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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2003 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.


2003 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
Year 10 Coxed Quad Scull Division 1









1st Roseville – Bow: Blessington, 2: Mathews, 3: Richards, Str: Wise, Cox: Norton

2nd CGGS – Bow: Tapp, 2: Kilby, 3: Foster, Str: Kajawa, Cox: Bain

3rd Pymble Ladies – Bow: Handley, 2: Keighran, 3: Damond, Str: Neal, Cox: Grunert

4th Loreto Kirribilli – Bow: Bleasel, 2: Tancred, 3: Carroll, Str: Grinter, Cox: Brownrigg

5th Loreto Normanhurst – Bow: Collier, 2: Slennett, 3: Cranney, Str: Maunder, Cox: Klarick

6th PLC Sydney – Bow: McKeever, 2: Whitehead, 3: Wickenden, Str: Stride, Cox: Griffith

7th SCEGGS Darlinghurst – Bow: Cook, 2: Leslie, 3: Brace, Str: Riordan, Cox: Sabella

8th Newcastle Grammar – Bow: Giles, 2: Burgess, 3: Armstrong, Str: Yates, Cox: Hicks

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