Ian Krix
Lake Macquarie Rowing Club (NSW)
The following tribute was published on the Rowing NSW website on Friday 25th October 2019.
It is with sadness that we inform the rowing community of the passing of Ian Krix on Thursday 24 October.
Ian started rowing at Nepean Rowing Club in 1976 before taking a long hiatus before going to Lake Macquarie Rowing Club. Ian was a former President and long-term member of Lake Macquarie Rowing Club as well as a consistent and enthusiastic volunteer and active BRO with Central Districts Rowing Association.
In the words of the current president of LMRC, Robert Campbell
"Ian was a very active member of our club and without him and his team comprising the Building Committee, we would not have the facilities we now have and enjoy on the mezzanine level of our boat shed."
As a mark of respect, there will be a one-minute silence preceding Newcastle Grammar School Regatta this Saturday 26 October 2019.