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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2019 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.


2019 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
Year 8 Coxed Quad Scull Division 4










1st Pymble Ladies - Bow: Sarah Oppenheim, 2: Ella Monk, 3: Alice Dunn, Str: Maya Partridge, Cox: Claire Oslington, Cch: Rachel Balcomb

2nd Loreto Kirribilli - Bow: Meckenzie Lai, 2: Allegra Cadman, 3: Alice Watkins, Str: Sarah Kellick, Cox: Elizabeth Roche, Cch: Saskia Hartog

3rd Queenwood - Bow: Rosie Skinner, 2: Chloe Minnett, 3: Isabella Ramsay, Str: Ailish Robinson, Cox: Summer Lewis, Cch: Caroline Lonergan

4th Kinross Wolaroi - Bow: Simone Chawla, 2: Taylah Hobbs, 3: Emilia Hansen, Str: Josie Muddle, Cox: Nicholas De Bruyn, Cch: Sarah Cook, Harriet Haege, Thomas Joseph

5th Canberra Grammar - Bow: Sarah Cavanagh, 2: Scarlett Price, 3: Ava Cavalerie Johnson, Str: Madison Miller, Cox: Jessica Latham, Cch: Vinhara Goonesekera

6th Canberra Girls Grammar - Bow: Frankie Read, 2: Amalia Merrifield, 3: Sienna Bates, Str: Saffron Dennell, Cox: Hannah Campbell, Cch: Samuel Cass

7th Redlands - Bow: Maya Little, 2: Madeleine (Maddie) Bye, 3: Yazi Coletran, Str: Taya Garner, Cox: Charlotte Morrison, Cch: Molly Parker, Rachael Smith

8th St Catherine’s - Bow: Sophie Castellas, 2: Missy Callaghan, 3: Helena Irmer, Str: Madeleine Griffiths, Cox: Alexandra Jackson

9th Loreto Normanhurst - Bow: Abagail Whittaker, 2: Amelia Hadwen, 3: Georgia Sykes, Str: Josie Sims, Cox: Zoey Hartshorne

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