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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2006 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.


2006 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
Year 9 Coxed Quad Scull Division 8







1st Pymble Ladies 6 - Bow: Claire Jones, 2: Penelope Kendall, 3: Elizabeth Dalton, Str: Kate Fuery, Cox: Caitlin Haigh, Cch: Grace Edwards, Elle White

2nd PLC Sydney 6 - Bow: Brigitte Poletto, 2: Jessica Harden, 3: Anna Moran, Str: Seraya Harding, Cox: Sarah Homewood, Cch: Danielle Neely

3rd Queenwood 6 - Bow: Hayley Stewart, 2: Laura Hunter, 3: Liv Chapman, Str: Freya Rogers, Cox: Madeleine Southey, Cch: Amanda Powell

4th Canberra Girls Grammar 6 - Bow: Charlotte McIntyre, 2: Sophia Berry-Smith, 3: Nicola Blumenthal, Str: Lizzy Kennedy, Cox: Angela Chen, Cch: Richard Kent

5th Loreto Kirribilli 6 - Bow: Catherine Bridekirk, 2: Elizabeth Bartlett, 3: Greta Sinclair, Str: Victoria Simmonds, Cox: Maddi Bullock, Cch: Cassie Noel, Lucy Grinter

6th Ascham 6 - Bow: Harriet Braid, 2: Georgie McPherson, 3: Alexandra Soloman, Str: Emily Parson, Cox: Bella Rofe, Cch: Emily Mobbs

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