1974 National Championships
Men's Championships,
Lake Wendouree, Ballarat VIC
1974 Men's National Championships Program Cover
This was the first combined Men's Interstate and National Championships at the Easter break. Heats and repechages for the Interstate Championships were conducted on Thursday 11th April and the finals Saturday. The heats and repechages for the National Championships were conducted on the Monday and the finals Tuesday.
PDF copies of the 1974 men's regatta program and the 1974 women's regatta program can be found through these links.
Full definition images from both the men's and women's championships can be found on the Australian Rowing Images website.
Index to Results:
Women's Championships,
Port River SA
1974 Women's Programme Cover
The Women's Championships were, as usual, separate from the Men's.
Index to Results:
Organising Committee and Officials
Men's Organising Committee: Robert Aitken (Chairman), J Barnett, J William Bradshaw, Norman W Cairnes, Robert B Duncan, John Morcom, Ralph O Murphy, Jack G Parr, Tom Rodda, P J Thompson, A T Trahar, Eric Waller, William J Waterfield, Ron Widgery, Noel F Wilkinson
Boat Race Officials for Men's Championships: Robert R Aitken (VIC), Don Baulderstone (SA), Phil A Cayzer (VIC), Peter M Cudmore (SA), Jack J Donald (VIC), Jim M Dowrie (QLD), Robert B Duncan (VIC), Spencer Grace (NSW), Jim L Hardie (VIC), Jim R Harvey (VIC), Sam Hobbs (NSW), A S Hay (TAS), Alec W McLeish (VIC), C Warwick Mahoney (VIC), William T Morrison (VIC), Ossie N Rosevear (NSW), E (Bill) C White (VIC), Noel F Wilkinson (VIC), C W (Bill) Winkworth (NSW).
Boat Race Officials for the Women's Championships: D Swan, Peter Cudmore, D Coldwell, J Ward, F Lodge, A Smithson, R Lawrence, K Coldwell, R Simpson, Dot Melville, Phil Mangelsdorf, D Bland
The scene at Snowden's Beach in Adelaide during the regatta
Presentation at the Men's Championships at Ballarat
Time: 7.01.5
Margins: 0.3 & 10.0 secs
First & final
1st Haberfield (NSW) - Bow: Paul Rowe, Str: Richard Reddell
2nd Lindisfarne (TAS) - Bow: Steve Spurling Str: Edward Hale
3rd Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Jeff Sykes, Str: David Ramage
4th Sydney (NSW) - Bow: Gordon Clubb, Str: Kim Mackney
5th Torrens/Adelaide University (SA) - Bow: Phil Mangelsdorf, Str: A Matson, Cch: Luigi Lippis
6th Mosman (NSW) - Bow: Norm Croker Str: John Vlasic, Cch: Eric Longley
Margins: 7.9 & 11.1 secs
1st NSW - Bow: Brian Weir, Str: Michael Crowley, Cch: Maurie Grace
2nd Sydney (NSW) - Bow: Richard Curtin, Str: Bryan Curtin, Cch: Alan Callaway
3rd Tasmania - Bow: P Ebsworth, Str: Wayne Newitt, Cch: Ray Trousselot
4th Banks (VIC) - Bow: Peter Cusworth, Str: Robert Cusworth, Cch: Ken Cusworth
5th Corio Bay/Mercantile (VIC) - Bow: Jeff Watt, Str: Richard Garrard
6th Adelaide/Adelaide University (SA) - Bow: Charles W Lott, Str: Matthew Marquis, Cchs: Willie Hay & Graham Coldwell
E1: 1st Banks, 2nd Tasmania, 3rd Toowong, 4th Victoria
E2: 1st Sydney, 2nd Corio Bay/Mercantile, 3rd Adelaide, 4th Joondalup, 5th Haberfield
E3: 1st NSW, 2nd Sydney University No 1, 3rd Haberfield No 1, 4th Melbourne University
R1: 1st Tasmania, 2nd Joondalup
R2: Corio Bay/Mercantile, 2nd Toowing, 3rd Melbourne University
Margins: 1.5 & 25.5 secs
1st Joondalup (WA) - Bow: Gary Ward, Str: Peter Shakespear, Cox: Brian Tonkin, Cch: Joe Saunders
2nd Sydney University (NSW) - Bow: Chris Shinners, Str: Tim Conrad, Cox: Joe Donnelly, Cch: Maurice Grace
3rd Melbourne University (VIC) - Bow: Richard Atkinson, Str: William (Bill) Magennis, Cox: M Elliott, Cch: William
4th Buckingham (TAS) - Bow: Michael Partridge, Str: Bryan Needham, Cox: Roger Viney, Cch: David Poulson
5th Haberfield (NSW) - Bow: Bruce Shields, Str: Alan de Belin, Cox: Mark Farrar, Cch: Owen Ruffels
6th Adelaide/Adelaide University - Bow: Charles W Lott, Str: Matthew S Marquis, Cox: Anthony Goldsworthy, Cchs: Willie
Hay & Graham Coldwell
E1: 1st Sydney University, 2nd Melbourne University, 3rd Buckingham, 4th Royal Shrewsbury School
E2: 1st Joondalup, 2nd Adelade/Adelaide University, 3rd Haberfield
R1: 1st Melbourne University, 2nd Haberfield, 3rd Royal Shrewsbury School
R2: 1st Buckingham, 2nd Adelaide/Adelaide University
Margin: 10.1
First & final
1st Joondalup No 1 (WA) - Bow: George Xouris, 2: Gavin Jenner, 3: Gary Dehring, Str: Laurie Anderson
2nd Sydney/Sydney University No 1 (NSW) - Bow: Gordon Clubb, 2: Kim Mackney, 3: Ian Plater, Str: Cameron Dalyell,
Cch: Michael Morgan
3rd Haberfield (NSW) - Bow: Lindsay Freeman, 2: Gene Mason, 3: Phil Wilkinson, Str: John Lee, Cch: Lance Robinson
4th Sydney/Sydney University (NSW) - David Roberts, 2: Robert Paver, 3: Anthony Brown, Str: Austin Curtin, Cch: Alan
5th Melbourne University - Bow: Dallas English, 2: Murray Ross, 3: Lachlan Payne, Str: Ian Farran, Cch: William Stokes
Finish of the Men's Coxless Four
Margin: 0.25 secs
1st Joondalup No 1 (WA) - Bow: Gary Dehring, 2: Gavin Jenner, 3: George Xouris, Str: Laurie Anderson, Cox: Philip Elliot, Cch: Joe Saunders
2nd Sydney University (NSW) - Eric O'Loughlin, 2: Stephen C Newnham, 3: Chris Shinners, Str: Tim G Conrad, Cox: Joe
I Donnelly, Cch: Maurie Grace
3rd Lindisfarne/Buckingham/Tamar (TAS) - Bow: Chris King, 2: S Chrose, 3: Paul Myler, Str: Adrian Marshall, Cox:
Frank Andrews, Cch: Ray Trousselot
4th Victoria - Bow: John Harry, 2: Bruno Romanin, 3: John Shanasy, Str: David Palfreyman, Cox: Robert England, Cch:
Hubert Frederico
5th New South Wales - Bow: Don Roberts, 2: Anthony Curtin, 3: Tony Brown, Str: Rod Paver, Cox: John Boultbee, Cch: Alan Callaway
6th Monash/Melbourne University - Bow: David Bishop, 2: Wil Liley, 3: Will Baillieu, Str: Kerry Jelbart, Cox: Victor
Ronai, Cch: Roger Moore
E1: 1st Joondalup No 1, 2nd Victoria, 3rd SA, 4th Toowong, 5th Power House
E2: 1st Lindisfarne Comp, 2nd Monash/MUBC, 3rd Perth & Collegians, 4th AUBC
E3: 1st NSW, 2nd SUBC, 3rd Joondalup No 2, 4th MUBC
R1: 1st Victoria, 2nd Joondalup No 2, 3rd AUBC, 4th Power House
R2: 1st Monash/MUBC, 2nd SA, 3rd MUBC
R3: 1st SUBC, 2nd Perth & Collegians, 3rd Toowong
Presentation of the Men's Coxed Four Trophies
President Alec McLeish congratulating Philip Elliot, a local schoolboy who assisted the visiting Western Australians as cox and won a National Championship
Margins: 1.9 & 4.6 secs
1st Corio Bay No 2 (VIC) - Jeff Sykes
2nd Derwent Mercantile (TAS) - N Walker
3rd UQBC No 2 (QLD) - Robert Bleakley
4th Drummoyne (NSW) - Graeme Wearne
5th Power House No 1 (VIC) - Neville Smith
6th UQBC No 1 (QLD) - M Taylor
E1: 1st UQBC No 1, 2nd Mosman, 3rd SUBC, 4th Corio Bay No 1, 5th MUBC, 6th Power House No 2
E2: 1st Corio Bay No 2, 2nd Derwent Mercantile, 3rd Drummoyne, 4th UQBC No 2, 5th Power House No 1, 6th Corio Bay No 3
R1: 1st Drummoyne, 2nd Power House No 1, 3rd Mosman, 4th Corio Bay No 1
R2: 1st Derwent Mercantile, 2nd UQBC No 2, 3rd SUBC, 4th MUBC, 5th Power House No 2
Margins: 7.6 & 3.2 secs
1st Torrens (SA) - Bow: Vaughan Bollen, Str: Robert Cooper, Cox: G Worth, Cch: Robert Russell
2nd Drummoyne (NSW) - Bow: Peter Stroud, Str: Mick McReynolds, Cox: Vern Bowrey, Cch: Richard (Dick) Tarlinton
3rd Leichhardt (NSW) - Bow: Ray Harwood, Str: Ross Ullo, Cox: Fred Pozar, cch: Mick Lowrey
4th University of Queensland (QLD) - Bow: Robert Doyle, Str: Bruce Smart, Cox: Donald Macgrath, Cch: Ray Bushell
5th Melbourne No 1 (VIC) - Bow: John Fitzgerald, Str: Ray Young, Cox: A Courtney, Cch: Harold H Yoffa
6th Footscray City (VIC) - Bow: Ross Hall, Str: Alan Chalmers, Cox: Ian Rycroft, Cch: Kevin Bourke
E1: 1st Torrens, 2nd UQBC, 3rd Drummoyne, 4th Hawthorn No1, 5th Wendouree Ballarat, 6th Melbourne No 2
E2: 1st Footscray City, 2nd Melbourne No 1, 3rd Leichhardt, 4th Barwon, 5th Powere House, 6th Hawthorn No 2
R1: 1st UQBC, 2nd Hawthorn No 1, 3rd UQBC, 4th Power House
R2: 1st Drummoyne, 2nd Melbourne No 1, 3rd Barwon, 4th Wendouree Ballarat, 5th Melbourne No 2
Time: 6.21.8
Margins: 8.3 & 0.3 secs
First & final
1st Mercantile (VIC) - Bow: Andrew Guerin, 2: Martin Owen, 3: Tony Spriggins, 4: Daryl Johns, 5: Ian Duthie, 6: Michael
Kerin, 7: Rod Stewart, Str: Glenn Robertson-Smith, Cox: Tim McCoy, Cch: John Burford
2nd Drummoyne (NSW) - Bow: Robert Jackson, 2: James (Jimmy) Dowds, 3: Robert O'Dell, 4: Les Donnelly, 5: Terry Thurtell,
6: Graeme Wearne, 7: Peter Stroud, Str: Michael McReynolds, Cox: John Leeming, Cch: Richard (Dick) Tarlinton
3rd Buckingham (TAS) - Bow: R Byne, 2: Bruce House, 3: Kevin Phillips, 4: K Lojek, 5: Simon Whishaw, 6: John Laskey,
7: Thomas (Tom) Otte, Str: M Fish, Cox: Cliff Anderson, Cch: David Poulson
4th Haberfield (NSW) - Bow: Peter McCallum, 2: Ian Morgan, 3: David Taylor, 4: Harry Barrell, 5: Greg Farrar, 6:
Ron McConville, 7: Colin Bullard, Str: Rick Godfrey, Cox: Scott Kelleher, Cch: Bert Harding
1974 Mercantile Rowing Club National Champion Lightweight Eight
The winning crew off the start
Margins: 1.3 & 1.4 secs
1st Wendouree/Ballarat (VIC) - Bow: William Rickard, 2: John Faulkner, 3: Rick Blanchford, Str: Andrew McKinley, Cox:
R Young, Cch: Bruce Sarah
2nd Glebe (NSW) - Bow:Graham Gardiner, 2: Peter Wagner, 3: Michael Kelly, Str: Steve Herd, Cox: Bruce McFarlane,
Cch: Reg Stride
3rd Power House (VIC) - Bow: P Allen, 2: John Cumper, 3: B Chapman, Str: B Smith, Cox: unknown, Cch: A Morley-Fletcher
4th Melbourne University No 1 (VIC) - Bow: I Cochran, 2: J Urie, 3: J Reid, Str: K Richardson, Cox: Noel Donaldson,
Cch: William Stokes
5th Monash University (VIC) - Bow: Stephen Mollard, 2: Mike Manley, 3: David Worthley, Str: Tim Marshall, Cox: David
Elam, Cch: John McKean
6th Haberfield No 1 (NSW) - Bow: Leif Schoor, 2: Peter Scarlett, 3: Peter Havrlant, Str: Mark Doran, Cox: Mark Denton,
Cch: Lindsay Freeman
E1: 1st Monash, 2: Hawthorn, 3rd Torrens Comp, 4th Sydney, 5th MUBC No 3
E2: 1st Power House, 2: Wendouree/Ball, 3: Glebe, 4th Haberfield No 1, 5th SUBC
E3: 1st MUBC No 1, 2: Uni WA, 3rd Haberfield No 2, 4th Reeconiain, 5th Toowong
R1: 1st Haberfield No 1, 2nd Hawthorn, 3rd Haberfield No 2, 4th SUBC
R2: 1st Wendouree/Ballarat, 2: Torrens Comp, 3: Toowong, 4th Reeconian
R3: 1st Glebe, Sydney, MUBC No 2, Uni WA, Toowong
Margins: 0.4 & 4.4 secs
1st: Mercantile (VIC) - Bow: Tim Horkings, 2: Simon Butler, 3: Peter Richter, 4: David Parton, 5: Alex Sloan, 6: Terry
Cremean, 7: Steve Shirrefs, Str: Stephen Webster, Cox: Adrian Maginn, Cch: Phil Cayzer
2nd Reeconian (TAS) - Bow: Ian Jordan, 2: M McCarthy, 3: A Dolbey, 4: Kerry Bligh, 5: D McCarthy, 6: B Moss, 7: P
Stone, Str: J Murphy, Cox: C Higgs, Cch: James Turner
3rd Barwon (VIC) - Bow: Alan Hart, 2: Chris Warby, 3: Kevin Chandley, 4: Andrew Darby, 5: Gary Giles, 6: Lavro Ljubanovic,
7: James Murray, Str: Phillip Armitage, Cox: Geoff Hunter, Cch: Len Gladman
4th Drummoyne (NSW) - Bow: William (Billy) Jackson, 2: James (Jimmy) Bowds, 3: John Bailey, 4: Colin McCarthy, 5:
Jeff W Andrews, 6: James R Andrews, 7: Les Donnelly, Str: Terry Thurtell, Cox: John Leeming, Cch Frank Male
5th Nepean (NSW) - Bow: Christopher Young, 2: Garry Rybak, 3: Alexander Rybak, 4: Richard Stewart, 5: Stephen Foote,
6: Michael Boyden, 7: Daryl Brewer, Str: Gary Fisher, Cox: Matthew Kenny, Cch: Neville Bowe
6th Glenorchy (TAS) - Bow: G Burdon, 2: M Canning, 3: G Roberts, 4: D Wood, 5: S Burden, 6: N Hunter, 7: G Eugster,
Str: N Trousselot, Cox: A Ingles, Cch: I Moy
E1: 1st Drummoyne, 2: Glenorchy, 3: Haberfeild
E2: 1st Mercantile, 2: Reeconian, 3: Nepean, 4th Barwon, 5th Tamar/Sandy Bay
R1: 1st: Nepean, Tamas/Sandy Bay, Glenorchy
R2: 1st Reeconian, 2: Barwon, 3: Haberfield
1974 National Champions Men's Junior Eight from Mercantile
Margins: 5.5 & 4.7 secs
1st Newington College (NSW) - Bow:Peter Chidgey, 2: Peter Hermann, 3: Stephen Handley, Str: Simon Wiadrowski, Cox: Robert
Hadley, Cch: Michael Morgan
2nd South Grafton High School (NSW) - Bow: Jon Wilson, 2: Colin Firth, 3: Robert Heather, Str: Steven McLennan, Cox:
Graeme Green, Cch: Robert Clarke
3rd King's School (NSW) - Bow: Kenneth Rikard-Bell, 2; Phillip Anthony Paver, 3: Ian C Paver, Str: Richard K Gault,
Cox: Peter L N Crewes, Cch: Ian G Edwards
4th Ballarat High School (VIC) - Bow: Rodney Page, 2: Richard Crispin, 3: David Allen, Str: Gary Gullock, Cox: Ian
Tippett, Cch: John Morcom
5th Ballarat College (VIC) - Bow: Andrew Millar, 2: William Wilson, 3: Colin Gursansky, Str: Stephen Ritchie, Cox:
Peter Loney, Cchs: Frank Ritchie & John Irwin
6th Ballarat Grammar School (VIC) - Bow: Peter Martin, 2: Peter Hooke, 3: Peter Fulton, Str: Martin R H Hunt, Cox:
W J S "Henry" Winkler, Cch: Peter G Titheridge
E1: 1st Newington, 2nd Kings, 3rd Ballarat High No 1, 4th Reece High, 5th Watson
E2: 1st South Grafton, 2nd Ballarat College, 3rd Ballarat Grammar, 4th Ballarat High No 2
R1: 1st Kings, 2nd Ballarat Grammar, 3rd Reece High
R2: 1st Ballarat College, 2nd Ballarat High No 1, 3rd Ballarat High No 2, 4th Watson High
Margins: 4.0 & 0.01 secs
1st Melbourne Grammar School (VIC) - Bow: Andrew R Rigby, 2: Eliot D Jarman, 3: Peter L Hanlon, 4: Andrew M Cannon, 5:
Jonathon C Amor, 6: Andrew J M Withers, 7: Cameron J Greig, Str: Dougal B Ferguson, Cox: Jeof H Fethers, Cch: Anthony J Smith
2nd St Ignatius College (NSW) - Bow: R I Larbalestier, 2: A H Curtin, 3: D J Stenmark, 4: D A Hegarty, 5: M J Shillington,
6: S P Curtin, 7: G J Lemon, Str: J S Flannery, Cox: T P Christian, Cch: A C T Joris
3rd Scotch College (VIC) - Bow: Anthony Orr, 2: Lindsay Fraser, 3: Ewen S Kilpatrick, 4: David LeLievre, 5: Craig
G B Cooper, 6: George T Low, 7: Ian J Porter, Str: David A K Mitchell, Cox: Martin J Aitken, Cch: Donald R T McMillan
4th Geelong Grammar School (VIC) - Bow: Rod G Stevens, 2: Antony D Robinson, 3: Robert I Craig, 4: H James M Lowe,
5: Robert C F Horton, 6: Tim J Young, 7: Christopher D Gadsen, Str: David I S Kemp, Cox: Hugh Mestitz, Cch: Frank C Coville
5th Geelong College (VIC) - Bow: Ian Hope-Johnstone, 2: John McKenzie, 3: Neil Myers, 4: Stephen Ware, 5: Andrew
Cassidy, 6: Andrew Holt, 7: Paul Duff, Str: Ian Steele, Cox: Ian Johnston, Cch: David Ramage
6th Newington College (NSW) - Bow: Andrew Nott, 2: Geoffrey Brown, 3: Clive Todd, 4: Benn Gray, 5: Stephen Handley,
6: Mark Hermann, 7: Peter Chidgey, Str: Simon Wiadrowski, Cox: Robert Hadley, Cch: Michael D Morgan
The Shrewsbury School: Bow: Bow: D Parkinson, 2: S Clegg, 3: D Kerr, 4: C Blackham, 5: A Sayer, 6: D Watkins, 7: J Moulsdale, Str: J Hanna, Cox: T Turnbull, Cch: Nick Bevan, Emergs: R Gray & P Alun-Jones
E1: 1st Geelong Grammar, 2nd Kings, 3rd Brisbane, 4th Bundaberg, 5th Melbourne High
E2: 1st Melbourne Grammar, 2nd Newington, 3rd Scotch College, 4th Royal Shrewsbury, 5th Christian Brothers
E3: 1st Scotch College (VIC), 2nd Geelong College, 3rd St Ignatius, 4th St Peters, 5th Scotch College (TAS)
R1: 1st St Ignatious, 2nd Royal Shrewsbury, 3rd Kings College, 4th Christrian Brothers
R2: Newington, 2nd Scotch College (TAS), 3rd St Peters
R3: 1st Geelong College, 2nd, Bundaberg High, 3rd Scotch College, 4th Melbourne High
Melbourne Grammar receive their National trophies
1st YWCA/Mosman (NSW) - Bow: Robyn Pull, Str: Lynette Skelton, Cch: Frank Gardiner
2nd YWCA (VIC) - Bow: Fay Atkinson, Str: Maree Cox
This race commenced at this regatta.
1st Sydney - Bow: Lydia Miladinovic, Str: Evelyn Adams
2nd Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Jan Hyne, Str: Nola Bateman
3rd Port Adelaide (SA)
Margin 0.5 length
1st Nestles - Bow: Megan Tonkin, 2: Pat Oddie, 3: Kath Finlay, Str: Gail Johnstone, Cox: Diane Edge, Cch: Roy Scrutcheon
2nd YWCA Melbourne/Essendon - Bow: Val Bertrand, 2: Wendy John, 3: Viv Roe, Str: Connie Van Vugt, Cox: Jan Coxhead
Margin: 12 lengths
1st Tweed Heads & Coolangatta (QLD) - Shirley Graham, Cch: Roy C (Chic) Graham
2nd Mosman (NSW) - Lynette Skelton, Cch: Frank Gardiner
3rd Lakeside (SA) - Elaine Guterres
1st YWCA Melbourne - Bow: Connie Van Vugt, Str: Carmel Hynes
1st Nestles B - B Mattson, Cch: Roy Scrutcheon
2nd Nestles A - Susan Cresswell, Cch: F Toohey
3rd Sydney B - Karen Law, Cch: Howard Croker
Time: 2.14.0
Margin: 3 feet & 0.5 length
Distance: 500m
1st Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Jan Hyne, Str: Nola Bateman, Cox: Angela Podbury, Cch: Robert (Bob) C Morell
2nd Port Adelaide (SA) - Bow: M Wajwoda, Str: T Brown, Cox: A C Davis, Energ: G McMaster, Cch: A C Davis
3rd Tailem Bend (SA) - Bow: J Fairbrother, Str: R Corner, Cox: C McLoughlin, Cch: J Corner
Margin: 1 1/4 lengths
1st Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Jan Hyne, 2: Nola Bateman, 3: Leisa Paterson, Str: Mary Renouf, Cox: Angela Podbury, Cch: Robert
(Bob) C Morell
2nd University of Western Australia (WA) - Bow: J Modra, 2: G Bennetts, 3: J Cargill, Str: G Brearley, Cox:
Terry Scook, Cch: Terry Scook
3rd Sydney Womens (NSW) -
Bod Morell instructing his Corio Bay crew prior to their race
The Corio Bay crew depart for their race
1st Essendon (VIC) - Bow: A Kettle, 2: N Kirby, 3: G Hunter, Str: S Forshaw, Cox: A Biggs, Cch: C Carmichael
2nd Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Jan Hyne, 2: Nola Bateman, 3: Leisa Paterson, Str: Mary Renouf, Cox: Angela Podbury, Cch:
Bob Morell
The winning Essendon crew