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History of UTS Haberfield Rowing Club

A Historical Sketch

On 26th January, 1837 a regatta was held to commemorate the foundation of the settlement of Sydney. This regatta was so successful that it was decided to continue the regatta annually, which has been done. Thus the N.S.W. Anniversary Regatta was founded one year before the Royal Hobart Regatta which is held to commemorate the discovery of Tasmania.

As the early settlement moved west from Farm Cove along the Parramatta River we find Regattas being held at Balmain, Henley and Ryde- yes, more than one hundred years ago crews raced at the first Balmain Regatta in 1849, and oarsmen first trained on the waters of Iron Cove.

In 1882 the first of the “Bay” amateur rowing clubs was founded at Balmain to be followed some four years later by Leichhardt Rowing Club which, was officially opened by Sir Henry Parkes in 1886. During World War I the Enterprise Rowing Club situated at White Horse Point was destroyed by a cyclone, three former Enterprise oarsmen living in Drummoyne formed the Drummoyne Rowing Club in 1921.

On 11th March, 1925, several young men, members of Leichhardt Club, living in the Ashfield Municipality met to organise a club which would have as its purpose the encouragement and fostering of Amateur Rowing.

Within two months of this meeting a constitution and by-laws were adopted and on 25th May, 1925 the first annual meeting of the Haberfield Rowing Club was held.

The first officers of the Club were Richard Stanton Esq. Patron, Ald. F. O. Hedger, the first President with Frank Wheeler Captain, Milton C. Kent Vice-Captain, George Carlson Secretary and J. J. Walsh Treasurer.

In addition to the Club Executive mentioned above, the Club’s first Committee was made up of the following gentlemen:

Messrs. Bernie Williams, J. Cogle, S. Budd, A. Gillam-Murphy, J. Daly, L. Ball, H. Silvester, F. J. Herlihy and K. Gormley.

About 60 people who were keenly interested in the welfare of the newly formed Club attended the first public meeting of the Club, held in the Masonic Hall, Dalhousie Street, Haberfield on Thursday night, June 4th 1925. The Mayor of Ashfield (Ald. McDonald) occupied the chair and Ald. F. O. Hedger, Mr. Q. L. Deloittte (President of the N.S.W.R.A.), Mr. S. Appleton and Messrs. Carlson (Secretary) and Wheeler (Captain) occupied the remaining chairs on the platform. The Mayor of Ashfield explained the objects of the meeting and Mr. Carlson read to the public present the position as far as the Committee had gone in the formation of the Club.

The grand old man of rowing, Mr. Q. L. Deloitte who had received a very flattering reception on rising to speak remarked how pleased he was to be present at the meeting to assist in any way he possibly could in furthering the interests of the newly formed Club. Although, he was in his 82nd year he felt he was still only a young man, and that he had come all the way from Snails Bay to the meeting to tell them that rowing was the manliest sport of all for the purpose of shaping a young mans’ career in future life. He had commenced rowing in 1859 and felt that he could still handle an oar or a pair of sculls. 

Mr. Deloitte appealed to all present to work in the interests of the Club, believing it was an institution that was an asset to the district, not only for the benefit of the young men who would row, but also it must be remembered that the formation of a rowing club in such a beautiful suburb lent further “tone” to the inhabitants as well. He would be only too pleased to support the Club financially with a cheque for £5.5.0.

Alderman Hedger had very much pleasure in supporting the remarks of Mr. Deloitte. He emphasized the absolute necessity of having such an institution as a rowing club in the District, such a Club was a big factor in the welfare of youth. Rowing was a sport where the element of roughness was never present and, therefore, it could be none other than a healthy sport. In congratulating the members of the Club in the choice of Mr. Frank Wheeler former Captain of the Leichhardt and Brisbane Clubs, Alderman Hedger stated that they had chosen wisely. With Mr. George Carson as Secretary the Club had started off well.

He thought from the plan as shown of the proposed boat shed that it was in every way suitable for the purpose required. He appealed to all present to do their very best to obtain the funds required to start with. There was no doubt that the rowing club would be an acquisition to Haberfield and also to Ashfield in which Municipality, Haberfield is incorporated. He would suggest that the Committee alter the name to Ashfield District Rowing Club. He would also do his part by supplying timber required, about £300 worth, at cost and it need not be paid for until after six months had elapsed. He would also advance £15 free of interest.

He had much pleasure in moving that the citizens of Ashfield District assures their sympathy and support to the Haberfield Rowing Club. This was seconded by Mr. J. Ness M.L.A. who had great pleasure in donating £2.2.0 to the fund. Mr. S. Appleton then supported Alderman Hedger as regards the changing of the name to Ashfield District Rowing Club. 

Donations were then called for with the following responses:-

Q. L. Deloitte £5.5.0, Anonymous £5.5.0, Ald. McDonald £1.1.0., J. Rook £1.1.0, A. Maxwell £1.1.0, J. Ness £2.2.0, Judge Backhouse £1.1.0, Mr. Frewin £1.1.0., J. Murray £1.1.0., Mr. Pearson £1.0.0., Mr. Simons £1.1.0., Mr. Propert £1.1.0., Mr. Fozzard £2.2.0., Mr. Herlihy £2.2.0., Mr. Algie £1.1.0., Mr. George Towns donated a set of the very best racing oars.

£16 was received as profit on the first concert.

Mr. A. Scott on behalf of the Ladies Committee reported they were well ahead with arrangements for the dance at the Masonic Hall on 17th June, 1925. While on 20th June, 1925 a garden fete was being held in the grounds of Mrs. P. C. Daly “Bonnie Doon” Tressider Avenue, Haberfield in aid of the funds. A. Queen competition was also to be held in November. Miss A. Scott promised to hold a juvenile concert towards the end of the year in aid of the club.

Amongst those present were Mr. Harry Alderson, Chairman of the New South Wales Rowing Association, Mrs. P. C. Daly, Secretary of the Ladies Committee and Mesdames M. Kent and G. Reynolds, whose magnificent work for the Club drew praise from the Chairman and cheers from the Club members. Judge Backhouse in forwarding his donation regretted his inability to be present. The Club House to be built by voluntary labour was to be started as soon as possible. Three cheers for the Chairman and Mr. Q. L. Deloitte concluded a very successful meeting.

On Saturday, 29th July, 1925 a start was made on the foundations of the Club, the building of which is dealt with more fully in Chapter Three. The Club Committee, meanwhile had changed the name of the Club to the “Ashfield District Rowing Club”. However, this did not meet with the general approval of the Club members and at a special general meeting of the Club called for on 13th July, 1925, the name was changed from “Ashfield District Rowing Club” to its original name of “Haberfield”. This special meeting fixed the date of the Club’s foundation as 25th February. Some months later the present Clubhouse was completed and a very successful opening day took place on 9th March, 1926.

Fittingly the first Club victory in an open Regatta was achieved by a foundation member, Milton Kent when on 5th December, 1925 on the Parramatta River he won the New South Wales Sculling Championship by three lengths from Jack Goulding of Sydney Club. The first Haberfield four oared crew to win at an open regatta was E. Cork (bow), N. Elphinstone (2), C. Coleman (3), H. Coulson (Stroke), N. Ella (Cox), and Bernie Williams (Coach). This crew won the Maiden Four race at Sydney Club’s Regatta on Saturday, 23rd October, 1926. Just three weeks earlier at the start of the official N.S.W.R.A. 1926-27 season Haberfield had made its first eight oared entry at an open regatta. The crew, although unplaced in the Maiden Eights at Mosman Regatta on 2nd October, 1926, rowed very well only the seven man having previously raced in an open Regatta. The names of this now historic crew are as follows: - 

J. Scott (bow), E. Cork (2), C. Coleman (3), N. Elphinstone (4), E. Bray (5), N. Coulson (6), E Werrick (7), M Woollett (Stroke), N. Ella (Cox), and Bernie Williams (Coach).

I wonder how many members of this crew thought that before the next twenty five had passed, Haberfield would have raced in over 1,000 races, won the State Premiership eleven times and every major Australian Rowing Classic.

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