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History of Preston Rowing Club in Melbourne Victoria Australia

History of Preston Rowing Club

Chapter 6 - Appreciation of Services

No history of the dub would be complete without a reference to Arch. Freeman. After five years of secretaryship from 1924 to 1929, he has taken over the chair - at committee meetings, a most difficult job as any committeeman of a young and aggressive club will agree - and we hope he will remain with us for many years yet.

To the Preston City Council the clubowes its very existence, for without the aid the various councillors past and present have given us, we would not be in the fine position we hold today.

Our president, Mr. H. P. Zwar, has been interested in the club since its inception and has held the respect of the members always. He has had to adjudicate at some fiery meetings and by his fairness and keenness has helped the club out of many ticklish situations.

Mr. E. W. Rose, who was directly responsible for the founding of the club, has spent many years aiding the members to consolidate its position.

Mr. Frank Hannaford, our esteemed ex-treasurer, by his attention to detail has saved the club many pounds in cash, also by his foresight on various occasions has enabled the committee to avoid unnecessary trouble.

George Lewis, one of our first active members, by his interest and unselfishness, has endeared himself to the members. His attention to the club and its properties and the time he has put into teaching and coaching crews, also the various executive positions he has held, have held the club together through some trying periods.

To all past secretaries for the lime they have spent In club interests and their attention to detail we are deeply grateful.

Other members too numerous to mention must feel proud that their efforts also went towards the building of this club to its present position.

We hope that all past members will visit us occasionally and act as press agents for us by inducing new members to join if they live in the district.



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