haberfield) – 3rd December 1927

Iron Cove Canal

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Junior Eight – Won

N.S.W. Championship Regatta – 17th December 1927

Parramatta River

Lightweight Champion Four (under 10 stone) – Won

W. Cork (bow) – 9st. 10lb

R. Allman (2) – 9st 12lbs

S. Elphinstone (3) - 9st. 13lbs

M. Woollett (stroke) – 9 st. 13lbs

N. Ella (cox)

B. S. Williams (coach)

This crew won the first State crew rowing championship for Haberfield by 1 ½ lengths from Sydney, with Balmain 3rd six lengths further back. Other starters were Mosman and Leichhardt Rowing Clubs. In the N.S.W. Sculling Championship held on the same day, A. Stewart of Haberfield finished third.

Balmain District Regatta – 27th December 1927

Iron Cove

Handicap Sculls – J. R. Scott – Won


Anniversary Day Regatta – 26th January 1928

Sydney Harbour

Lightweight Junior Four - Won

Balmain, Drummoyne and Glebe Regatta – 18th February 1928

Iron Cove

Haberfield finished second to Sydney in Lightweight Champion Eight of New South Wales. Sydney won by ¾ length in 10 mins 59.4 seconds with Mosman third.

Maiden Four – Won

Handicap Sculls J, R. Scott - Won

Sydney University and Sydney Regatta – 14th April 1928

Parramatta River

Junior Eights – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Handicap Sculls, J. R. Scott – Won

The N.S.W.R.A Coxswains trophy for 1927-28 was again won by N. Ella, Haberfield with 6 wins. In the Lightweight Champion Eights of N.S.W held on 18th February 1928 Haberfield finished second by ¾ length to Sydney, with Mosman 4 lengths back in third place.

 The N.S.W.R.A. Premiership Haberfield with 94 points finished second. In the Senior Class 36 points were scored, while in the Junior Pennant, Haberfield finished first, but a protest by the Glebe Rowing Club over the status of one of our crews was upheld by the N.S.W.R.A. which body then placed Glebe first and Haberfield second.


Kingsford Smith Regatta – 23rd June 1928

Lane Cove

Handicap Sculls (Kingsford Smith Cup), J. R. Scott – Won

Lightweight Senior Fours – Won

Glebe Regatta, 30th June 1928

Blackwattle Bay

Unclassified Eights – Won

J. B. Sharp 1928 Winter Series

Maiden Four -Won

Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Lightweight Senior Eight – Won

Lightweight Junior Eight – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Sydney Regatta – 26th May 1928

Paramatta River

Challenge Eights – Won

Public Service Regatta – 6th July 1928

Iron Cove

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

In the 1927-28 Haberfield finished third in Premiership and third in Junior.


Mosman Regatta – 13th October 1928

Lane Cove

Maiden Eight - Won


Haberfield entered its first crew in the State Champion Fours to put up the fine showing of finishing second.


Anniversary Day Regatta – 26th January 1929

Sydney Harbour

Handicap Sculls, J. R. Scott – Won

Handicap Sculls, J. R. Scott – Won

Leichhardt Regatta – 2nd January 1929

Iron Cove

Maiden Eight - Won

St Ignatius College Regatta – 23rd March 1929

Lane Cove

Handicap Sculls, J.R. Scott – Won

Balmain, Drummoyne and Glebe Regatta – 23rd February 1929

Iron Cove

Lightweight Champion Eight of N.S.W.

Bow: H. McCann

2: C. Kiel

3: J. Guinane

4: R. Kelly

5: W. Cork

6: R. Allman

7: S. Randall

Stroke: P. Davis

Cox: N.J. Ella

Coach: B. S. Williams

This was the first Lightweight Champion Eight won by the Haberfield Club.

University Regatta – 4th May 1929

Parramatta River

Junior Eight – Won

J. B Sharp 1929 (Winter Series)

Junior Four – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Lightweight Senior Eight – Won

Haberfield finished second in the State Champion Fours, while in the Lightweight Champion Eights, we finished fourth. In the 2000 metre sculling championships of N.S.W., Jack Scott finished second to the Olympic Champion, Bobby Pearce.


City Houses Regatta – 3rd September 1929

Iron Cove

Sculls Championships, J. R. Scott – Won

Mosman Regatta – 19th October 1929

Lane Cove

Maiden Sculls, J. R. Scott – Won

Australian Henley Regatta, Melbourne Victoria – 26th October 1929

Yarra River

Yarra Challenge Cup and Silver Sculls, J. R. Scott – Won

Sydney Regatta – 23rd November 1929

Parramatta River

Lightweight Champion Four of N.S.W.

Bow: H McCann

2: C. Kiel 

3: S. Randell

Stroke: R. Kelly

Cox: S. Kerr

Coach: B. S. Williams

Haberfield won its second Lightweight Champion Fours of N.S.W. from a field of eight crews. The above crew won by the great margin of six length from Mosman Club, with Glebe Club, third then followed by Leichhardt No. 1 , Leichhardt No. 2, Balmain, Drummoyne and Sydney who also started.



Nepean River Regatta – 8th March 1930

Nepean River

Maiden Four – Won

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 29th March 1930

Lane Cove

Senior Eight

Bow: R. Kelly

2: P. Davis

3: C. Coleman

4: F. Beggs

5: S. Randell

6: A. Stewart

7: H. Fleming

Stroke: H. Coulson

Cox: N. Ella

Coach: E. Keary

This senior eight won in the Gold Cup and was Haberfield’s first.

Australian Championships – 10th May 1930

Murray River, Mannum SA

Australian Champion Sculls, J. R. Scott – Won

On 19th March 1930 an Interstate Public Service Regatta took place against Queensland and Victoria. The N.S.W. crew which won included H. Coulson, stroke and E. Keary, coach of Haberfield Club. In the 1929-30 N.S.W. State Premiership, Haberfield finished third with 55 points.

1930 J.B. Sharp Winter Series

Senior Eight – Won

Unclassified Eight – Won

Mosman Regatta – 18th October 1930

Lane Cove

Maiden Eight -Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Nepean River Regatta – 25th October 1930

Nepean River

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

North Shore Regatta – 15th November 1930

Lane Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Haberfield started in the N.S.W. Champion Fours, finished 7th.

St Joseph’s College Regatta – 29th November 1930

Tarban Creek

Junior Eight – Won

Sydney Regatta – 13th December 1930

Parramatta River

Junior Eight – Won

Lightweight Champion Fours of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: D. Couper

2: R. Rees

3: H. McCann

Stroke: R. Kelly

Cox: E. Lloyd

Coach: B. S. Williams

Haberfield won by ½ length from Mosman (later disqualified for bad steering then came Drummoyne, Leichhardt, Balmain, Glebe, North Shore and Sydney.


Leichhardt- Haberfield Regatta – 25th February 1931

Tarben Creek

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Championship Regatta

J. R. Scott finished second in the N.S.W. Champion Sculls, while A. O’Hara finished third in the Lightweight Champion Sculls of N.S.W.

University Regatta – 13th April 1931

Parramatta River

Junior Eight – Won

In the 1930-31 season, Haberfield also started in the Lightweight Champion Eights of N.S.W. and finished third. In the N.S.W.R.A. State Premiership, the Club finished third with 103 points made up of 19 in the senior (4th place) and 84 in the Junior (1st place) we thus won the 1930-31 Junior Pennant.


1931 J.B. Sharp Series

Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

Invitation Eight – Won

1931 Walker & Hall Cup

1st Series, H. Turner – Won

2nd Series, H. Turner – Won

4th Series, F. McLeod – Won

H. Turner won the Walker and Hall.

Marathon Regatta – 13th May 1931

15 miles Paramatta River

Marathon Sculls, H. Turner – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Winter Sculling

Three mile handicap, H. Turner – Won

Mosman Regatta – 24th October 1931

Lane Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Maiden Sculls, H. Turner – Won

North Shore Regatta – 21st November 1931

Lane Cove

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Scull, H. Turner – Won

Sydney Regatta – 28th November 1931

Paramatta River

2000 metre Champion Sculls, H. Turner – Won

In the lightweight Champion Fours of N.S.W., eight crews started, Haberfield No. 1 finished third and Haberfield No. 2 fourth.

Nepean Regatta – 12th December 1931

Nepean River

Junior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Handicap Sculls, W. Hickey – Won

Haberfield also started in the N.S.W. Champion Four at this regatta and finished second.

Pittwater Regatta – 26th December 1931

Broken Bay

Junior Four – Won

Lightweight Junior Four – Won


Anniversary Regatta – 26th January 1932

Sydney Harbour

Lightweight Maiden Four - Won

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Championship Regatta – 6th February 1932

Nepean River at Penrith

Champion Sculls of N.S.W., H. Turner – Won

J. Scott also started and finished fourth.

Haberfield finished third in the State Champion Eight, while in the Lightweight Champion Sculls our placings were C. McKew 3rd, W. Hickey 4th and A. O’Hara 5th.


Leichhardt Regatta – 20th February 1932

Iron Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Handicap Sculls, C. McKew – Won

Balmain, Glebe & Drummoyne Regatta

Maiden Four – Won

Handicap Sculls, W. Hickey – Won

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 2nd April 1932

Lane Cove

Senior Eight (Gold Cup) – Won

Handicap Sculls, L. Turner – Won

University Regatta – 23rd April 1932

Parramatta River

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Australian Championship – 23rd April 1932

Yarra River, Melbourne, Victoria

Australian Champion Sculls, H. Turner – Won

In the 1931-1932 State Rowing Premiership, Haberfield finished second with 157 points. Second in the Senior Pennant with 101 points and again won the State Junior Pennant with 56 points.

J. B. Sharp Winter Regatta

Junior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Junior Eight

Lightweight Senior Eight

Marathon Regatta

15 miles on Parramatta River

Marathon Sculls, H. Turner – Won

Mosman Regatta – 24th October 1932

Lane Cove

Scullers Relay (Haberfield) – Won

North Shore Regatta – 12th November 1932

Lane Cove

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Nepean Regatta – 26th November 1932

Nepean River

Maiden Four – Won

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Haberfield started in the State Champion Four at this regatta and finished fourth.


Australian Henley – 15th November 1932

Yarra River, Melbourne  Victoria

Yarra Challenge Sculls, H. Turner – Won

Sydney Regatta – 17th December 1932

Paramatta River

Lightweight Champion Fours of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: H. McCann

2: E. Parsons

3: V. Crum

Stroke: R. Fraser

Cox: C. Ritchie

Coach: N. Elphinstone

Haberfield won its third Lightweight Champion Four of N.S.W. by three lengths from North Shore, with Mosman third. 

Senior 2000 metre Sculls, H. Turner – Won

Maiden Eights – Won


N.S.W. State Championship Regatta – 4th February 1933

Nepean River

Haberfield finished third in the State Champion Eights. H. Turner second and J. Stewart third in the Champion Sculls, while W. Hickey finished fourth in the State Lightweight Champion Sculls.

Leichhardt Regatta – 11th February 1933

Iron Cove

Lightweight Junior Fours – Won

Handicap Sculls, W. Hickey – Won

Glebe, Drummoyne, Balmain Regatta – 10th March 1933

Iron Cove

Lightweight Champion Eights of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: H. McCan

2: R. Rees

3: R. Hoskins

4: W. Wailes

5: V. Crum

W. O’Connor

7: R. Fraser

Stroke: E. Parson

Cox: C. Ritchie

Coach: N. Elphinstone

This state championship was won by the above crew by three lengths from Sydney, Glebe and Balmain.

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 24th March 1933

Lane Cove

Senior Eight (Gold Cup) – Won

Maiden Four – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Test Race – 31st March 1933

Parramatta River

Sculling Test Race, H. Turner – Won

Sydney University Regatta – 23rd April 1933

Parramatta River

Senior Four – Won

Handicap Sculls, W. Hickey - Won

Australian Championships – 6th May 1933

Hamilton Reach, Brisbane River, Brisbane

Australian Champion Sculls, H. Turner – Won


In the 1932-1933 State Premiership, the Club with 146 points again finished second. Haberfield was also second in the Senior Pennant with 114 points and third with 32 points in the Junior Pennant.

1933 J.B. Sharp Winter Series

Lightweight Junior Eight – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Open Sculls, H. Turner – Won

1933 Walker & Hall Cup

5th series, A. Ohara – Won

Marathon Regatta

15 miles, Parramatta River

Handicap Sculls Section, S. Hoskins – Won

Nepean Regatta – 4th November 1933

Nepean River

Haberfield lost the Champion Fours of N.S.W. rowed over two miles to Sydney Rowing Club by three feet. Mosman was third, then came Balmain and Sydney No. 2.

North Shore Regatta – 25th November 1933

Lane Cove

Senior Four – Won

Sydney Regatta – 9th December 1933

Parramatta River

Haberfield again finished second in the Lightweight Champion Fours of N.S.W. held at this regatta.

Leichhardt Regatta – 16th December 1933

Iron Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won


N.S.W State Championship Regatta – 3rd February 1934

Nepean River

In the State Champion Eight, Haberfield were just beaten out of a place and finished fourth.

St Ignatius College Regatta – 24th March 1934

Lane Cove

Junior Four – Won

University Regatta – 14th April 1934

Parramatta River

Junior Eight – Won

In the 1933-1934 State Premiership, Haberfield finished fourth with 56 points in which place the Club also finished in Senior Pennant (28 points) and Junior Pennant (28 points).

1934 J.B Sharp Winter Series

Senior Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 20th October 1934

Iron Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Nepean Regatta – 8th December 1934

Nepean River

Champion Four of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: E. Howlett

2: V. Mossong

3: S. McGilvray

Stroke: E. Firth

Cox: D. Bowden

Coach: C. Saleh

This fine crew gave Haberfield Club its first State Championship Four win, Mosman ¾ of length behind were second, then came Police No. 1, Police No. 2, Drummoyne, Sydney and Glebe.

North Shore Regatta – 15th December 1934

Lane Cove

Senior Four – Won


Police Regatta – 2nd March 1935

Lane Cove

Senior Four - Won

N.S.W. State Championship Regatta – 2nd February 1935

Nepean River

In the State Champion Eight, Haberfield finished third, while in the state rowing premiership for 1934-35 the Club finished third with 96 points. It was however, second (96 points) in the Senior Pennant, while for the first time since it had started racing it failed to score a single point in the Junior Pennant.

1935 J.B. Sharp Winter Series

Senior Four – Won

Nepean Regatta – 16th November 1935

Nepean River

Haberfield finished third in the N.S.W. Champion Fours.

Leichhardt Regatta – 21st December 1935

Iron Cove

Handicap Scull, D. Hoskins – Won

N.S.W. State Championship Regatta

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Point for the 1935-1936 Rowing Season. Saw Haberfield finish in its worst position. Last in the Senior Pennant in which the Club failed to score, eleventh in the Junior Pennant and State Premiership with 4 points.

1935 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Novice Pair – Won


N.S.W.R.A. Regatta

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

1936 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Lightweight Maiden Eights – Won

Maiden Eight (Balmain) – Won

Novice Pair – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Handicap Sculls, D. Hoskins – Won

Walker & Hall, J. Eddie – Won

Lightweight Senior Eight – Won

Maiden Eight (Leichhardt) – Won

Lightweight Junior Eight – Won

Mosman Regatta – 3rd October 1936

Lane Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four

Pittwater Regatta – 5th October 1936

Broken Bay

Lightweight Maiden Four

Leichhardt Regatta – 10th October 1936

Iron Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four

Haberfield Regatta – 24th October 1936

Iron Cove

Maiden Four – Won

North Shore Regatta – 7th November 1936

Lane Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Sydney Regatta – 21st November 1936

Parramatta River

Lightweight Maiden Four - Won

Nepean Regatta – 12th December 1936

Nepean River

Lightweight Maiden Four - Won


Anniversary Regatta – 1st February 1937

Sydney Harbour

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won 

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 17th February 1937

Nepean River

Maiden Four – Won

Balmain, Drummoyne, Glebe Regatta – 13th March 1937

Iron Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Police Regatta – 20th March 1937

Lane Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 10th April 1937

Lane Cove

Riverview Gold Cup – Won

University Regatta – 17th April 1937

Parramatta River

Lightweight Junior Four - Won

In the 1936-1937 season, Haberfield scored 36 points in the Senior, 96 points in the Junior and 132 Premiership points. In the Championships racing Haberfield finished second in the lightweight Fours.

J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Junior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Maisen Four – Won

Novice Pair (Balmain) – Won

Novice Pair (Leichhardt) – Won

Junior Four – Won

Novice Pair (Haberfield) – Won

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

Lightweight Junior Eight – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Mosman Regatta – 2nd October 1937

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Novice Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Pittwater Regatta – 4th October 1937

Broken Bay

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Leichhardt Regatta – 9th October 1937

Iron Cove

Maiden Four – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 16th October 1937

Iron Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four

North Shore Regatta – 13th November 1937

Lane Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Sydney Regatta – 11th December 1937

Parramatta River

Maiden Four – Won

Novice Four – Won


N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – February 1938

Nepean River

Lightweight Champion Four of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: R. Halpin

2: J. Eddie

3: A. Eddie

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: R. Davies

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

Won by four lengths from North Shore with Sydney third. Time for 1 ½ miles9 minutes. In the Lightweight Champion Eights of N.S.W. Haberfield finished second to Sydney. In the 1937-38 season finished sixth in Senior, second in Junior and with 56 points finished fifth in the Premiership.

1938 J. B. Sharp Series

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Lightweight Senior Eight – Won

Novice Pair (Haberfield) – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Lightweight Junior Eight – Won

Novice Pair (Leichhardt) – Won

Pittwater Regatta – 3rd October 1938

Broken Bay

Maiden Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Mosman Regatta – 8th October 1938

Lane Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

North Shore Regatta – 15th October 1938

Lane Cove

Senior Eight - Won

Police Regatta – 5th November 1938

Lane Cove

Maiden Four – Won

Nepean Regatta – 19th November 1938

Nepean River

Champion Fours of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: A. Eddie

2: O. Ruffels

3: D. Marks

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: R. Schneider

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes


Sydney Regatta – 21st January 1939

Parramatta River

Senior Eight – Won

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 4th February 1939

Nepean River

Maiden Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Champion Eights of N.S.W

Bow: J. Eddie

2: G. Harrison

3: B. Williams

4: O. Ruffels

5:D. Marks

6: M. Ruffels

7: A. Eddie

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: R. Schneider

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

This crew was the first Haberfield crew ever to win a Champion Eight title.

Balmain Regatta – 18th February 1939

Iron Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Maiden Four – Won

1938-39 State Premiership won for the first time in history, also both Senior and Junior Pennants.

Leeton Jubilee Regatta – April 1939

Leeton Canal

Senior Four – Won

Windsor Regatta

Hawkesbury River

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

1939 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Handicap Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Novice Pairs (Balmain) – Won

Novice Pairs (Leichhardt) – Won

1939 Walker & Hall Cup

2nd series, K. Wenn – Won

3rd series, K. Webb – Won

Final, K. Webb – Won

Pittwater Regatta – 2nd October 1939

Broken Bay

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Leichhardt Regatta – 7th October 1939

Iron Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 21st October 1939

Iron Cove

Senior Eights – Won

Sculls, K. Webb -Won

Mosman Regatta – 28th October 1939 

Lane Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Glebe Regatta – 18th November 1939

Iron Cove

Junior Four

Police Regatta – 11th November 1939

Lane Cove

Junior Eight – Won

Nepean Regatta – 25th November 1939

Nepean River

Junior Four – Won

Champion Fours of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: O. Ruffels

2: G. Harrison

3: A. Eddie

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: R. Davies

Coach: Dr. R.A. Parkes

Haberfield with a six length win retained the Champion Fours of N.S.W. from Sydney, Mosman, North Shore, Leichhardt, Pittwater and Haberfield No. 2.

Sydney Regatta – 16th December 1939

Parramatta River

Senior Eight – Won


Anniversary Regatta – 29th January 1940

Sydney Harbour

Maiden Four – Won

North Shore Regatta – 2nd March 1940

Lane Cove

Lightweight Maiden Four

Balmain Regatta – 9th March 1940

Iron Cove

Lightweight Champion Eights of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: J. Westacott

2: C. Kidd

3: C. White

4: R. Stubbs

5: K. Love

6: J. Eddie

7: V. Aitken

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: W., Chandler

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes and Owen Ruffels. `

Haberfield won by four lengths from Balmain and Pittwater, time for the two miles 12 mins. 37 3/5 secs.

St Ignatius College Regatta – 6th April 1940

Lane Cove

Gold Cup Eights - Won

Junior Four – Won

For the second year Haberfield won both the State Premiership and Junior Pennant. Lance Robinson rowing for N.S.W. scored two wins in New Zealand including stroking the crew that won the New Zealand Champion Eights. N. Hobson finished second in the Lightweight Champion Sculls.

J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Junior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Sculls (Drummoyne), N. Hobson – Won

Lightweight Junior Eight – Won

Sculls (Balmain) N. Hobson

Sculls (Haberfield) K. Webb – Won

Sculls (Leichhardt) A. Eddie – Won

Leichhardt Opening Day Regatta – 6th May 1940

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won

Open Fours – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

North Shore Regatta – 19th October 1940

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

Sydney-Police Regatta – 16th November 1940

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Y.W.C.A Regatta – 26th October 1940

Parramatta River

Men’s Open Fours – Won

Shore School Regatta – 1st December 1940

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Haberfield-Leichhardt Regatta – 7th December 1940

Hawthorne Canal

Open Eight – Won

Open Four – Won


V.R.A. Regatta – 16th January 1941

Lower Yarra

Victorian 2000 metre Sculling Championship, K. Webb – Won

Upper Yarra Regatta – 23rd January 1941

Henley Course

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Anniversary Regatta – 28th January 1941

Sydney Harbour

Open Four – Won

N.S.W.R.A Regatta – 9th February 1941

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won

Sculls, A. Eddie – Won

St Ignatius College Regatta – 5th April 1941

Lane Cove

Sculls, N. Hobson – Won

Q. L. Deloitte Memorial Regatta – 31st May 1941

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Senior Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Sculls (Leichhardt), N. Hobson – Won

Youth Four – Won

Sculls (Haberfield), L. Tryer – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Novice Pair – Won

Sculls (Drummoyne), A. Eddie – Won

North Shore Regatta – 18th October 1941

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

Youth Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Sydney – Police Regatta – 1st December 1941

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Sculls, N. Hobson – Won

St. Joseph’s College Regatta – November 1941

Tarben Creek

Open Eight – Won

1941 Walker & Hall Cup

First Series, C. White – Won

Second Series, K. Webb – Won

Final Cup won by C. White

2000 Metre Sculling Handicap

Green Cup, N. Hobson – Won

Leichhardt-Haberfield Regatta – 13th December 1941

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won

Open Four – Won

Youth Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

1941-42 Open Premiership Haberfield (First)


Anniversary Regatta – 10th January 1942

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 18th April 1942

Lane Cove

Open Four – Won

1942 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Open Four (Drummoyne) – Won

Open Four (Haberfield) – Won

Open Four (Leichhardt) – Won

Open Four (Balmain) – Won

Open Eight (Haberfield) – Won

Open Eight (Leichhardt) – Won

Open Eight (Balmain) – Won

Youth Four (Haberfield) – Won

Youth Four (Leichhardt) – Won

Youth Four (Balmain) – Won

Junior Four – Won

Novice Pair – Won

The 1941-42 Open Premiership again won by Haberfield.

North Shore Regatta – 24th October 1942

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

Open Pair – Won

Lightweight Youth Four – Won

Youth Four – Won

Haberfield – Leichhardt Regatta – 28th November 1942

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won

Anniversary Regatta – 19th December 1942

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won


Won the N.S.W.R.A. Open Premiership

J. B Sharp Winter Series

Novice Four Glebe – Won

Novice Pair Glebe – Won

Novice Four Haberfield – Won

Novice Four Drummoyne – Won

Novice Pair Drummoyne – Won

Novice Four Mosman – Won

Mosman Regatta – 4th October 1943

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 23rd October 1943

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

Haberfield – Leichhardt Regatta – 12th November 1943

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won

Anniversary Regatta – 14th December 1943

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won


Sydney Regatta – 19th February 1944

Parramatta River

Open Four – Won

St Ignatius Regatta – 11th April 1944

Lane Cove

Gold Cup Eights – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Won N.S.W.R.A. Open Premiership

J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Junior Eight – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Open Eight – Won

Maiden Four Balmain – Won

Maiden Four Haberfield – Won

Leichhardt Regatta – 23rd October 1944

Iron Cove

Open Eight – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Mosman Regatta – 25th November 1944

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won


Drummoyne Regatta – 3rd February 1945

Iron Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 17th February 1945

Iron Cove

Handicap Four – Won

Scull, N. Hobson – Won

Sydney Regatta – 17th March 1945

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Open Four – won

St Ignatius College Regatta

Lane Cove

Gold Cup Eights – Won

Junior Four – Won

J. B. Sharp Memorial Regatta – 14th April 1945

Iron Cove

Open Eights – Won

Junior Four – Won

1944-45 N.S.W.R.A. Open Premiership – Won

J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Junior Eight – Won

Novice Four (Haberfield) – Won

Handicap Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Novice Four (Drummoyne) – Won

Novice Four (Leichhardt) – Won

Maiden Four (Balmain) – Won

Maiden Four (North Shore) – Won

Anniversary Regatta – 14th October 1945

Lane Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Open Eight – Won

Mosman Regatta – 27th October 1945

Lane Cove

Novice Four – Won

Open Four – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 10th November 1945

Iron Cove

Novice Four – Won

Open Four – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 24th November 1945

Lane Cove

Novice Eight

Nepean Regatta – 1st December 1945

Nepean River

Novice Four – Won

Open Four – Won

Sydney Regatta – 15th December 1945

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Junior Eight – Won


Anniversary Regatta – 26th January 1946

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

North Shore Regatta – 7th February 1946

Lane Cove

Open Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Drummoyne Regatta – 21st February 1946

Iron Cove

Open Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Leichhardt Regatta – 2nd March 1946

Iron Cove

Junior Eight – Won

Open Eight – Won

J.B. Sharp Memorial Regatta – 16th March 1946

Iron Cove

Maiden Eight – Won

Senior Eight - \Won

Junior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

¼ Mile Scull, K. Webb – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 30th March 1946

Nepean River

Junior Four – Won

Lightweight Champion Sculls of N.S.W., N. Hobson – Won

Champion Eight of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: V. Aitken

2: C. Cogle

3: F. Smith

4: K. Vale

5: M. Ruffels

6: K. Webb

7: O. Ruffels

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: E. Healey

Coaches: Dr. J. A. Parkes and J. Eddie


Haberfield won the first post war Champion Eights by six lengths from Sydney University with North Shore third. The entire crew was then chosen to represent N.S.W. and finished second in the Australian Championships.

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 6th April 1946

Lane Cove

Senior Eight – won

Maiden Four – Won

1946 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Novice Four (Drummoyne) – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Sculls (Haberfield), A. Eddie – Won

Lightweight Open Eight – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Novice Pair (Leichhardt) – Won

Sculls (Leichhardt), K. Webb – Won

Open Eight (North Shore) – Won

Mosman Regatta – 5th October 1946

Lane Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

North Shore Regatta – 19th October 1946

Lane Cove

Maiden Four – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Novice Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 2nd November 1946

Iron Cove

Lightweight Junior Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Glebe Regatta – 16th November 1946

Iron Cove

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Australian Henley – 23rd November 1946

Yarra River, Melbourne

Grand Challenge Cup -Won

Bow: J. Eddie

2: F. Smith

3: O. Ruffels

4: W. Winkworth

5: E. Eder

6: C. Cogle

7: A. Eddie

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: E. Healey

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

Over 100,000 people saw Haberfield win the “Grand” from Footscray City (Victoria) in a new record time.

Nepean Regatta – 7th December 1946

Nepean River

Junior Four – Won

Champion Four of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: O. Ruffels

2: K. Webb

3: A. Eddie

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: E. Everitt

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

Sydney Regatta – 14th December 1946

Parramatta River

Senior Eight – Won

Senior Scull – Won


Drummoyne Regatta – 15th February 1947

Iron Cove

Novice Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 8th February 1947

Nepean River

Novice Four - Won

Champion Eight of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: J. Eddie

2: F. Smith

3: A. Eddie

4: W. Winkworth

5: E. Eder

6: C. Cogle

7: O. Ruffels

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: E. Healey

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes


Haberfield won the Champion Eights by seven lengths, K. Webb finished second to M. Wood in the Champion Sculls and the two Haberfield Lightweight Fours finished fourth and sixth.

Balmain Regatta – 1st March 1947

Iron Cove

Lightweight Novice Four – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Leichhardt Regatta - 8th March 1947

Iron Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Newcastle Regatta – 15th March 1947

Raymond Terrace

Junior Four – Won

Senior Four – Won

J. B. Sharp Memorial Regatta – 22nd March 1947

Iron Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Champion Junior Eight of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: H Gilbert

2: W. Shepherd

3: R. Holman

4: W. Chapman

5: R. Hore

6: G. Leonard

7: W. Cresser

Stroke: D. Malligan

Cox: R. Chapman

Coach: J. Eddie


Haberfield won the first Champion Junior Eight of N.S.W. by twelve lengths from Balmain.

St. Ignatius College Regatta – 29th March 1947

Lane Cove

Gold Cup Eights – Won

Junior Four – Won

University Regatta – 26th April 1947

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Haberfield won the 1946-47 State Premiership and Senior and Junior Pennants.

1947 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Maiden Four – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Maiden Four (Leichhardt) – Won

Novice Pair (Leichhardt) – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Novice Four (Balmain) – Won

Novice Pair (Balmain) – Won

Senior Four – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Novice Pair (Haberfield) – Won

Mosman Regatta – 28th September 1947

Lane Cove

Senior Four – Won

Junior Four - Won

Maiden Eight – Won

Glebe Regatta – 11th October 1947

Iron Cove

Senior Four – Won

Novice Four – Won

Maiden Eight – Won

N.S.W.R.A Regatta – 25th October 1947

Nepean River

Maiden Eight – Won

Champion Junior Fours of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: R Hore

2: W. Chapman

3: K. Gee

Stroke: D. Malligan

Cox: E. Healey

Coach: K. Webb

N.S.W.R.A. Olympic Test Fours – Won

Bow: B. Goswell

2: K. Webb

3: O. Ruffels

Stroke: L. Robinson

Cox: E. Healry

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

The Test Fours race, for the right to represent N.S.W. in the Australian Olympic Test race was won by one length from Sydney with Haberfield No. 2 third.

Haberfield Regatta – 8th November 1947

Iron Cove

Senior Four – Won

Novice Four – Won

Sydney Regatta – 29th November 1947

Parramatta River

Senior Four – Won

Nepean Regatta – 13th December 1947

Parramatta River

Champion Four of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: J. Eddie

2: W. Winkworth

3: E. Eder

Stroke: T Brennan

Cox: K. Fox

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes


Lake Colac Regatta – 1st January 1948

Colac Victoria

Senior Pairs – Won

Olympic Test Regatta – 3rd January 1948

Ballarat, Victoria

Champion Pair with Coxswain of Victoria – Won

Bow: E. Eder

Stroke: K. Webb 

Cox: J. Morris

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

Won from a field of nine crews by three lengths

Anniversary Regatta – 31st January 1948

Lane Cove

Senior Eight – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Drummoyne Regatta – 14th February 1948

Lane Cove

Senior Eight – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 21st February 1948

Nepean River

Champion Eight of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: W. Shepherd

2: D. Malligan

3: K. Gee

4: W. Winkworth

5: E. Eder

6: T. Brennan

7: A. Eddie

Stroke: J. Eddie

Cox: E. Healey

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

Haberfield won the Champion Eights by five lengths from Sydney University.

Lightweight Four of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: A. Green

2: R. Russell

3: N. Cannon

Stroke: L. Howell

Cox: B. Wallace

Coach: K. Webb

J. B. Sharp Memorial Regatta – 15th March 1948

Iron Cove

Maiden Four – Won

Interstate Test Race – 28th March 1948

Parramatta River

Won by Haberfield Rowing Club

Bow: W. Shepherd

2: D. Malligan

3: K. Gee

4: W. Winkworth

5: E. Eder

6: T. Brennan

7: A. Eddie

Stroke: J. Eddie

Cox: E. Healey

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

After a great race against a Sydney Composite crew the entire Haberfield crew won the right to represent N.S.W. in the Australian Championship. The above crew, with Owen Ruffels as emergency won the King’s Cup in Hobart on 24th April 1948.

St. Ignatius Regatta

Maiden Four – Won

University Regatta – 22nd April 1948

Parramatta River

1948 J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Maiden Fours -Won

Junior Four – Won

Sculls (Haberfield), K. Webb – Won

Novice Four (Leichhardt) – Won

Novice Pair (Leichhardt) – Won

Sculls (Leichhardt), K. Webb – Won

Walker & Hall Cup, K. Webb – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Mosman Regatta – 9th October 1948

Lane Cove

Senior Four – Won

Maiden Scull, N. Cannon – Won

Glebe Regatta – 23rd October 1948

Iron Cove

Senior Four – Won

Sculls, W. Creaser – Won

Nepean Regatta – 6th November 1948

Nepean River

Maiden Eight – Won

Champion Four of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: A. Eddie

2: W. Winkworth

3: E. Eder

Stroke: J. Eddie

Cox: K. Fox

Coach: Dr. J. A. Parkes

Won from Sydney with Haberfield No. 3 third.

Haberfield Regatta – 27th November 1948

Iron Cove

Senior Eight v. New Zealand – Won

Sydney Regatta – 4th December 1948

Parramatta River

Maiden Four – Won

Senior Scull v. New Zealand – Won

Metropolitan Regatta – 11th December 1948

Parramatta River

Lightweight Senior Scull, N. Cannon – Won

Senior Four – Won

¼ mile Senior Scull, K. Webb - Won


North Shore Regatta – 29th January 1949

Lane Cove

Scull, N. Cannon – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Maiden Four – Won

N.S.W.R.A Regatta – 12th February 1949

Nepean River

Maiden Four – Won

Lightweight Champion Scull of N.S.W., N. Hobson – Won

Leichhardt Regatta, 5th March 1949

Iron Cove

Senior Pair (O. Ruffels and L. Robinson) – Won

Senior Double Scull (R. Rawlins and K. Webb) – Won

J.B. Sharp Memorial Regatta – 19th March 1949

Iron Cove

¼ mile Senior Scull, K. Webb – Won

Sculls, R. Rawlings – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Senior Pair (O. Ruffels and L. Robinson) – Won

Senior Double Scull (R. Rawlins and K. Webb) – Won

St. Ignatius Regatta – 9th April 1949

Lane Cove

Gold Cup Eights – Won

Junior Four – Won

Sculls, N . Hobson – Won

University Regatta – 16th April 1949

Parramatta River

Open Eight – Won

Lismore Regatta – 10th April 1949

Richmond River

Champion Four of Richmond – Won

Tweed Head Regatta

Champion Four of Tweed – Won

Gladstone Skiff, K. Webb – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 2nd July 1949

Iron Cove

Maiden Double Scull – Won

Junior Double Scull – Won

Senior Four – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

J. B. Sharp Winter Series

Maiden Eight – Won

Junior Four – Won

Novice Pair (Glebe) – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Sculls (Leichhardt), K. Webb – Won

Novice Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Novice Pair (Leichhardt) – Won

Junior Eight – Won

Maiden Four (Drummoyne) – Won

Open Eight (Nepean) – Won

Senior Eight – Won

Senior Four – Won

Senior Four (Balmain) – Won

Lightweight Maiden Eight – Won

Senior Eight (Haberfield) – Won

Sculls (Haberfield), C. Gee – Won

Marathon Regatta – 17th September 1949

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Pair Oar (R. Howe and R. Jones) – Won

Gladstone Skiff, T. Tressider – Won

Mosman Regatta – 1st October 1949

Lane Cove

Maiden Four – Won

Junior Four – Won

Senior Four – Won

Glebe Regatta – 15th October 1949

Senior Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

Haberfield Regatta – 29th October 1949

Iron Cove

Senior Four – Won

Maiden Four – Won

Metropolitan Regatta – 12th November 1949

Lightweight Senior Scull, (N. Cannon) – Won

Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Camp[ion Double Scull of N.S.W. – Won

Bow: R. Rawlins

Stroke: K. Webb

Haberfield won the State Champion Double Sculls from Police (M. Wood and M. Riley) by two lengths with Sydney (H. Turner and W. Bradley) twenty lengths away, third.

Australian Henley – 26th November 1949

Yarra River, Melbourne

Stewards Challenge Cup – Won

Bow: K. Gee

2: W. Winkworth

3: E. Eder

Stroke: L. Montgomery

Cox: K. Fox

Coach: J. Eddie

Haberfield beat Melbourne in the final by four lengths.

Empire Games Test Fours – 3rd December 1949

Ballarat, Victoria

Test Four – Won

Bow: K. Gee

2: W. Winkworth

3: E. Eder

Stroke: L. Montgomery

Cox: K. Fox

Coach: J. Eddie

Haberfield won the right to represent Australia at the 1950 British Empire Games in Auckland, New Zealand. The above crew won by three quarters of a length from Leichhardt with Mercantile (Victoria) third. Time for the 2000 metre course was 7 mins, 1 sec.


Hamilton Regatta -26th January 1950

Waikato River, New Zealand

Sculls, K. Webb – Won

1950 British Empire Games Regatta – 6th February 1950

Lake Karapiro, New Zealand

¼ mile invitational Senior Sculls, K. Webb – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 17th February 1950

Parramatta River

Senior Four – Won

Leichhardt Regatta – 25th February 1950

Iron Cove

Lightweight Senior Four – Won

Lightweight Maiden Four – Won

Drummoyne Regatta – 25th February 1950

Iron Cove

Lightweight Senior Four - Won

J. B. Sharp Memorial Regatta – 25th March 1950

Iron Cove

Open Pair (E. Eder and W. Winkworth) – Won

Open Four – Won

¼ mile Senior Scull, K. Webb – Won

N.S.W.R.A. Regatta – 11th March 1950

Nepean River

Lightweight Champion Scull of N.S.W. – Won

N. Cannon

Haberfield won the Lightweight Sculls title by three lengths with former Haberfield oarsman N. Hobson second, and T. Tressider (Haberfield) third.

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