History of UTS Haberfield Rowing Club
In reviewing the financial history of the Club it is necessary to present actual figures in order to give a coverage of this side of the Club’s affairs.
For this purpose figures from the yearly income and expenditure accounts have been taken and the results being an average per year of:
Item | £ s d |
Insurance | 19.14.00 |
Electric light and power | 9.06.09 |
Water rates | 3.02.02 |
Rent | 5.10.00 |
Printing | 9.16.01 |
Postage | 5.18.06 |
Interest | 2.15.07 |
Repairs and maintenance of boats | 62.02.05 |
Repairs and maintenance of shed | 30.14.00 |
Depreciation | 110.15.05 |
Delegates fees | 4.19.00 |
Launch hire and training expenses | 10.15.07 |
Bad debts | 15.00 |
Transportation of boats | 4.19.11 |
Municipal rates | 1.12.08 |
General expenses | 20.04.06 |
Subscriptions | 210.03.05 |
Joining fees | 7.17.00 |
Interest | 9.10.00 |
Donations | 17.01.03 |
Entertainments | 66.15.00 |
Sundry income | 8.06.08 |
To give some idea how the subscriptions have been spent, it is necessary to quote the following figures:-
Insurance | 8.00 |
Electric light and power | 3.06 |
Water rates | 1.03 |
Printing | 4.02 |
Rent | 2.06 |
Delegates fees | 2.00 |
Postage | 2.03 |
Interest | 1.06 |
Repairs and Maintenance to boats | 1.06.11 |
Depreciation | 2.05.01 |
General expenses | 8.09 |
Launch | 3.07 |
Repairs and maintenance to shed | 12.06 |
Bad debts | .02 |
Transportation of boats | 2.03 |
Rates | .09 |
Total | 6.05.03 |
The above figures are for one member’s so it can be seen that at the present rate of subscription £1.5.3 per year over the above their subscription rate has to be found by some other form of income.
It reflects great credit upon the organisers of the various entertainments and functions that have been run over the years that this yearly deficiency has been overcome and that only on four occasions has there been tabled an incomer and expenditure account showing a deficit. The Clubhouse and fleet are free from debt and at the end of our first twenty five years the Club is free from any liabilities. When one takes into consideration that during these years the Club has passed through the world’s worst depression and followed a few years later by the Second World War it shows that our future members have been set a very fine example and have been given a good groundwork for the future.