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australian rowers profiles and history

John Moore

Bairnsdale Rowing Club (VIC)

PTE J. Moore 3181

Died of wounds/illness France 29 July 1916 aged 42 years

John Moore came to Bairnsdale as an electrical engineer with Richard Hornsby and Sons Limited who had won the contract for the supply of power for the electric Iight service in Bairnsdale. In 1912 he stayed on to maintain the installation. He became a valued member of the community being involved in the Presbyterian church and the rowing club. On 17 July 1915 while visiting in Melbourne he enlisted when he was 41 (though he claimed to be only 39) years of age with the 23rd Infantry Battalion quickly transferring to the 5th Pioneer Battalion. He arrived first in Egypt and then France before being wounded on 20 July and reported dangerously ill with suspected typhoid fever. He died at the 14th Stationary Hospital, Wimereaux just over a week later and was buried the same day.

From the East Gippsland Family History Group Inc 2015

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